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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
AMAZING bro!! :canabis: I have been tryin to hunt down a clone of that Razz for some time now lol. Great herb... and looks absolutely beautiful in your garden... Gotta love the Cali sun... heh :smoker:


Active member
Nice bro, excellent update...i love puffing in another part of the house...go do some errands then check the lingering stench a little later :D

What's the genetics of the ClueBerry? she looks like she's got some DJ genes in her...resin coverage/purpling undersides

edit: i guess i meant the BerryWhite not the clueberry...you are labeling them underneath the pic???

K. That's what I though u must have been talking about. Berry White is keeper pheno (recently on the scene) of paradise seeds' White Berry. I believe it s a White ???? x Blueberry. It would seem likely that the BB of which they speak is DJs for the very reasons you bring up.

The ClueBerry is of unknown origin. It came marked as "Blueberry" but is not DJ's or True. I have two theories. One is that its a wannabe Blue Dream...one of the BBxHaze seed varieties out there. I am running her next to the real BD and they are almost identical in every way...except a rub and smell of the stem produces a completely different smell. Bud development is slightly, but only very slightly different as well. Having grown the Clueberry out in teh black box and having smoked the real BD, I can tell you that they are not the same. I am keeping a close eye to see in what ways they diverge from the resemblance.

The second theory is that its just a keeper from some random "Blueberry" seed... I mean... How many different commercial seed companies out there have something called Blueberry? Could be any of them.


Active member
AMAZING bro!! :canabis: I have been tryin to hunt down a clone of that Razz for some time now lol. Great herb... and looks absolutely beautiful in your garden... Gotta love the Cali sun... heh :smoker:

Thanks, Spo. I didn't take clones of that Razzberry because she has been such a total mutant the whole time she has been out there. She tried to flower the first week in June... so I did this to her:


That, along with a hit of Naptholene Acetic Acid and Indole Butyric Acid (rooting hormones) and 9-0-0 foliars for a couple of days and she started to reveg. Sometime in July she did it again and I brought her back again...this time with just the 9-0-0... every root feed would get doubled up with a foliar... Honestly, I came very close to replacing her a number of times.

What do you know about this clone? Seems like she'll yield nicely and the frigging aromas she puts off are really from another planet. I keep expecting that giant walking pitcher of punch to crash thru my fence into the garden. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBeUGqeYsQg


Anyhow... we did a little experiment, using my favorite means of judging the smell of an herb... Basically, one person smokes a bongload in a virgin room- where no herb has been smoked in a while- and the other person waits elsewhere until the room is properly fumed. Each herb is puffed in a new virgin room.

...i love puffing in another part of the house...go do some errands then check the lingering stench a little later :D

Glad I'm not alone. Love how nomaad has the technique refined down to a science.


Active member
Demian... gracias por venir... debes estar poniendose en marcha para sembrar, no?

Hey Shangri-la... That's the technique man... its based on the whole "Holy Shit... what the fuck are you guys smoking in here?!!" experience that we have all been thru. Thanks for stopping by.

Have you ever heard anybody mention DJ's genetics being a possible part of the goo? There are plenty of visual similarities.


Active member
interesting. it would make sense. anybody care to corroborate? That is the first time I have heard that... but it does make sense. Until we figured out it was the goo, no fewer than 10 people swore that it had to have some DJS in it.

Hash Man

um ive never heard that about the goo... hasnt it been around since like ... the 70's....

anyways, sick lighting outside ... my dc x goo did this ... i topped her hard and she went back into veg... course... i nvr thought to foliar with lots of nitrogen.. you seem to have lots of good knowledge on manipulating a plant.... you doing anything special for the upcoming rain on mon?


That Clueberry plant actually looks a lot like my Blue Dream. Your girls are looking great.


Active member
30% chance, huh? i mean... i guess i could go crazy trying to build some kind of greenhouse or greenhouses for individual plants...

30%... hmmmm. Dunno.


Active member
That Clueberry plant actually looks a lot like my Blue Dream. Your girls are looking great.

ClueBerry loooks EXACTLY like Blue Dream in every way... but its not. Its dank as fuck, but it is not the clone-only Blue Dream. I have them growing right next to each other...

Hash Man

i went nuts just now with 7 foot deer fence and stakes.... for 30%.... will be working all day tmmrw and the next day... i guess it has to happen sooner or later... anyone have any experience using reemay as a rain buffer....?

Hash Man

its a fabric that serves as either a milch layer or a shade cloth... it also supposedly can handle LIGHT rains and help keep moisture off of head colas... im not sure how iim gonna do it, but i already have a massive piece ghat could cover my whole yard or could be cut to protect individual plants... i want my stuff to be like indoor, so im feelinf pretty vunlerable now.... im going to protect my fast flowerers i think... with the reemay... but im gonna just fence all the og in real well and let the rain hit it...


Active member
If I do anything I am going to put in a 15 ft post at either end of the garden with guy wires... I'll tension a cable between them and use that as the ridge and just use a large piece of clear 6mil plastic.

the question is... am I going to do anything?


Remay is not the best rain protection. I used to grow in hoops made of 3/4inch pvc on rebar stakes with agribon remay cover. The humidity really builds up in the hoops even with the ends open. And the water just drips from the remay on to your buds. My advice is make the pvc hoops over your plants but just use clear plastic sheeting. Leave the ends of the hoops open and if you have power at your scene, set up fans on the ends of the hoops. Remove the plastic as soon as the sun comes out or humidity city. Remay is great in the spring to keep day and nighttime temps up and I will go back to using it next spring through early summer.


I also wanted to mention that I have been growing Hindu Kush Blueberry crosses for years. My best ones are HK/BBxGrapefruit/Purple and HK/BBxGrapefruit/BlackBerry. The original HK/BB I had was a small tightly branched thick plant but now with the Grapefruit it is much more sativa dominant, though it is an early finisher. It is one of my best seed strains and I always thought that if I got in the seed game that it would be my big winner. My friends don't like my plants because the names on the plant tags are so long. HK/BBxGF/P HK/BBxGf/BKB


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Wow the frost the frost the frost... I really like the razzberry she looks devastating.. Grat menu of puffs to choose from.. THe clueberry also sounds delishus, Great work peace.


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