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Lemelemeleme Upgrade, A story of young ladies sharing a room


Bush Doctor
I always kept them on a drying rack or dryed them on cardboard or with a fan on them while the buds hang by a string. They have never molded on me for being dense, and I live in a place that has at least 50% or higher RH in the summer.


I love my life
Just spend the day catching up on the rest of the thread... what a good read bro. The photos and documentation in this tread is top shelf in its delivery. I look forward to reading some of those other members journals you listed.

With the PK being so dense what is everyone perfect drying environment? I am getting pretty close to harvest and not sure about exact drying temps/humidity with dense nugs like the PK. Anyone care to give me some tips... I plan to use a trim reaper to trim the buds. I just can't do this by hand and really wanted to keep the trim job between me and a close friend. Hope the trim reaper doesn't let me down.

I like to clip off all the fan leaves and hang them whole in a closet with a fan for a week then cut the buds off and place them on the rack for a final dry.

Your room looks way too big for this approach. I think you are going to need to use a machine and then let the ladies dry on a rack in a closet with a fan.

70 - 75 with 40% - 55%rh and wait for a week or two ;)



I like to clip off all the fan leaves and hang them whole in a closet with a fan for a week then cut the buds off and place them on the rack for a final dry.

Your room looks way too big for this approach. I think you are going to need to use a machine and then let the ladies dry on a rack in a closet with a fan.

70 - 75 with 40% - 55%rh and wait for a week or two ;)


Yeah I had similar success and I must admit I also cheated with the reaper and liked it. I hand chop 50-75% of the primo buds and the other dense lowers go thru the reaper. I pull in the morning trim all day then stack the lvpk in drying racks. AC set to 72 degrees and dehumidifer set at 45%. Let em hang out in the dark room on racks for 4-5 days then they go into turkey bags for 4-5 days and aired out a couple times per day. Then finally into glass jars and monitored for the first week to make sure they are properly dried and (feels like sticky spongy bubble gum) and then they sit curing for the next several months (head stash that is). Then you puff on some real dank after a proper dry/cure. Makes me feel like twisting up some right now, been curing for 75 days should be sweeeeet! ;)

Note in my experience I dont like floor or circulating fan on in drying room. I find this drys out precious herb to quickly and forever hindering the flavor that could have been. If AC and dehumidifier are on point you will have NO WORRIES.


Weed Robot
i guess we all use RH 45-50% when using a trimmer and racks i set ac to 65-68f with one fan blowing at the wall circulating the air.after feels dry i then black garbage bag the buds and put it in front of high temps 80-90f close to a heater but not that close and the buds swets then i place them on the racks again and let dry for few hours then back in the bag for more high it swets some more and back to the racks they dry some more and i bag em and they are left at room temp for a few days i keep burping checking on them twice a day for 3 days and my process is finnish and its time to consume
Nice ladies!

Nice ladies!

Ask and ye shall receive

SuperScrog (Droopy is in the background, don't be fooled).



Lovely looking plants you have going man. Been checking out your thread and there sure is a lot of it to read!!

Really impressed with your room and set-up. How many grows have you been able to pull off since you finished your new room up? It looked like you finished it up in the first couple of posts in this thread, which looked like 2009.

Only reason I'm asking is I'm wondering if you increase your pull each time as you get to know your new set-up?

I just re-designed my room, and am about 1/2 way through my first flower in it.

Great grow!


I love my life
Lovely looking plants you have going man. Been checking out your thread and there sure is a lot of it to read!!

Really impressed with your room and set-up. How many grows have you been able to pull off since you finished your new room up? It looked like you finished it up in the first couple of posts in this thread, which looked like 2009.

Only reason I'm asking is I'm wondering if you increase your pull each time as you get to know your new set-up?

I just re-designed my room, and am about 1/2 way through my first flower in it.

Great grow!

I guess there have been quite a few plants come out of the rooms over the last year or so.

The goal and intent is to improve yield and quality each time; however most of this last year was spend experimenting and my yields suffered because of it.

The bright spot is the last two that came out were 25oz total, not back to a lb a plant but getting there.

Hoping to be back to 1lb per this month and keep with that.

Upgrading can be addictive, try to make sure that you take it slow and your babies get bigger each time. You'll be very happy when your smoking your own ladies and watching them get better each time.



love machine
ICMag Donor
Hey looks its page 100' :D

Ladies keep on looking better and better brother! You;'re well on your way to recover that 1lb + per ;) as well!



Active member
Nice work Hydrosun! You have been one of my inspirations to grow in water. Tried the venturi yet?


Active member
What a great thread. Definitely bookmarking to come back and take a gander when I have more time. :tiphat: if I could I'd +rep ya, have to wait for tomorrow


life gardener
hola hydrosun!:tiphat: nice plants as always!
im close to made some small trees.. thanks again bro,
for all that help you gived me until now!



Looking good mate! Seeing the size of the ladies you grow inspired me to veg quite a bit longer....hoping to see some yield increases on my end...

Ill have a log coming soon...

keep up the awesome thread man...hoping to keep seeing those pics coming...they always make me excited and want to go play with my little get-up and ladies...always inspiring..



I love my life
Hey looks its page 100' :D

Ladies keep on looking better and better brother! You;'re well on your way to recover that 1lb + per ;) as well!


The Apprentice has them there now not really shattering any records but the big ladies can get 2lb per hood. He really has the plants looking great, some of the densest PK I've ever seen.

Nice work Hydrosun! You have been one of my inspirations to grow in water. Tried the venturi yet?

Cyat, I've thought about the Venturi with Brutes. My set back was bacteria / heat related. I think a large BRUTE size res that gets contaminated with bacteria that cause ROT is way worse than the 5 gal buckets, for the simple reason that your infected area is better contained and more easily treated. I hope you never suffer such learning experiences; but when you do take them for what they are extremely valuable opportunities to learn and over come a problem.

What a great thread. Definitely bookmarking to come back and take a gander when I have more time. :tiphat: if I could I'd +rep ya, have to wait for tomorrow

100 pages and at least a few good thoughts. Hope your garden is rocking it.

hola hydrosun!:tiphat: nice plants as always!
im close to made some small trees.. thanks again bro,
for all that help you gived me until now!


Thank you I hope your stash box gets replenished soon and the SLH should have you set, they look nice.

Looking good mate! Seeing the size of the ladies you grow inspired me to veg quite a bit longer....hoping to see some yield increases on my end...

Ill have a log coming soon...

keep up the awesome thread man...hoping to keep seeing those pics coming...they always make me excited and want to go play with my little get-up and ladies...always inspiring..


Getting them really big is the way to go if you have the over head space, if not training them to a screen is really useful for boosting yield.

Just loaded a bunch of pages I missed out on - catch up time tonight. I'll be back. :yes:

Well this place is really dialed but the total number of plants has been reduced greatly to about 8 in flower at a time, two per hood and Upgrade only for now.






So winter is almost upon us, these are some of the last of the fall colors.



I love my life
You see how there are a bunch of new white hairs still popping out everywhere when she is happy she just keeps packing on the weight!



Well-known member
Yes I do
I have mine at 90 ppm and no white hairs. Kinda sucks for me because I know what she can do. I still have a test run growing with only DM gold with no boosters. She hasent topped 750 ppm even and shes real happy so far.
Good shit HS


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
aprentice came along way bro i remember u wantin to kill him months back he def strepped his game up. great plants brotha myne r comin down in a few wks. just startin to purp up.


Weed Robot
Apprentice is no body without HS his master is HS and his teachings have brong him to where he stands so sorry apprentice cant realy hand it to you..i know where i come from so the props go to the teachers not those who take learn copy and make without given respect.HS you have taught well much respect

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