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Lemelemeleme Upgrade, A story of young ladies sharing a room

Kanye WeED

Active member
I was right and wrong. That little branch dried out to be a quarter ounce, but it went through the bongs yesterday during football as I predicted.


SSA: Simplegreen is great and one gal give a good amount of cleaning. I drop all my glass bowls, down stems, and pipes in it and let them soak (kind of like a barber and his combs in the blue liquid). Your systems sounds good too, but SG is great for lazy stoner's who want glass spotless with almost no effort.

Day 56 for the upgrade room tomorrow! I can't wait to post those 8 week flower pix!

Peace, :joint:

nice 2 bud quarter, thats how u know u tha shit man, but yea its nice to hear it too, huh!!


I love my life
8 Long Weeks for 2 Pretty Austrailian Ladies

8 Long Weeks for 2 Pretty Austrailian Ladies

It is week 8 and Aussie Blues looks like she should be in a magazine. Her smell is amazing and the little nugs smoked amazingly smooth for a quick dry, 2.6grm for those who are into that type of stuff. Oh yeah, the Apprentice told me I better get 24oz per Aussie Blue, so that will be three pounds from two plants. It is a big goal, but he has grown some big ladies from down under :yoinks:



I hope you enjoy these southern beauties. The Purple Kush are worthy of their own post :D

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
When is the Purple supposed to show?

When is the Purple supposed to show?

My Purple Kush are looking better than ever, the nugs are fatter than I have ever seen on this strain. This will be a really nice run in the 5 gal buckets. Next run will be 8 PK in 8gal buckets, then we'll really see what this strain and these lights can do :woohoo:



GTNB: Your home built table looks sweet, I can't wait to see the goodness grow!

L-Immortal: Still working out the kinks, but so far so good with the resin production :yoinks:

LVMc: I think HashZep is more excited than you!

BG: I can't wait to see your ladies blossom, I'll update the Dungeon in a few days when the girls turn 21!

Peace, :joint:


L-Immortal: Still working out the kinks, but so far so good with the resin production :yoinks:


Kinks you say? What did you have issues with on setup?

Couple issues I ran into…

1) forgot to hit a few connections with plumbers tape return pump and base inlet coming into epicenter (this was a bitch since units were full but solved none the less)

2) Room has about a 6 inch drop-off over about 10 feet so I cut up about 30 2x2 sheets of plywood and leveled the units. I tell you one thing those seals at base of buckets are “Bad Motherfuckers”


Well-known member
Alls I can say is that looks to be one kick ass grow man nice job. Do them PKs turn purple at the end they sure look tasty. I want reach in and pinch a top off for a sample.


I love my life
Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Well Wednesday is an off day in the Hydrosun empire because Tuesday closes out the week for the upgrade room and the Dungeon ladies turn 21 today on Thursday. So what is one to do for their journal on a Wednesday? The answer was to create some amazing ICmag inspired brownies. I really enjoy smoking weed, but I don't like weed taste in my edibles. I think I have solved this problem. I REALLY want others thoughts on this method.

I made Whiskey Pecan Brownies. I started by crock potting 1lb of butter on low. I added 2 - 3 shots of whiskey and a table spoon of REAL vanilla [not pictured] (the slow melt evaporates some of the moisture from the butter so the whiskey and vanilla replace that as well as flavor the butter).

After slow melting the butter for four hours I strained it through my 190Mu bubble bag screen.

As you can see I used 40grms of fine ground little buds. My thought here is there are 2 cups of butter in 1lb. or 1/2 cup per stick. The brownie recipe calls for 1/3rd of a cup of butter so 6.67 grams per pan. You can see all the green that the bag filtered out! I used to eat that in my brownies and even though they were really good, they had a strong weed taste.

I must report personal success and happiness there is a hint of whiskey on the pecans, but NO hint of weed bonded to the butter or Jack Daniels! Also Spaghetti Pot was very helpful with project Simple Green, so he insisted in mixing up all six batches of brownies at once :yoinks:

Questions answered and an update of the Dungeon and the UC later today.

Peace, :joint:


I love my life
21 Days in the Dungeon

21 Days in the Dungeon

Well the Aussie Blues, AFPK, Sensi Skunk, Skunk 1a, Purple Kush, and Black Berry Bubba are doing well. It is really an jungle in there, I'm happy with all the strains.

And a nice looking Sensi Skunk


And I love the Purple Kush, bud shots of the other flavors next week


L-Immortal: I had to redo the pump into the res chiller once and I placed a piece of hardibacker under my epicenter because it was a littler lower than the end of the run, but my track home is a lot closer to level than what you described.

Also I ran the Dungeon way too low on the PPMs and and the plants ate all the nutes. They dropped the soup to 170PPMs with 5.0Ph :yoinks:

I thought those brownies would have gotten at least one comment, what you stoners doing today?

Peace, :joint:


Thats WTF Im talkin about that room looks amazing. Ya one hardiboard shim is alot better than what I needed. Also got some info for the CC. I was contemplating how to dilute nutes and such without burnin roots and or shocking girls with just dumping nutes into epicenter. I spoke with the expert and got the following feedback...

I explain what we call the "Day Dripper" method. Basically pre dilute total mils of nutrient concentrate into 5 gallons of water. Next slowly let drain into epicenter over roughly 1/2 hr+/- until entire volume is emptied into epicenter. 5 gallon bucket with 1/2" drain valve will allow you to slow down nutrient introduction to desired gravity flow. This method works great.


I love my life
I just mix my nutes and pump them into the 48gal half cylinder holding tank, which fills the UC on the float valve. Every few days pump another 40gals into the tank and life is beautiful. I've been gravity flowing from 40gal res into a float valve controlled epicenter (or 5 gal bucket) for 5 years now. I just went WAY TOO LOW on the nutes in the beginning, this is a dress rehearsal after all. By the time I get one strain to the UC my game will be almost worthy of the UC's potential.

Peace, :joint:


Ya my dillema is that im at 100+ gallons per system. Space is also limited rez wise so I got a 100 gallon per unit but ideally I would need a industrial sized unit say 200 gallon and split it to 2 units via the float valve. I can dream for now right:bigeye:

Now this is what I’m talkin bout, 220 gallons that would be filled with my magical elixir. Coming soon :woohoo:


Kanye WeED

Active member
hey hydro the grows still looking great man

i dont think u ever mentioned how many watts ur lights are tho, im guessing 1000 watt by the size of ur colas but itd be nice to hear u say 600, cause thats what i use and knowing i could grow buds like that with my lights would be the shit

do u think if i had some of that aussie shit u got i could grow buds that big with a 600 watter?

thanks man keep up the good growing

wow 3 pounds from 3 plants huh, lol thats ridiculous


I love my life
Thanks for checking in guys.

L-Immortal: I have nine 5 gallon Sparkletts jugs and a 44 gallon Brute. I have a float valve on the top of the Brute (with the lid closed) and a spout and valve at the bottom of the Brute. With this system I always have 85 gallons or so on hand and that is enough to switch out the contents of any of my UCs. My 200 gal per days system kicks ass. The picture you put up looks great. I would prime and paint the shit out of that tank and elevate it so I could easily fill my 5gal bottles for moving water. I get good exercise moving 40+ pounds upstairs with each jug.

KW: I am running 1000w USHIO bulbs driven by Lumatek Digital ballasts on "Super Lumen" so they are supposed to be burning like 1.1Kw. Keep following BG's and other threads like that and your nugs will be huge. I would drop the lights to within 2" of the canopy with 600w and have fans blowing. I have plants grow into the side of the hood glass and not burn. Before my recent upgrade I had 750w Lumateks driving 1000w Ushio bulbs. Before that upgrade I ran 4 600w magnetic ballasts. I was able to get more than 1lb per hood but never made it to 1.5lbs, but I never ran more than 6 plants under 4 hoods.

BG: Your run is looking REALLY NICE! I've found that a single layer of 7" trellis netting isn't enough. I double wrapped it for the Aussie Blue screen, and switched to metal fencing for the Dungeon.

LVMc: The brownies are amazing! I cooked 6 pans and am going to cut into pan 4 this morning as pans 1,2,3 have gone on to serve their HIGHER purpose. Strange thing when I eat a brownie or two through out the day I smoke less.

I hope everyone's garden is looking green and huge.

Peace, :joint: