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Leighs 6Kw DIY project...the here and now, but certain to change


New member
Yessir......I remember yas....It`s funny cuz you were a "brain surgeon and rocket scientist cross".....A good hybrid ...LOL...

Welcome my buddy......anything I can do ta help , just holler....and yeah....

It`s more like conversation to my boyz than just typin......at least it`s always been that way fer me.....

Yer shit looks pretty tight Bro.......We just needta tweak and dial a lil bit.......you`ll get there......guaranteed.....and....

Pull tha trigger.....

'Rocket Surgeon'...more of a blonde joke than anything:biglaugh:

Thx for the welcome and the kind offer DHF.

Just off the top of your head...what are ya feelin' for this space?
7.5x23', just under 7 high actually (not the 7.5 in my first post)...6Kw, maybe another K or two depending on veg needs...which can be in a separate 9x13' room.

My cuts only come in jiffies and are pre-planted in in peat in those individualized liners that fit 36 to a 10x20" tray. So they don't fit a 2" netpot for example...but transfer into a 3"+ RW cube or 3.5" netpots with hydroton nicely for a hydro run.
I was thinkin' of lining the room walls with 4" pvc pipes and running it RSWC like Heaths octagon but a huge rectangle like his dual 600w....plant count in the 4-500 range....


New member
This is how my cuts come....and I have to vegg'em under flouros for a week or two to get the roots to this stage...but they're definitely ready to rock at that point



New member
Here's how well that^ rootball fits into a 3.5" netpot with small hydroton.
Those plants are just some last remaining Fire Hydrant from Dr.GreenThumbs, which I never ordered...but somehow made into the mix in place of the Millennium Bud.
Gonna thro these into a couple 4" pvc tubes for a test run.



New member
Oh, the reason that's the last of'em^...it's at least a 9wk strain...I don't do 9weekers...my attention span isn't that long:gaga:


New member
e-loco...Thx and feel free to ask anything if you want/need some clarity.

250wscrogger....Thx for the input, much appreciated. About the most I could effectively fit with 6" pots in a flat garden here is 8/9 x 41/42(328-378) if the lights are run in a single row along the length.

My current yield is 18gr a plant with this Purple Kush I have...6" peat...2wks veg under bloom wattage and 7wks flower(and old bulbs)....9wks taking up the bloom room....1.07lbs a light(1Kw...flat garden, umbrella reflectors)
And that's running it 6x32...


New member
turbo...cjk....glad to have you aboard!
You like that turbo? That's just 3/4" steel electrical conduit at $8 per 10' piece chopped down and slipped into a hole in two 2x4's....the shelf is just 6" "track"...used in metal stud wall construction for top and bottom plates. Not a Home-De-Pot item, but findable


Just made a post in another thread bout smaller flip rooms once set in motion behind each other would provide more harvey`s per yr with monocropped/dialed strains ftw...

4 rooms finishin every 2 weeks or so on 8/9-ish week strains/varieties sounds a whole lot better to me than tryin ta control environment with buncha light , heat , and lack of environment havin ta trim buncha plants all at 1 time without havin plants ta put back in said larger space ta keep the ball rollin , but that`s just me....and then....

Haveta replace the WHOLE fuckin room with mega plants ta start over with all at once....Don`t make sense over here....sorry....

I oughta teach a class I guess...Leigh....didn`t mean ta rant in your new thread......

Good luck...Pullin fer yas....DHF....:ying:....


Oh man this thread is GREAT!!!! I'm a noob and just your pictures alone have giving me at least 5 usable ideas. Your Horizontal and Vertical setup is such a awesome space saver. Man I will be following this and reading your other posts. Thank you very much for sharing what you got going on man.

I'm with you on this one,,me being a noob as well......Looks interesting as helll!


New member
...tryin ta control environment with buncha light , heat , and lack of environment havin ta trim buncha plants all at 1 time without havin plants ta put back in said larger space ta keep the ball rollin , but that`s just me....and then....

Haveta replace the WHOLE fuckin room with mega plants ta start over with all at once...

Good luck...Pullin fer yas....DHF....:ying:....

I hear ya on the worries about the work load all at once for a single large harvest/reload etc....it took yrs to get there, but we can trim (perfectly plucked and hand trimmed) a 1 to 1.5lbs/hr currently...that's at a plant density of 1 per sq/ft. If I had to guess...I'd expect going up to 3 or 4 plants per sqft, while doubling or tripling the yield, I'd guess trimming time to only go up 25-50% at the most on a per light basis...... So a 6-8k harvest is a normal days work currently. Planting those 150-180 in 1gal pots of peat-mix is 3-4hrs working as a pair, 6-7hrs by myself.....one thing I've always considered to be a bonus is that with the whole room in the same cycle, I get a few weeks break with no smell, instead of always having ripe plants like in perpetual.

Having said that^...stepping up the plant count to 400+....I HAVE to change the medium. It's at the limit of how much I can bring in/out of this place as it is. Not the greatest location for that.....which is why I'm interested in a system like Heaths rswc or nft...either tables or tubes..but this reduces the amount of medium drastically, so interests me now.......and I have the space to preveg that amount if the medium is a 3-4" RW cube or a 3.5" netpot...
So Leigh I seen that before you had 1 wall vert and the other half of the room was horizontal. Did you keep the horizontal and just put it behind your new vert wall to make it sudo 2 rooms?

This is such awesome work you have been doing. I have recently been givin the green light to use a 10' x 12' bedroom in my house and love this design. Probably wont happen for a year or two until I get a few harvests under my belt.


Yeah Bro.....nuthin written in stone , and as long as yas can handle the work load and enjoy the down time between runs , then it`s all good.....

I was a greedy fuck and needed shit runnin all the time , but could only trim X amount on my pre-determined weekends ta chop , so it`s all in what works for the individual right ?....

I`ve got growbro`s that sell cuts to the clubs in SoCal and run 256 3" rockwool cubes in 4 x 4 flood tables or 512 in 4 x 8`s with parabolic unvented 1KW`s over said tables and NEVER pull less than 4 lbs per light , but it`s with dialed strains they`ve worked with since `95 or so....on flat grows ta boot.....

It`s a numbers game vertical OR horizontal if yas got a clone factory ta supply yer bloom rooms.....and they do....not for everyone , but it`s doable....

Good luck on whatchas figure out....Holler if I can help....



this is going to be mental when it blows up hope you know what your letting your self in for strap in :D



right just been over this as i scanned it the first time and excitedly posted... :D

so how are you feeding and dealing with runoff as hempys have runoff every water dont they?

if you plan on hand watering i would suggest setting up a drip system if you have the means to do so while they are manageable.... i mean once them girls fill out and in you wont be able to get into them for shit... you will want a net from top to bottom left to right to hold them big ole badass buds in place... this again is going to make watering a nightmare...just giving you a heads up dude... good luck will be watchin :pimp3:


Have you considered lowering half your lights a little maybe? That's an awesome setup dude and should produce very well for you. I'm looking forward to seeing t blow up.