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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?


You're almost 40 and you hang out with 19 year olds?

No i dont hang with 19 year olds but i do smoke out with 19-20 year olds when they come by my house sometimes. They mostly come by for my younger bro but when they do we blaze it up. Peewees from my hood. Somethin wrong with a guy in his 30's smoking a joint with a 20 year old?. You saying i should go to jail for that?. You sound like a pig hypocrite!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
No i dont hang with 19 year olds but i do smoke out with 19-20 year olds when they come by my house sometimes. They mostly come by for my younger bro but when they do we blaze it up. Peewees from my hood. Somethin wrong with a guy in his 30's smoking a joint with a 20 year old?. You saying i should go to jail for that?. You sound like a pig hypocrite!

I call shenanigans on you. You are NOT in your 30s.

Your claim is that you are a nearly 40 year old man who lives at home with his parents and hangs out smoking weed with his 20 year old "Bro's" friends?

Not to mention that we were talking about 19 year olds, not 20 year olds. If you want to talk about 20 year olds, I'd say wait a year or less and by the time this law goes into effect you'll be able to smoke legally with your 21 year old friend-of-my-bro's.

Yeah. You probably SHOULD go to jail. Not for the weed, just to keep you out of circulation. Your stupidity might be infectious.

(You have to be stupid to think I'm going to believe that you're a 40 year old living at home with your younger brother and fighting for the right to hang out and smoke herb with 19 year olds.)

Especially since if you ARE doing that now you're doing it LEGALLY because the 19 year old has a med card or you're doing it ILLEGALLY now because the 19 year old DOESN'T have a med card, in which case... this new law won't change your situation at all.


I call shenanigans on you. You are NOT in your 30s.

Your claim is that you are a nearly 40 year old man who lives at home with his parents and hangs out smoking weed with his 20 year old "Bro's" friends?

Not to mention that we were talking about 19 year olds, not 20 year olds. If you want to talk about 20 year olds, I'd say wait a year or less and by the time this law goes into effect you'll be able to smoke legally with your 21 year old friend-of-my-bro's.

Yeah. You probably SHOULD go to jail. Not for the weed, just to keep you out of circulation. Your stupidity might be infectious.

(You have to be stupid to think I'm going to believe that you're a 40 year old living at home with your younger brother and fighting for the right to hang out and smoke herb with 19 year olds.)

Especially since if you ARE doing that now you're doing it LEGALLY because the 19 year old has a med card or you're doing it ILLEGALLY now because the 19 year old DOESN'T have a med card, in which case... this new law won't change your situation at all.

LOL. WTF are you talking about. I own my own house and my little brother lives with me. You really sound like a PIG now. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Are you stuck on stupid or somethin? LOL.
Hmm I'm still not sure I believe Travieso is 30+ however I suppose that is all irrelevant. In any case just tell them to wait it's not hard the rest of us had to wait to legally buy and use alcohol. (tho I myself barely drink once monthly if that) The age can always be lowered and restrictions dealt with. But how arrogant do you have to be to believe you're going to keep recieving chances? Or possibly even better ones as time goes on? Sorry for having a negative standpoint however california helped set the standard and trend for MMJ and yet only 13 other states have MMJ laws. Not only california is counting on an example being set but the rest of the nation aswell heck maybe even the canadians have their fingers crossed on this aswell seeing as the U.S.A. might aswell dominate canadian law (I.E. marc emery case). Please for everyone I can't stress enough this is progress it is not the end of line if the bill passes it's only the start! Go forth and be the first in history to known for changing history!



LOL. I could care less if you beleive I'm 30+. I've been around for awhile now and was registered on Overgrow in 2000. gonna be 40 next year.

StoneElemental, read this article and tell me what you think.....

California's Proposition 19 will supersede or amend its medical marijuana laws


p.s. after reading the article, watch the 2 videos in the link especially the last one. open your eyes people.



Game Bred
For those of you who think prop19 wont have an affect on our current med laws, read this and tell me what you think....

California's Proposition 19 will supersede or amend its medical marijuana laws


how can so many be ignorant of the workings of the law?

"dragonfly" (this is the article's "expert") contends that because language pertaining to prop 215 is absent from TC2010 that is cause to assume that it somehow affects cultivation under prop. 215.

this is an absurdity when viewed from a legal standpoint. this bill specifically states it's intent and scope in section:2. article:c.
as this bill states it is intended to limit enforcement of existing law and makes absolutely no mention of prop. 215 how does "dragonfly" make the leap to TC2010 overturning 215?

furthermore the legal nature of a voter initiative like prop.215 call for certain processes to amend it. TC2010 will have zero effect on 215 so you and your underage "buddies" (sounds more like somebody is selling quarters to the neighborhood kids to me) can hide behind medicinal users and be the examples that other prohibitionists point to that keep sick people from getting meds.

and you can say "jack is on my side"
guess who else is on your side?


nice company you keep


Sorcerer's Apprentice
LOL. WTF are you talking about. I own my own house and my little brother lives with me. You really sound like a PIG now. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Are you stuck on stupid or somethin? LOL.

Let me repeat it for you because you're trying to smoke screen:

If you are currently sitting around your house with your younger brother's friends and smoking herb together... there are two possibilities:

Possibility #1: They have med cards, so what you're doing is legal (if YOU have one, too.)

Possibility #2: They don't have med cards, so what you are doing is illegal.

Now that we have that established, if this law passes there are two possibilities in this same scenario we've outlined:

Possibility #1: They have med cards, so what you're doing is legal.

Possibility #2: They don't have med cards so what you are doing is illegal.

See how nothing changes in your particular circumstance? See how vacuous your statement really is? See how completely full-of-shit you sound that you're all up in arms about not being able to smoke weed with someone who will most likely be 21 by the time this becomes law?

What's your fucking problem?


Active member
You don't have to fork over 275k to grow. You have to fork over 275k to have a massive warehouse grow. If you have the skills to setup a massive warehouse grow already, you likely already have the 275k for the permit. Once you start growing in your legal warehouse, you'll have no trouble coming up with the next permit fee.

Ignorance on display.

Amazing how the central government can set up road blocks to prevent entrepreneurs entry into this business (all businesses actually) and your comment is basically "so what"?

And so the central theme of this thread was more government regulations are coming and you have been quick to post your poorly thought out crap in defense of legalization at the cost of common sense. Then you defend your ignorant rants with questioning the poster as to why he would ever want to make a business out of growing this product. Because in your opinion, he doesn't need more space then the permitted room size grow.

It is folks like you that will never get it while we watch our great country slide into 3rd world status. Who the fuck are you (or the government) to decide how much room he needs or wants to grow? Aside from the fact that you don't even live here, your affinity for government control which prevents people from taking risks to enter a business makes me want to vomit. You are obviously a letter carrier or in a simular field and have no critical thinking skills. It is obvious that your parents failed you.

The poster was correct that this path towards legalization favors existing dispensaries with money that are already making cozy relationships with unions.

This situation will never enable folks to enter the business in a competitive way. But like you and your job at the post office, you never saw FedEx passing you up in customer satisfaction until it was too late. So the answer to you and your ilk is that we need government to make entry into a business difficult so an entrepreneur will never have a chance to show how truly pathetic the marriage of our government and the unions are, and how it is the ruination our our free competitive spirit.

You probably won't get it until your 99 weeks of unemployment runs out.


Let me repeat it for you because you're trying to smoke screen:

If you are currently sitting around your house with your younger brother's friends and smoking herb together... there are two possibilities:

Possibility #1: They have med cards, so what you're doing is legal (if YOU have one, too.)

Possibility #2: They don't have med cards, so you are doing so ILLEGALLY.

Now that we have that established, if this law passes there are two possibilities in this same scenario we've outlined:

Possibility #1: They have med cards, so what you're doing is legal.

Possibility #2: They don't have med cards so what you are doing is illegal.

See how nothing changes in your particular circumstance? See how vacuous your statement really is? See how completely full-of-shit you sound that you're all up in arms about not being able to smoke weed with someone who will most likely be 21 by the time this becomes law?

What's your fucking problem?

Get the fuck outta here PIG!. What the fuck. Are you gonna arrest me now!. You disgust me!

P.s... PIG did you read the article and listen to Dennis Perron in the video?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Posts like that will get ya a one way ticket. No more warnings. Express yourself without insults rationally. If you are allowed to believe what you do, others are free to stand by their opinions.


Game Bred
Get the fuck outta here PIG!. What the fuck. Are you gonna arrest me now!. You disgust me!

P.s... PIG did you read the article and listen to Dennis Perron in the video?


when presented with logic the reptilian brain resorts to this.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Get the fuck outta here PIG!. What the fuck. Are you gonna arrest me now!. You disgust me!

You are really reaching now, homie. Don't you know that refusing to even TRY to argue rationally and relying solely on attacks weakens your own position? It makes people who might side with you start to rethink their own positions. You're doing my work for me, homie! Thanks!

P.s... PIG did you read the article and listen to Dennis Perron in the video?
Yeah. I read it. It seems to hinge on the word "cultivate" being left out of one particular instance of this particular bill. Go take a civics class before you spout off any more of your nonsense.

I've already seen the videos. I don't have a hard-on for Dennis Perron OR for Richard Lee. I'm an individual making decisions based on evidence and common sense and a little thing known as thinking for myself.

Having thought about it in depth, I have come to the conclusion that even a flawed law that effectively decriminalizes cannabis in one of the largest and most populous states in the country and will allow for many legal cannabis related industries to thrive and prosper will be the best thing to happen to pot-smokers in america in my lifetime.

You're free to think what you want.

And my grow-thread (noticed you don't have one) is right there in my sig. You think a PIG did a step-by-step build-out of a cabinet that is capable of supplying most any individual user with as much high quality herb as they can smoke, all for less than $500? And that same pig designed the whole thing with STEALTH in mind? Are you kidding?

Your arguments just get stupider and stupider.

Call me a pig again. You can call legalized cannabis "slaughtering puppies" if you want to. Doesn't make it real.


How did you guys like the article and video?. open up your eyes people.. This "initiative" is flawed in so many way.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
How did you guys like the article and video?. open up your eyes people.. This "initiative" is flawed in so many way.


He's not even discussing any more. All he has are attacks, but that was just taken away by the mods... so now he's back to propaganda.

The article was "meh". Open up your eyes, Travieso. Noticed you only joined 3 months ago, no friends. No pics. NO grows. Just lots of activism on the neg side. Maybe you have an agenda? Who is paying you to try and keep us all down?


He's not even discussing any more. All he has are attacks, but that was just taken away by the mods... so now he's back to propaganda.

The article was "meh". Open up your eyes, Travieso. Noticed you only joined 3 months ago, no friends. No pics. NO grows. Just lots of activism on the neg side. Maybe you have an agenda? Who's paying you to try and keep us all down?

Are you trollin me now? How about you just ignore me and I will just ignore you. How does that sound? I have the right to be here just as much as you do. Believe me i have been around the scene alot longer than you have. Just place me on your ignore list and you'll be fine. Thanks!

Vote No On Prop 19!
All things considered coming from a non MMJ state in the mid-west this all still seems like groans and moans from the privileged west coast. That being said I do have to commend you on actually for the first time in this discussion to bring an actual legitimate point to the table. Trying to look at it from your point of view yes it does seem rather unfair but only to the point of business growers that grapeman mentioned (despite his uncalled for hostilities). The public consumption portion also seems rather ridiculous however I still stand on my point that this is not the end of the line unless however if you give up and move on. To me this bill still stands as progress towards a better future. Your senators and politicians should immediately be informed and convinced to amend the bill further wether it passes or not.


P.S. To all those throwing out insults and trolling other members you know better and as a community forum as culture we ought to get along better. Go take a few hits yourselves and go cool down no one appreciates that kind of behavior around.

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