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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?


Patient Grower
I gave you 2 solutions. Voting is the simple one. The second solution was to take up arms. You'll need a set of balls for that one. Might be more difficult for some.

Go ahead in. I'll cover your back from over behind these trees...


But you know what I would still be looking over my shoulder.
But I can't image there fat piggy brains missing out on those tax bucks for that much longer......:thank you:


New member
So besides the FDA/USDA restrictions and assuming it is legalized in November how feasible do you think it will be to grow enough to match demand?

Unless I'm wrong the licensing, regulation and overall authorization to commercially cultivate will fall on local govt. The strongest supporters of the movement seem to be the large cities but they are not suited for any sort of commercial agriculture. The Central Valley on the other hand, the agricultural center of California has shown mediocre support for marijuana at best.

Will the emerald triangle be the only place for large scale farms?


Well-known member
So besides the FDA/USDA restrictions and assuming it is legalized in November how feasible do you think it will be to grow enough to match demand?

Unless I'm wrong the licensing, regulation and overall authorization to commercially cultivate will fall on local govt. The strongest supporters of the movement seem to be the large cities but they are not suited for any sort of commercial agriculture. The Central Valley on the other hand, the agricultural center of California has shown mediocre support for marijuana at best.

Will the emerald triangle be the only place for large scale farms?

if it actually passes in November, and there are those who dare to try to setup large legal operations
well, i'd think the smile on the DEA agents faces would be a mile wide
all the information they could want will be documented for them, they can arrest and confiscate with abandon
does anyone see anything that would indicate DEA wouldn't do this?
these would be the easiest and most profitable busts they've had since thay started leaving the MMJ clinics alone
Obama may have issued directives to leave MMJ alone, but legal recreational MJ?
i don't think so


Active member
So besides the FDA/USDA restrictions and assuming it is legalized in November how feasible do you think it will be to grow enough to match demand?

Unless I'm wrong the licensing, regulation and overall authorization to commercially cultivate will fall on local govt. The strongest supporters of the movement seem to be the large cities but they are not suited for any sort of commercial agriculture. The Central Valley on the other hand, the agricultural center of California has shown mediocre support for marijuana at best.

Will the emerald triangle be the only place for large scale farms?

Good point. Although we deal with the USDA daily with our produce, we have a local office to handle inspections. County Ag handles all Phyto-sanitary & weight inspections. LA does have a small USDA office with inspectors available to the downtown fruit market, they are ill equipped to inspect harvested crops. I don't know if the FDA will weigh in also since the product was originally touted and legalized as a medical drug, but I'd say they will. Can't think of a time in my life when the government refused to insert themselves into a situation where they could.

In fact, our government is ill equipped to handle just about everything except war. We do war nicely.

Fucking government.


New member
if it actually passes in November, and there are those who dare to try to setup large legal operations
well, i'd think the smile on the DEA agents faces would be a mile wide
all the information they could want will be documented for them, they can arrest and confiscate with abandon
does anyone see anything that would indicate DEA wouldn't do this?
these would be the easiest and most profitable busts they've had since thay started leaving the MMJ clinics alone
Obama may have issued directives to leave MMJ alone, but legal recreational MJ?
i don't think so

Agreed. I don't see any large amounts of tax dollars being raised without national legalization. At least we are starting to push the issue though, someone has to do it. And even a little tax revenue is better than none.

It might actually be nice to have everyone starting their own 5x5's and learning how to grow together. What better way to undo years of misinformation.


Well-known member
Agreed. I don't see any large amounts of tax dollars being raised without national legalization. At least we are starting to push the issue though, someone has to do it. And even a little tax revenue is better than none.

It might actually be nice to have everyone starting their own 5x5's and learning how to grow together. What better way to undo years of misinformation.

i'd completely agree with this, i really don't have any idea what DEA's plans are
but i'm sure they have them, whatever they might be
currently, they seem to leave grows of 100 plants or less alone, which are pretty nice sized grows
so i could see an informal compromise, smaller grows probably safe
which actually could be nice tax income, maybe not billions, but this would keep much of the status quo intact, with some extra money for the state

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The DEA doest have enough money to stop all the big grows that would pop up. they cant stop it now and they wont be able to in the future either. Might as well vote yes


Game Bred
if it actually passes in November, and there are those who dare to try to setup large legal operations
well, i'd think the smile on the DEA agents faces would be a mile wide
all the information they could want will be documented for them, they can arrest and confiscate with abandon
does anyone see anything that would indicate DEA wouldn't do this?
these would be the easiest and most profitable busts they've had since thay started leaving the MMJ clinics alone
Obama may have issued directives to leave MMJ alone, but legal recreational MJ?
i don't think so


this will be the only time marijuana legalization could come before SCOTUS on a 10th amendment basis!!!!

the tenth is the ONLY way you will EVER see federal legalization!
So besides the FDA/USDA restrictions and assuming it is legalized in November how feasible do you think it will be to grow enough to match demand?

Unless I'm wrong the licensing, regulation and overall authorization to commercially cultivate will fall on local govt. The strongest supporters of the movement seem to be the large cities but they are not suited for any sort of commercial agriculture. The Central Valley on the other hand, the agricultural center of California has shown mediocre support for marijuana at best.

Will the emerald triangle be the only place for large scale farms?
has the demand been determined??

volume is increasing!!

the quality is increasing!!

The price is decreasing

CA allegedly has a 14 billion dollar mj market

anybody have any numbers on CA mmj patients


Well-known member

this will be the only time marijuana legalization could come before SCOTUS on a 10th amendment basis!!!!

the tenth is the ONLY way you will EVER see federal legalization!

my understanding is that when the SC ruled on the Cali MMJ law, which was brought up during the Bush administration, they affirmed the right of the federal government to enforce federal MJ law from the federal right to regulate commerce<br>
but they didn't strike down the law, really ambiguous in this regard<br>
so your point makes sense to me, but i'm not optimistic they're going to do an about face
Taxpayer Scam: Fannie-Freddie Fix at $160 Billion With $1 Trillion Worst Case

A Second Financial Crisis May Be More Likely Than You Think

The Government Bailouts Must End

America's Municipal Debt Racket;
State and local borrowing has risen to an all-time high
of 22% of U.S. GDP in 2010.

New Financial Crisis May Be Brewing, Analysts Warn

State budgets hitting bottom

Overall State Tax Revenue Is Up,
But Losers Still Outnumber Gainers;
Income Taxes Decline Once Again in April

WARNING: The M3 money supply fell at an annual rate of 9.6%
in the first three months of 2010

Stay tuned for the bad news!

The M3 money supply fell at an annual rate of 9.6%
in the first three months of 2010


Sativa Tamer
The M3 money supply fell at an annual rate of 9.6%
in the first three months of 2010

Granted, I'm not macroeconomist, but I fail to see why the money supply is an important indicator of anything, particularly in the short-term when it can fluctuate wildly and subject to dramatic revisions.


As a side note more neutral links please. If you post something from the Heritige Institute, the American Enterprise Instiute, CATO, Fox News, or one of the tea party websites we are pretty sure what it is going to say. It would be like someone with opposing views posting something from the Center for American Progress.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The DEA doest have enough money to stop all the big grows that would pop up. they cant stop it now and they wont be able to in the future either. Might as well vote yes

...not to mention the public is starting to realize this "drug" is about as harmful a puppydog and no longer warrants the zealous tactical smash and grabs courtesy of the federal thugging agency...


...not to mention the public is starting to realize this "drug" is about as harmful a puppydog and no longer warrants the zealous tactical smash and grabs courtesy of the federal thugging agency...

they are running out of excuses. i heard a guy say at work that pot takes away motivation!! it SHOULD be illegal!! why, all his pot smoking kid and his worthless friends will do is play video! he should just turn the couch over and pull the plug...

so. his punk ass kid probably swills mountain dew too, so are we picking out favorite little whippin boy (pot) to blame for his kids failure?

i can just see me sayin, "honey i can't go to work cause i'm really stoned... can't fix the car cause i'm playin the video stoned! right. maturity is hard.

real people smoke and go. i know i do and so do my friends. hell, if i get an hour every couple of days on the web, i feel like i'm burning daylight.

no more lame ass excuses for anyone...
If this is only about legalization, perhaps we should peoplelize marijuana,
and then hire growers to grow it for us

we could provide a first class grow area, along with everything needed

how much should we pay our growers/hour?


Can you name the other products nationalized in the USA? I am tired of Cannabis being treated differently then everything else. I want Cannabis brought into the mainstream. In the USA that would mean Big Biz agriculture growing it, Big Biz distributing and selling it, the government taxing and regulating it like alcohol. Cannabis is not different, it is mainstream, if the government let it be legal.

interesting things at the legal seminar today. (med can cup) anyone attend?

anyone want to slap the guy that asked how to open a dispensary?


Well-known member
i just breezed threw this thread

many good points ,especially from SAMS

im all for the legalization ,its sad to kno of the history of cannabis and the thousands year of its medical uses etc and how for almost 70 years this has all been denied,its seems actually we kno its all about the the dollar ,like hemp if cannabis is legalized it will replace much of big bucks rollin in from many sources such as the pharmaceutical drug companies
ETC ,cannabis has countless medical applications my mother who isnt a smoker is proof of ,sad NY hasnt passed any laws just yet

im the 1% also ,im first generation american ,my grandfather was a farmer in sicily its in my blood,,i dont hav the priviledge of owning a house with acres but make use of my patio space and hav as much possible produce each year from pots .MJ should be regulated just like alchol and tabacco ,its probably less dangerous than caffeine,i also think thatalong wit deflated prices the quality would rise ,well maybe not gov grown lol


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