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cloning question^^


so i got my seeds .... is there any way to add the color of my purple haze to a lowryder plant or add the ruderalis thing (what makes the plants autoflower) to a purple haze?

oh and how do i get seeds?


Active member
yeas,but it takes several generations of inbreeding to achieve this,over a year easily.you cant achieve this by cloning,you cant even clone a true auto plant.you have to take some purple haze seeds and some lowryder seeds,germ them.figure out what strain you want to be the male or female of the parents,pick the best female of 1 starin and the best male of the other(at least 20 seeds of each strain to pick a half decent mother or father)pick the plant that shows the best traits of each parent,breed the two.take 20 seeds from the pollinated mother(once seeds have dried)and do the same thing,you are looking for as female auto and a good male,you have to do this for generations before you find a truly auto plant.hope this basic guide helps.


New member
always use a auto male..u only want the auto flower trait from the auto strain...and females carry over the most..so def use a male auto....and with short life span of autos it would not take AS long to get it stable cause u grow out 2 gens in time it takes to grow 1 of reg strain


pure dynamite
Is this question about cloning? I don't see the link.

And if you are asking how to get seeds at this moment, probably you need to read a lot before making the first cross.

Good luck! :wave:


so first i need
1 good male easy ryder
1 good female purple haze

then another easy ryder with the seeds out of the female purple haze?

sry im so stoned right now xD


no you have your 1 good male and 1 good female. you breed them. then you take 20 of the seeds produced and grow them, you then repeat the same process. in the next gen of seeds you will have a certain % of autoflowers you need to get a male and female that have auto'd from this batch and breed them, the resulting seeds should be a high if not 100% autoflower, however if you dont find any auto's you keep repeating the process until they show. you will need a large grow area to effectivly have 20plants growing i believe. you should learn to walk before you can run though. if you didnt know how to make seeds you will probably struggle to make your own strain. good luck tho, an auto purple haze would be a beauty.


damn i think thats too dificult for me lolz i just want a purple autoflowering plant.....how did the guys here get theirs?


by creating their own lol. but they have years of growing experience. im not saying you need to be a pro, but you will need to know what you are doing. have a read through this site, get a couple of grows under your belt and then try it