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Legalization in Colorado:Cannabis banned in 228 of the state's 331 jurisdictions.



First what Chunkypigs asked are good questions.......
Second......All I have to say is come live in the fucking South dude.
Then grab your Kleenex and whip your tears all who live anywhere progression is happening.
Third - Fuck the media
Now go hug your cannabis plants for me. :snap out of it:
This is why I'm leaving for an opportunity for freedom of choice.

Now I slip back into my hole.......... :joint:
Moved from Virginia to Colorado, yea it's not perfect, but way better then Virginia. Visit somewhere in the southern US, where you do not know anyone, then please report back with your experiences.

You'll most likely experience: real criminal drug dealers who sell more heroin then weed, extremely low quality bud, persistent worry of being busted for being in the "wrong neighborhood" where your skin color doesn't match the residents, having to hide your use from literally everyone(can get policed called for smelling like weed in a gas station), if you do not hide it, you face good old fashioned Southern discrimination. Sounds fun right.


I say all this with tough love please don't take it too much to heart all. :huggg:

As armedoldhippy stated interpretation of these laws is up to the individual involved.....hoping they comprehend the message thoroughly.

Speed bumps will be there, but not to sound like everyone else Co & the other Western decrim'd (Not a word but ooh well) are building the foundation of the TAX structure presently. I'm about the passion & freedom not so much the profit just to be clear.

Even with what's happened already here where I currently reside.....Greed has already fucked it up.
Tons of ignorant people stuck in their ways.
Most common statement is "It'll eventually happen." :bashhead:
3 cheers for the 20 gram laws? :wallbash:
Gov't still making $$$ off flowers & confiscating it.
No matter what the fine and social situation it still stings.

Eden is somewhere .... I guess it depends on what strain is available. :joint:


you live in CO? they busting any rec folks for too many plants?

No they are not busting people for to many rec plants. They are busting people who are breaking off a chunk and growing to move it out of state. Most people doing that are abusing the medical side of things.

The feds are leaving us alone unless your involved in out of state transportation and sales or if the local cops need help like your out and about slinging like a baller... It's not a problem until it's a problem...

That forces people to keep it on the down-low in state and grow the best weed possible. The bad part is you don't know what's getting sprayed on the flowers so it's best just to do your own thing or deal with growers you trust.


Active member
No they are not busting people for to many rec plants. They are busting people who are breaking off a chunk and growing to move it out of state. Most people doing that are abusing the medical side of things.

The feds are leaving us alone unless your involved in out of state transportation and sales or if the local cops need help like your out and about slinging like a baller... It's not a problem until it's a problem...

That forces people to keep it on the down-low in state and grow the best weed possible. The bad part is you don't know what's getting sprayed on the flowers so it's best just to do your own thing or deal with growers you trust.

Pretty much. Some localities impose greater restrictions on Med growers than others but it's generally complaint driven enforcement or accidental disclosure because of some other issues bringing the cops around. Even then it's not about jail time but rather fines.

Shipping out of state is one place where the local cops & the feds get to work together. We've seen a lot of high profile busts for that mostly with carpetbagging operators not nearly as clever as they should have been.

There are other states where growers with ambition can probably do better but small growers are thriving here because we're not a target. It's a whole different paradigm than illegal cannabis or even MMJ.


Well-known member
I wonder how many more people are growing since the passage of rec. I know that’s a tough thing to measure but I bet it’s not a hell of a lot more (from a recreational sense). I bet more people are inclined to buy from a dispensary if they want to experiment, without having fears of breaking any laws. Or get it from a friend.

Sure, you’ll always have the people that are in it for the buck, but I’m talking about people just growing for their own.


ICMag Donor
I wonder how many more people are growing since the passage of rec. I know that’s a tough thing to measure but I bet it’s not a hell of a lot more (from a recreational sense). I bet more people are inclined to buy from a dispensary if they want to experiment, without having fears of breaking any laws. Or get it from a friend.

Sure, you’ll always have the people that are in it for the buck, but I’m talking about people just growing for their own.

You can bet there are a lot of po folks growing in the rural areas. Especially since I'm not the only person freely handing seeds out ti those po folks.


Well-known member
You can bet there are a lot of po folks growing in the rural areas. Especially since I'm not the only person freely handing seeds out ti those po folks.
Didn’t think about the expanse of the state and availability in rural areas.


You can bet there are a lot of po folks growing in the rural areas. Especially since I'm not the only person freely handing seeds out ti those po folks.

Word.....I can't wait to be able to speak to someone about my passion and not feel like a BAD person. :biggrin:

I am moving and I'm a law abiding citizen with a job so no worries.
I just want my freedom to grow more dank & help peeps.

People have expressed the ship thing, but no way.
That's super whack after the sacrifices I'm making.

In my state there are plenty of shady peeps with big ops growing with whatever puts bulk quick nutrient and usually mango haze or Sour D.
Watch them come into the garden stores pay cash and go.


Active member
I wonder how many more people are growing since the passage of rec. I know that’s a tough thing to measure but I bet it’s not a hell of a lot more (from a recreational sense). I bet more people are inclined to buy from a dispensary if they want to experiment, without having fears of breaking any laws. Or get it from a friend.

Sure, you’ll always have the people that are in it for the buck, but I’m talking about people just growing for their own.

I suspect you're wrong. Everybody's circumstances are different but we just grow for ourselves, give away any surplus. That's the truth. I swore I'd never sell any of it when I came back to growing in 2013 & I never will. We also hold to A64 plant counts even though it pretty much means just growing from seed.

Why? Because it makes me invulnerable. No matter what, the cops can't touch me. Because it's completely anonymous, as well. No gaming the system. No exams. No fees. No cards. No paperwork. No bullshit.

No paranoia, either. The stash is sufficiently large that I turned off the lights a month ago at harvest to keep the heat out of the house & keep the electric bill down when rates are highest. Rates go down Oct 1 & I'll grow something new, either Queen Mother or Rio Negro Colombian.

It's also been an interesting technical challenge with more to learn all the time. It's a great hobby for any old Hippie like me.


Well-known member
I was asking out of curiosity. If I lived in CO I would definitely be growing for my own personal. I guess I was thinking about beer which got me thinking about MJ. How many people in CO brew their own beer?

I visit CO quite often and have been to some of the dispensaries. Can’t say I’m impressed but they are somewhat a convenience, especially if I’m not able to get together with some of my friends. I also have some friends that hold med cards and have asked them why they don’t grow their own? They tell me part of the reason is the convenience of going to their med dispo and part is, at least for them, the stigma (somewhat still) associated with the pot scene (they are well respected members of their community). I also believe they just don’t have the desire to grow and want to keep things as simple and private as possible.

To me, growers will always be growers, there’s a certain draw to it. Plus you can assure yourself of knowing what you’re growing and the inputs. I also like to brew my own beer and wine, but I know I buy more than I make. I haven’t mastered making a good pinot or cab yet.


Active member
I was asking out of curiosity. If I lived in CO I would definitely be growing for my own personal. I guess I was thinking about beer which got me thinking about MJ. How many people in CO brew their own beer?

I visit CO quite often and have been to some of the dispensaries. Can’t say I’m impressed but they are somewhat a convenience, especially if I’m not able to get together with some of my friends. I also have some friends that hold med cards and have asked them why they don’t grow their own? They tell me part of the reason is the convenience of going to their med dispo and part is, at least for them, the stigma (somewhat still) associated with the pot scene (they are well respected members of their community). I also believe they just don’t have the desire to grow and want to keep things as simple and private as possible.

To me, growers will always be growers, there’s a certain draw to it. Plus you can assure yourself of knowing what you’re growing and the inputs. I also like to brew my own beer and wine, but I know I buy more than I make. I haven’t mastered making a good pinot or cab yet.

Some people, most people, just aren't gardeners or houseplant enthusiasts. Among those who are, however, the interest is high, particularly among outdoor gardeners. Hell, I know people growing the stuff who don't even smoke it.

That's really where I think cannabis should go- back outdoors where it belongs. The whole "locked enclosed space out of public view" hasn't really been defined & the cops really can't spot it in a lot of situations unless they're acting like peeping toms. Here in Denver, they're not.

I simply can't do it because it'd just be an enticement to rippers in my yard. You'd have to see it to understand. But I can start fem seedlings indoors for friends & create seed. I'm intensely interested in finding true breeding varieties that can do well in the Colorado outdoors, true strains rather than crosses where growers can create their own predictable seeds. That's how to free the weed, to make it ubiquitous in gardens everywhere.

I'm also a fan of Philips CDM lighting because it's a great answer for truly small growers indoors. It'd be easy to keep a couple of plants in the back of a walk in closet or a small enclosure in a cellar or basement. Autofems in fairly large pots in soil wouldn't need anything but water.

Personal growing is the anchor & the foundation of legalization. It means never going back. It means that availability can't really be limited by high pricing. It's the bottom line to keeping everybody honest, at least kinda-sorta.

I realize that a lot of med growers see legalization as a threat to them & that some localities have taken it as an excuse to crack down & play games with them. Others seem more philosophical, cognizant of the fact that it really does the most good for the most people, that we're changing the whole social paradigm around cannabis for the better.


I want to grow, I want to educate the children, I want to protect the children, I want to stop all pains, I want to live hassle free work place, I want to drive without worry what is in my system 4 days ago, I want to tax and enforced to pay for all of my wants. What of those 7 choices do you think will happen LMFAO
Personal growing is the anchor & the foundation of legalization. It means never going back. It means that availability can't really be limited by high pricing. It's the bottom line to keeping everybody honest, at least kinda-sorta.

Truth. Not everyone has an interest in growing, but you get enough people who do and cannabis will move around more freely than ever. Respect to the growers!


Active member
Nobody cares anymore because weed has already won.


Cannabis banned in 228 of the state's 331 jurisdictions, corporations can grow all the can, but medical patients and caregivers get reduced plant counts ECT.

Beginning Jan. 1, the maximum number of plants marijuana caregivers can grow will drop from 495 to 99 - one of the most sweeping changes to the caregivers program since Colorado voters approved medical marijuana in 2000.

It seems like the restrictions grow everyday!

If that is winning I would hate to see what losing looks like.
You must be Charlie Sheen...."winning" :biggrin:



Well-known member
...Beginning Jan. 1, the maximum number of plants marijuana caregivers can grow will drop from 495 to 99....If that is winning I would hate to see what losing looks like...

it may not be winning but its far from loosing, but i guess that depends upon where you live.

id love for 1 plant to be legal for me to grow but its not.

i guess in every situation there are winners and losers.



Active member
you live in CO? they busting any rec folks for too many plants?

As a matter of fact they are using warrant-less compliance checks.
I do not live there but how does that make a difference in the hard facts.

Here is some more hard facts for ya!
The crackdown in El Paso County will ramp up in February, Schulz said.

He has a list of more than 40 locations across the county targeted for compliance checks. It stems from complaints from neighbors who say the properties reek of weed. Some people have complained of lower water pressure inside homes bordering those properties, suggesting unusually high water use typical of a marijuana grow, he said.

Schulz has earmarked a few properties based simply on what he has seen during routine patrols along county roads. A greenhouse with fast-melting snow on top, he said, is cause for inspection.

He's already visited at least a few of those houses, but homeowners rebuffed him when he asked to search without a warrant.

"The ones I'm concerned about, or we're looking at, are the ones who won't even let us in to take a look around," Schulz said. "Which is their right - that's obviously their Fourth Amendment right to illegal search and seizure - and I get that.

Shag says:
But they will find a loophole to arrest you and sort it out in court!