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Led Zepplin Bumper Sticker = "Probable Cause"


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SPRINGFIELD, IL—With the state legislature's passage of a bill last week allowing police officers to cite Led Zeppelin bumper stickers as probable cause for a vehicular search, Illinois became the 13th state to recognize classic-rock-related automobile decorations as grounds for waiver of a warrant.


"We've known for years that there was a direct correlation between the presence of a Led Zeppelin bumper sticker and the likelihood of that vehicle containing a controlled substance like marijuana," said DeKalb County Sheriff Ronald Bauer. "However, it wasn't until last Thursday that it was within our power to act on this knowledge to make a drug-possession arrest."

Illinois' action comes on the heels of the recent Supreme Court decision that the Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure does not require police to obtain a warrant if there is sufficient cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband.

Following the top court's ruling, a number of states, including Utah, North Carolina and Wisconsin, moved to specifically name Led Zeppelin bumper stickers as a factor in determining whether to conduct searches.

The decision, says Bauer, is supported by extensive data. Illinois state records show that in 1998, there were 362 cases in which a traffic-violation-related search of a Led Zeppelin-logo-adorned vehicle was found to contain illegal drugs or such drug paraphernalia as rolling papers, plastic baggies and metal pipes bearing a row of four cryptic symbols.

Yet before the passage of HB 1921, ill-defined definitions of probable cause have meant that an officer acting on this knowledge was entering risky legal territory.

"This is exactly what policemen have been asking for for years," said Bauer, who said the new law will precipitate a "considerable increase" in the frequency of drug-related arrests of motorists by Illinois police, especially in rural areas. "It used to be that if we spotted a car with that crazy-looking wizard on it, we had to just drive right past unless the longhairs inside were specifically doing something illegal."

Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan applauded passage of the bill.

"After the Supreme Court decision, it was just a matter of fine-tuning our interpretation of 'probable cause,'" Ryan said. "We've found that Led Zeppelin bumper stickers—or, for that matter, just the sound of "The Immigrant Song" or "Livin' Lovin' Maid" coming from an open window—is exactly the sort of smoking gun local authorities needed to establish a baseline for assessing that probable cause."

Ryan continued: "When it comes right down to it, though, prudent officers have always, to a great degree, relied on common sense. If a vehicle, especially a late-'70s American-made sedan with a vinyl top and some rust, also bears a Led Zeppelin sticker, what are the odds the driver is not in frequent possession of drugs or alcohol?"

Preliminary data seems to indicate that this logic is sound. In a Monday-afternoon field test, state troopers detained 100 Peoria-area motorists under the new Criminal Code 861.4/Section 8 (Probable Cause/ZOSO). Nearly 60 percent of the vehicles contained alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia, and nearly all contained suspected alcohol or drug abusers.

Rockford resident Doug Wojcek, charged Tuesday with possession of a quarter-ounce of marijuana, was among those arrested under the new law.

"I was minding my own business when some policeman pulls me over and searches my glove compartment," said Wojcek, 36. "It was just like when Robert Plant gets hassled by the cops in that one song 'Misty Mountain Hop.' Hey, what could I do?"

"This is bullshit," he added. "What about the kids with those Nine Inch Nails stickers? No one is going after them."

Despite such complaints, Illinois Gov. George H. Ryan spoke out in support of the law and advocated widening its scope.

"We might have to add provisions for the search of vehicles bearing the Pink Floyd rainbow-and-black-prism, the Blue Öyster Cult symbol, or maybe even the word Ozzy," said Gov. Ryan, noting that many other states had already made these changes. "We cannot allow this law to become discriminatory in practice. It must serve everyone equally."


Resident pissy old man
They need to start stopping cars with a Bush/Cheney sticker. Inside they will find tight-assed far-right religious nutcases who are a threat to the constitution.


This ruling is obscene... :mad:

Prob Deadhead stickers qualify, too. F*ing criminal court system needs a good bong hit. :bongsmi:

Meanwhile John Q. Drunkass can have his Jack Daniels hats and his Coors shirts, and not get stopped for "possible impaired".

The law is an ass :cuss:

That has GOT to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Now you can't even enjoy good music without some cop pulling you over and being legally allowed to search you for no reason whatsoever? And why the hell is it Led Zeppelin and Floyd? Hell my girlfriend absolutely loves Zep and Floyd and she is a non-smoker. I know lotsa people that love Floyd and Zep and don't smoke. Why don't they pull over all the young pretend thuglets blasting shit about killing and drugs, not to mention MANY MANY rapper's direct correlation to marijuana use. LOL, and rap will freely mention drug use, Zeppelin and Floyd ties are subtle and artistic. This comes in time because honestly I was JUST about to go around looking for a nice Floyd sticker.


OMG, the "law" knows no end. This is a blatant invasion of privacy that I will not stand for this bullshit. Eventually the police will be able to search your car for any reason they deem neccessary. I fear that day.

Happy Toking :bandit:


dude that was a hilarious read!! what about bob marley stickers? if you have one of those you just go straight to jail now ....LMAO I think cops will pretty much do that kinda shit weather its legal or not. I mean a VW buss with 20 deadhead stickers and a buncha dreadlock guys inside is always gonna be probable cause to those fuckers. At least where i live were everywhere so we don't stand out all that much -Irie
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illin said:
Jim Ryan isnt illinois attorney general no more. I call this a fraud!
I'm gunna have to call this one bullshit also. I looked this up & Illinois HB 1921 (House Bill 1921) had nothing to do with Zep stickers on cars. And if I understand things correctly, the bill died after a couple of years & wasn't enacted.

Bh :wave:


Yeah Good read Got my blood pressure up for a minute. Then realized if something like this passed Led Zeppelin would end up suing the gov for Libel.


free your SELF
"We might have to add provisions for the search of vehicles bearing the Pink Floyd rainbow-and-black-prism"

Woah WOAH WOAH!!!! Hold on a second you fucking penis-munching cum guzzlers...now you are going too far :moon:

So anyone who likes classic rock is now fair game for a search? Welcome to the police state :badday:


Pops said:
They need to start stopping cars with a Bush/Cheney sticker. Inside they will find tight-assed far-right religious nutcases who are a threat to the constitution.

Amen! oops I mean right on...


The Tri Guy
LMAO "the long hairs inside", bet that guy pretends to follow a religion started by one of those long hairs.

Re Co

my stepson got pulled over a couple monyhs ago for having a "phuck phledge" bumper sticker! the pig said he was offended by it and was gonna check to see if it was legal to have on, and if it wasn't he was gonna pull him over again an give him a ticket!!!

seems they dont REALLY need a reason at all to pull you over these days.

Re Co

come to think of it....i was pulled over a few years ago for having long hair!!! i was driving my dads pickup, and piggy didn't think i "looked" like i was 65, so he stopped me.

25 years ago i was pulled over for having a loud car, i asked if it was still within the legal limit, he said yes, and i was on my way.

they're pushing for a revolution.


I am seriously considering a "Jesus is coming... are you ready?" bumper sticker. Should roll right threw a roadblock. :D

It is the goal of this web site to spread the good news of the return of Jesus Christ and provide a clear message on how to come into a right relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have ever wanted to spread the good news of Jesus but felt like it was difficult, well here is your chance. We are offering FREE bumper stickers to anybody that is willing to place the sticker where people can see such as cars, trucks, vans, 18 wheelers, bicycles, skateboards etc..... Wouldn't it be a great blessing if somebody saw your bumper sticker and got saved!

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