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LED Lab 2009


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Ya don't say!

Ya don't say!

Mahalo Islander
All opinions are welcome here.:laughing:

So are facts.


smoke me.jpg

smallest bud Hihomie.jpg

Aloha, brah.:)

Thats a Sulphur Plasma Light.The light in the Youtube film is MH plasma light which has more a similar spectrum of the sun.Light contains also UV.
You can have the LG Sulphur plasma light cheaper.
The problem I have with plasma lights is that they create quite a bit of noise as well as they create wireless interference (this seems to be under control now, but I still have my doubts). But he biggest turnoff for me is (exept the price, of course) the fact that they don't make them in lower wattages yet. I think they come only in 700-1300W range, way too much for my 2 square feet of space. However, if I had a growroom and few extra bucks, I'd be looking into buying one for sure.
More on topic: I'm still waiting for my yellow LEDs. Damn those Chinese!


Aloha Weezard :)

You tellin' me you did that with only LEDS?

I would have to see it in person to believe it.

No offense brah, I can put xmas lights on my plants to make em all look purple as well.

Mahalo :)


Weezard, your flowering outside......Even HID's wont compare to island sun cuz.

Here's one of the reasons I don't believe it.


This guys buds looks like popcorn.......Like some college kid growing in his dorm.

When LED's put out the lumens of an HID, then it would really get my attention.

Keep it growing


Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather see results than base the facts on a thread.

Can anyone show me a grow of the same strain, one under HID's and the other only under LED's????
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Hawaiian Inebriatti
That's exactly what I'm sayin

That's exactly what I'm sayin

Aloha Weezard :)

You tellin' me you did that with only LEDS?

Yes, that was grown with a homemade 150W. led array.

I would have to see it in person to believe it.

Might be able to arrange that, I'm legal.

No offense brah, I can put xmas lights on my plants to make em all look purple as well.

No offense taken.
One easily could.
I, I'm very happy to say, have no need to.
With all the crap out there claiming to be the ultimate grow light, and some of the crappy results I've seen, it's not easy to accept great results at face value.

Still, there they are.

Mahalo :)

And, it gets even better.
"Weezard, your flowering outside......Even HID's wont compare to island sun cuz."

Yes, and indoors as well!
IMO, LED folks that aspire to doing "as well as" HIDs, lack ambition.
I want to do as well as sunlight, dammit.
And tropical sunlight at that!:joint:

I was growing decent buds with 45W, light arrays.
Large, tight, frosty,fragrant and potent, buds.
I use 660nm. red and it make a large difference. -(My opinion, based on tests.)

When I went to 150W., my indoor buds, same strain, rivaled those grown in Big Island sunlight.
You'll find pictures of that in my albums.

Know, that it matters little to me what you do or do not believe.
I'm not selling anything.
I just thought it would do good, to give you an honest shot at overcoming your assumptions based on limited information, yah?

You do not know, until you do know. -Weeze

I'm real happy with my results.

Aloha brah,

Wee, tiny, itty, li'l 'zard


Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather see results than base the facts on a thread.

Can anyone show me a grow of the same strain, one under HID's and the other only under LED's????

White russian, clones from same plant.

600W HPS:


240W LED (2*120W chinese panels, about 200W of LEDs):


540g dried first (HPS grow), 381g second (LED grow).

Its been already linked in this thread, but surpringly for someone interested on facts, you dindt take the effort of reading it before trolling.

Anyway, nobody obligue anybody to grow with one or another light. You choose, its your money and your garden.


New member
Just to add some advice into this thread. I found the best results after trying many LEDs, to be the decent 90w ebay UFOs with the tri spec white light. If you can find one for below $170 I would say snatch it.


Thanks i am gonna go ahead and buy that light and supplement it with 200 watts of full spectrum floros I belive in leds and floros and I did read this entire thread and I see results to be had by leds. If they don't penetrate my canopy my full spectrum floros on the sides and in the middle of the plants should do the trick :yummy: I know wattage doesn't mean jack and read this whole post but without quantifiable data on anything we are all left to experament and we will never fully understand what will make indoor bud as good as if it had been grown from the sun. I will post pics of my grow box as soon as I get my first harvest in another 4 months until then I will be going solo :joint: props to all inovative growers maybe yours is tastier than most hid grows because there is little to no heat degradation unless they have a really good cooling method. Im for everyone and I have read for 5+ years about pot and growing and now finally I can. I hate hids because they are a hassle with heat and ive seen some great buds grown pure floro I think Led/floro lighting will be the way to go especially when governments are becoming more restrictive of incandescent lighting including hids and there are plans afoot to outlaw them all by 2019 by the united states and other countries as well being replaced by leds and floros. And hey if I get enough bud to smoke for free and maybe get a couple bucks maybe I won't have to cook food for hundreds of people a day and I can go to collage for horticulture and genetics like I want to. peace and stay stoned:abduct:


New member
Low Grow,

There is definitely lots of potential with LEDs. Another tidbit of advice would be not to listen to the LED companies that claim they have superior products over the generic chinese ones for sale. I bought a $700 180w LED light from a company with so called special wave lengths that the others don't have. Well my $170 90w UFO TRI spec w/ white from ebay is outperforming the 180w in the same area 2x2.

Another thing I would recommend using mylar coated walls they really seem to help the light intensity w/ LEDs. Im getting really good results vegging 2x2 for every 90w. So a 4x4 would require 4 x 90w to perform well in my eyes.


New member
What a mammoth and hugely interesting thread, which I must admit I have only skim read over an hour or so. Many thanks to all the led pioneers, it much be very exciting being at the forefront of seeing what is possible, you are an inspiration!

Much of the debate seems to revolve around the best spectrum for flowering (this is of course the Holy Grail), but I would be interested to know led users experiences in veg when it comes to the best combination of red and blue (or any other colour for that matter). Many, many pages ago the hugely entertaining Weezard said that he had had good results with 7/3 red/blue in veg. Can any other LEDers share any good or bad veg ratio experiences such as more or mostly blue?

Thanks in advance, keep up the good work,



watt does mean something tho, think if you had 14 70hps(6 inchs of good intensity llight) which is about 1000watts(36 inchs of good intensity light, do you think you will get the 36 inch distance of the 1000w with the 14 70hps?


Ive got a question for you LED guys.

Would a PC fans with four GREEN LEDs disturb the plants sleep cycle? I know plants dont absorb green light but didnt know if the LED was different.

thanks for the responses in advance. :)

edit: if it doesnt hurt the sleep than its a great fan for exhaust and night working.


Plants will not see or be bothered by green LEDs.
I have some Sentinel controls and all of thier temperture sensors have green LEDs on them and there has not been a problem in over a year of use.

BTW if you would like to look into some really good LED grow lights, check out Theroreme Innovation they have lights that really work, now.


yo i took a look at those theorem innovation bulbs.. just another shop who offers excellent advertising
just check out how they say their 300w is equivalent to 600w hps, they even post the ppf so its easier to compare - here we go:

300w theorem ti smart lamp: 183 umol/s (0.61/w)
600w hps green power: 1150 umol/s (1.92/w)

whoew those lights must be really amazing making up such a big loss by just the spd, theorem are fucking wizzards!! :wallbash: