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LED Hydro grow



Well, my new power source came in today and I decided to get down to business. I opened up the light, replaced the power source AND...


That's ok, there are two red power sources. So I pulled out the other one, wired it up AND...


Then I got discouraged and wanted to throw the damn thing out of a third story window for 10 minutes, recovered, and decided to break out the volt meter and open the light again. It took me about 15 minutes to discover that the wire leading to both the red power sources was bad...

I replaced the wire, hooked up the red power sources, plugged it on and said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!"

And there was light. In the red spectrum as well as blue. Finally.


The ladies didn't do badly under blue/white light for a week! Here's some pics from today. A shot of the grow space, then a close up bud from the Jah Kush, then a close up bud shot of the Dyno.

The ladies are swelling up nicely. The Jah Kush has basically taken over the closet, and the poor Dyno is there soaking up whatever rays it can. I'd put up pictures but it basically looks the same as last time but the buds are a little thicker and the whole thing sparkles like a fake vampire in the sun.

So request pics if you want to see something specific and I'll put them up, otherwise I probably won't post any until I harvest and can get some really good ones.
I lied. I wasn't planning to put any more pics up, but these buds have started to bend the plant under it's own weight which tickled me so I took pictures to share. Every time I open the closet door now buds come spilling out :).

And can anyone refresh my memory on how to tell when the plant is ripe for harvest? If I remember correctly you look at the trichomes under a microscope and judge by their color when to harvest. A cloudy milk white for Sativa's on 75% of the trichomes and a golden color for indices is what I remember - can anyone confirm or correct that for me?



Well at long last the time has arrived! The Jah Kush ripened faster then expected and I harvested today before it over ripened. I'm going to give the Dyno another week or so, but the Jah Kush did better than I could have hoped for. Without further ado.

The finished product! Here she is laid out bare for you:

And a couple close ups:

And a super closeup on the cola so that you can see the resin production really nicely:

The Dyno is still sitting in the closet and she got a bit eclipsed by the Jah Kush. She's looking a bit slim and like her production won't be nearly as high:

I should have a dry weight for the Jah Kush in a few days. I'm in Colorado at high altitude and don't expect the drying to take long. Overall though I'm tentatively very pleased!
Weight on the first plant was 91g. Some of the buds still had a little moisture in them so that will come down a bit, but it should come in between 80 and 85g after all is said and done.

I also got impatient and ground up a bud and threw it into my Volcano and DAMN. I got a lot more bags full than I normally do and it messed me up. I can't wait to try it after it's properly cured!

I still have the other plant and she'll be getting harvested on Friday.
Final numbers are in!

90 grams of Jah Kush

and 31g of Dyno

For a total of 121 grams off of two plants under 357 watts of LED.

I'm very happy with my test run and will be setting up a SCROG with recirculated DWC for my next grow which I'll hopefully have setup in 2 weeks. Then I'll start all over.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/


btw, i used 180 watts for the output of your magnum and came up with .67 gpw... :tiphat: