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LED Hydro grow

I started my grow on 4/20 this year. I didn't plan it that way, but I'm not going to complain.

I was lazy this time, so I went with General Hydroponics Waterfarms for the grow system. They're basically DWC with drip rings, growing medium is Hydroton clay.

Light is a Mag 357 LED panel. I am using no supplemental lighting for this grow because I want to find out how well the LED can do on it's own. This one has 11 different spectrums of light as well as a few UV bulbs, so I've got high hopes.

I'm using General Hydroponics Flora/Micro/Bloom for notes. I'm also occasionally adding 1ml/gal of 29% H2O2 for additional oxygen and root health.

The girls are just finishing up their veg cycle, and I think I'm going to send them into bloom at the end of the week.

Strains are a Sativa Dominant Jah Kush on the left, and Indica dominant Dyno on the right.

One fan running to keep the place at a decent temperature, mylar on the walls of the closet. I've got a recirculating upgrade kit on it's way so that I can hook up a res/controller to this system. Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to do the upgrade mid-grow, but I will! :dance013:

Pics! The first pic is them after I setup the system and transplanted them. The second is the girls as of two days ago.

It's 72.25 inches high x 39.5 inches wide x 20.75 inches deep, but the light's probably hanging about 60 inches high right now once you take into account a shelve at the top.


Active member
I'll pull up a chair for this one. I'm interested in how those hydrofarms go under LEDs for you, best of luck!
Update: I flipped them into bloom lighting and nutes about a week and a half ago. I had to raise the light tonight and began super cropping because they're getting too tall. Two pics attached, but I'm planning to do a water change after work tomorrow and hoping to get some better pics then.

Looks like we're into about week #3 of bloom. The ladies have been very happy. I've decided not to use the reservoir and controller this time around as I don't really want to screw with it in the middle of the bloom stage, so next grow I'll go recirculating with SCROG, but for this one I'm going to let them finish up this way.

I had to raise the light again another few inches. Stretch has been slowing down though, so I think we're going to begin swelling. So far I'm liking what I'm see'ing. Decent penetration (for LED), but with a little bit of super budding and LST I've managed to get quite a few topper buds so I'm excited to see what total weight will come out to.

Another pic of the grow space, close up of Jah Kush bud, and a close up of the Dyno bud.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
looking good... they should start swelling up now ;)

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
I have been considering / researching LED. Thanks for the info.

I hate the amount of heat my 150w HPS / cfls throw in my cab.
I have been considering / researching LED. Thanks for the info.

I hate the amount of heat my 150w HPS / cfls throw in my cab.
Heat was the reason I decided to cross my fingers and go all out LED this time. I didn't feel like setting up heat dispersion for an HPS in that little closet. The LED has been perfect for that as max temperatures have been around 75 degrees F with the closet door cracked about an inch and one 5 inch fan running 24/7 in the closet; and the plants are able to grow right up to and push against the LED light without burning.
Disaster Strikes!

Disaster Strikes!

Well, I just went to check on the girls and everything seemed less bright. A quick inspection shows me that all of the lights on one of my switches are out. I think my UV bulbs and my blue spectrum lights are still on, but all the red are gone. I contacted Growperfect Tech and left a message.

Fingers are crossed for a fast response...

I contacted the distributor and he said that one of my power sources for the red spectrum crapped out, and told me to e-mail him my information and that he'd ship a new one out today. Fingers are crossed!