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LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

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Please keep posting updates here. I did a 2'x2'x5' cab grow with hempy/krusty buckets, LST, and a 400w HPS in bake-around, and was extremely impressed with the growth and yield, but the electricity bill and the heat were too much! If this can seriously contend with a 400w HPS I would really like to know about it. Also, is this light manufactured by the same factory that makes the other brand 120w triband LED grow light (maybe with some LED and spectrum differences, not trying to start a flame war, just saying they look awfully similar)?


Active member
Our 119W Beta (test version) lights destroyed a 150W HPS... So if you wanna make it interesting, you should use at minimum, a 250W HPS against the 126W, but I'd recommend a 400W.
LED girl i would LOVE to have one of those lights, and id post pics everyday and not give a shit if everyone on icmag including you gave me negative rep. i dont give a shit if i had a rep score of -999,999,999,999,999 and everyone said i was an asshole liar, id be laughing the whole time i smoked my bud i grew with your light.lol and thanking you and talking about you on another forum, much smaller like a family forum.


Irish, LED Girl, and All,
Sorry to see all of th BS piling up around such a great product. Especially you Irish, cause I have been following your posts for months now. You have had to deal with a lot of BS, and it really should not be like that. When I was researching LEDS 3 months ago, it became very clear, very quickly who has a GREAT product. I have been using LED Girls 63 for about 2 months now, and I am just about to break out one of her 126's that has been awaiting better grow space. I am more impressed with the results on a daily basis. Indeed, she has nailed it...great light, and really incredible results.

Irish, I am already starting to see differences in your test. People need to see your work, man. And, I think LED Girls product Deserves the respect of finishing the test. Ignore the assholes, man. This place is full of em. That said, there are also some of the most decent, talented growers in the world on this site. The assholes are really just pissed that they are such miserable losers that they cannot afford to purchase these great lights. Just laugh at them, man. They are sorry sacks of shite, and you will have the last laugh man, because you will be growing sick buds, with no heat, and wont be paying out your ass for bulbs and electric. Looking forward to watching your results, and glad you are here at IC.

LED Girl- Great job. Keep up the good work...but please try to control the prices:joint: I think I need a couple more of your lights.:woohoo:


Active member
Update pictures 11-21:







Our 119W Beta (test version) lights destroyed a 150W HPS... So if you wanna make it interesting, you should use at minimum, a 250W HPS against the 126W, but I'd recommend a 400W.

Hello! First i would like to say i'm very curious about your LED light systems, as many here are... I hope all you are saying is true so that we can really see those HIDoH (High intensity discharge of HEAT) go out of the market and give growers improved and better lighting systems.

It is obvious to me that it has proven benefits like the almost no heat output (as said by MrWags and sleepy), the plug and play feature, less energy consumption and i can see the vegetative pictures from irish, those plants are beautiful! I'm impressed to say the least...

Good luck with your company and i hope your lights turn out to be as good as you say, that would be great for many growers around the world for sure! :woohoo:

BTW, good luck to you to irish, may your harvest give you great quality medicine!
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ive always been sceptical of leds but these look promising, you guessed it im a hps/hid grower, but ive been looking for alternatives for a while now jus one that will compare well, an most other options dont apart from those plasma things but they a tad expensive an not really out yet.
i think the main problems been with leds not matching the exact spectrum needed an light being wasted as in hid lights or something similar, but these ones would seem to be a much better match.
i defo think im gonna invest in one for veg thats for sure. but id need to see a bit of flower power from these to see wot they are like(cant be fucked to go fishin the forums tho) be good as a supplement lighting no doubt.
i have a couple q's tho
firstly is do they put out any uv light to help resin production an if not is that something you could maybe add to a later model??
an secondly are these available in the uk, if not then can you make them available please?


id also like to know a little about LED's and the UV side of the spectrum
to let everyone know not matter what i decid i will still be the one to post the final yeild pics and give my review on each light. no matter what. but untill things het cooled down i might lay low but i will be back because i dont want some company giving my final review with pics.
good to know ur not abandoning it entirely. i just found out about this, and im pretty fascinated by all of it. reminds me of what a cool world this is (most of the time, anyway).

as for all the negative responses, yeah, there are a lot of assholes here (and ive been an asshole more than a few times) but there are also a lot of really great and talented people here, as well.

keep up the fantastic work, im looking forward to seeing the results.


Active member
i think the main problems been with leds not matching the exact spectrum needed an light being wasted as in hid lights or something similar, but these ones would seem to be a much better match.
i defo think im gonna invest in one for veg thats for sure. but id need to see a bit of flower power from these to see wot they are like(cant be fucked to go fishin the forums tho) be good as a supplement lighting no doubt.

If you look around this forum, you will see our 1512W bloom, and a 504W bloom, as well as customer grow journals listed in a sticky. There are plenty of bloom results for you to gaze upon ;)

i have a couple q's tho
firstly is do they put out any uv light to help resin production an if not is that something you could maybe add to a later model??
an secondly are these available in the uk, if not then can you make them available please?

No, these lights do not emit UV. The UV that MJ needs, is 285-315nm, which is EXTREMELY expensive right now ($90-$130 per 1W LED). If you want supplemental UV, you can buy cheap fluorescent style 4W and 6W tubes for about $10 a piece. Perhaps in a year or two if the price of these UV LED's drops to under $10 per watt, we may consider adding them in, but for now it is not economical. In all honesty though (and others will vouch for me on this) our units will give you a higher quality end product than HID (more resin/thc).

We do make units for the UK, it simply requires an email ;) They come with the proper plug and voltage to start using the minute you receive them.


ive been told the wrong uv will hurt yeild? you know of this led girl? do you think their would be any bad affects from one of those UV CFL's on my plants?


Active member
I don't know if the wrong UV will reduce yield (like say 390nm - 420nm), as I haven't ready anywhere that this range even has an effect on Cannabis. I do know that if you are using the proper nm of UV, that you should only do so in small quantities, or it can reduce your yield, even though you get a higher quality end product. So it's a fine line to cross, and honestly I'm not the expert on where the cutoff point for UV lies. If anyone else knows, please feel free to educate me and the rest of us on this topic. Thanks!


I don't know if the wrong UV will reduce yield (like say 390nm - 420nm), as I haven't ready anywhere that this range even has an effect on Cannabis. I do know that if you are using the proper nm of UV, that you should only do so in small quantities, or it can reduce your yield, even though you get a higher quality end product. So it's a fine line to cross, and honestly I'm not the expert on where the cutoff point for UV lies. If anyone else knows, please feel free to educate me and the rest of us on this topic. Thanks!

i know of a fourm where some members were testing this i will look tomarrow and see what they came up with. i just rember tons of people were trying differt uv's. so ill get back to you.
after feeding the girls last night i notice the buds are forming nice and close to each others. things are moving along now, should be some good bud formation. once things start realy taking off ill take some pics.


hey irish, what is the size of the plants and the pots that you are using? i'm guessing the bigger ones are about 18" high and about 16" wide by comparing the size of the penetrator.

be good!
Irish, you need to grow a pair brother, fuck all the haters on here, what does neg rep mean anyway. Can you use good rep to buy something or what? Your doing good stuff and a bunch of people with small areas, stealth concerns and high heat issues need people to lead the way. And I don't think anyone expects LED to out perform HID but if it even performs the same or close would be great. Think about how much fucking shit Thunderkle has gone through with his CFL cab, every day people hating on this guy, has he stopped hell no kept on marching, takes it in stride and smokes some well grown bud, but done with a cfl. I for one appreciate your work as well as LEDgirl. Thanks
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