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LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: HG LED 205w vs. PS 180w


Side by Side day 64

Side by Side day 64

Another day and a few more pics, hope you all are tokin well!

Side by Side

Jumbo 180w

HGL's 205w


Great grow Wizo. A few years back i looked into leds and wasnt too impressed. After seeing your grow i might have to change my mind... you're going to have a nice stash after this grow dude.


Man Wizo, Everything is looking tastey! + my Fav in the lead, again...

Looks like everyone loves them 4" MASSY Fans hahaha!! Walmart u f*&ker..


Man Wizo, Everything is looking tastey! + my Fav in the lead, again...

Looks like everyone loves them 4" MASSY Fans hahaha!! Walmart u f*&ker..

Hey MeanBean,

Thanks for stoppin by again, I must agree with ya as shit as lookin yummie. I usually try not to handle/squeeze my buds really at all, but couldnt resist as this is the first round with led's and I must say they are surprisingly denser feeling that even I anticipated. So even more so lookin forward to tomorrow's harvest!

As for 4" personal fan, I try not to support the Walton family and their 40+ billion dollar empire. I went ahead and paid the extra .12 cents more at TARGET!! They are a brand called RE (room essentials) but I bet its the same damn components just with a different companies names slapped on there....


I usually try not to handle/squeeze my buds really at all, but couldn't resist..

I know all about this... it's a battle.

Stinky fingers.

target or walmart, there both evil, but yeah walmarts worse. they took over selling the basic stuff, not really a great feat if u ask me, but hey the Walton's all have all 24k gold Mercedes benzezes to get around in.

But now even the waltons can't stop walmart. even if the head ceo wanted to shut it down, you can't kill Walmart


LoL, man I wish. I wanted to give'em a real nice flushin. They are comin down tomorrow when the lights come on! Gonna be harvesting my first round with the spinner as well, so I have my work cut out tomorrow trimmin. Then clean up, then gotta get the next round in there and goin'. Fun filled day tomorrow for sure....


prosource side all chopped... very surprised at density of the buds, the dry weight might even surprise myself.

really lookin to the hydro grow led side now as they seem denser and fuller!


Alrighty the deed is done!

I feel pretty good about the pull from both led units. No wet weights since it too me so long to do, thought that might be unfair to one side or another, so just wanted to wait til everything is dry.

guess thats the grow part all wrapped up. now just gotta wait a few days. Should be able to get a dry weight in about 4 days or so as its been very dry around here. So stay tuned for dry weights!


Dry Weights...

Dry Weights...

Dry Weights were 144g under the Hydro Grow LED light and were 117g under the Jumbo.


Well I was hoping to do a bit better than this but there is certainly room for improvement on my end. I believe that I topped the plants one to many times and had energy goin all over and I should have lollipopped them up a bit more as I had shit that was essentially gettin hardly any light. And not to mention that I believe that my temps got a lil warm from trying to achieve PS's desire to have temps at 88 degrees and gave me a lil'root rot towards the end. But all and all I am blown away by these lil 1w LED's that were able to produce, what looks like some killer smoke (havent smoked any yet, I'll prob wait a week after their in the jars for awhile) I think both manufacturers have a nice product, but it certainly appears HGL is further along.

So yeah, guess that about raps it up. Thanks for all that followed along the way, and thanks to the manufacturers of both LED's.

I have started my next round with the LED's in case anyone cares, lol. It's a hybrid type grow, I will be vegging with LED's and then flowering with them as well for the first 4 weeks and then I will be switching over to a 600w hps to finish them off with. One thing I love most about these LED's is their amazing ability to stack internodes. I love it.

Til next time, I'm outtie

thanks again to all



Is it just me, or is there a lot more stem weight on the PS side lol?

Good grow Wizo! :)

LOL, I think you're right after lookin back through them. I did the HGL side first and then moved onto the PS side so perhaps my hands were gettin a lil lazy or I just wanted to run off and burn one, hehe....

I'll sort back threw it and pull out any missed stem-age and report back to you all.


Eh, I suppose I wasnt that lazy... Was only 1.1g total in stems that I pulled off the ps side. Now there aint shit for stems on either side.



Verry nice. That was a nice grow, i liked it.

Where is your new thread? did u started already

Thanks T1, I really appreciate you stoppin in and checkin it out.

Havent started a new thread, as you might be able to tell throughout this thread I can be rather large procrastinator, but havin kids definately takes up the vast majority of my time. I do plan on putting one together again here soon as I get everything all squared away. Workin on gettin my next round started in the spinner and would like to post a journal on that grow as well as my first round with it.