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LBHs Autoflowering Haze crosst too Green Haze x Meao Thai

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
High there
LBH i have a question, Ive buyed your seeds and i want to breed them for the future. can i expect some hermies with litlle bit stressing (there is a little bit stress in every round you know ), and i want some pure haze/thai experience in the HIGH , not just very good daytime weed, but really tropical thunder , you know. how much can degrade the high in that breeding process with Haze vs Autoflowering? whats your experiences with that?

thank you

as you can see there is litle autoflowering in the strain its al way back in the pedergree
and its breed for years and lot of generation for the sativa /haze type of plant and high
so the degrade of the pure haze high is almost notting!! its great plant too grow the LBH's autoflowering Haze but like al pure sativa;s it need too grown correct too get a good smoke/high and can be a trippy smoke
but like you sey you got a cross of my auto haze!! thaipan haze ore asian Haze they are crosses with some lillte lesser stronger high autoflowers like thaipan2.0 but still there will be a nice high and some strong trippy high's in there too

here some LBH;s autoflowering Aisan Haze's
grow by numide outdoor on balcony at 42°N







Thank you,
Im happy with that breeding infos :)
but now Im little bit confused. you wrote " there is little bit af " so may i expect there are not autoflowering or some are autos,,,
or they are all autoflowering?


Active member
I think he wanted to say that the ruderalis percentage in the genetic is small,so the "only" influence from it, is automatic flowering. Everything else is under the influence of sativa. Correct me if i understood wrong!


yes, i hope it probably its like you said,,,
i have another question:
whats these freebies that came with your seeds ?

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
as you can see there is litle autoflowering in the strain its al way back in the pedergree
and its breed for years and lot of generation for the sativa /haze type of plant and high
so the degrade of the pure haze high is almost notting!! its great plant too grow the LBH's autoflowering Haze but like al pure sativa;s it need too grown correct too get a good smoke/high and can be a trippy smoke
but like you sey you got a cross of my auto haze!! thaipan haze ore asian Haze they are crosses with some lillte lesser stronger high autoflowers like thaipan2.0 but still there will be a nice high and some strong trippy high's in there too

here some LBH;s autoflowering Aisan Haze's
grow by numide outdoor on balcony at 42°N

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Wow, Amazing LBH. I might need to get my hands on these for future Pacific North West grows...


so they start with preflowers 30days after germinating :)
fertilized once (canna) , direct sunlight 9hours - august was really tropical weather here...
female 1


female 2 she doenst like higher ec like others , but shes favorite now...


40days after germination
Ive choose 3females and 1male from one pack

first two females

that from right - she doesnt have one branch : D

The Hatter

This is a neat cross. I've always wondered how a hybrid between an auto flowering strain and a tropical sativa would turn out. I bet they will get huge for an auto. :D


Nice grow, and nice hybridation.
Good luck to your growing.

I live in a country where autos and earlys are very popular.
But personally, I don't like autos.
I have grown some, but it's not my thing.

It's still very nice to see some exploring and new stuff ;).Good luck.

The Hatter

Autos aren't really my cup of tea either due to the fact that the few I have smoked have been quite stoney and couch locking, but I find the work being done with them very interesting. A tropical sativa auto like the one you have created might not even have much couch lock at all despite the ruderalis genes. I will be very interested to hear how it smokes.

What makes autos so neat is that it makes cannabis cultivation much more accessible to people who might not otherwise be able to try it out or for growers who simply have unused space in a mother box etc. From what I hear you can even just stick an auto in a windowsill pot at the wrong time of year and still have it flower. Any work that makes growing this wonderful medicine available to more people is truly a noble cause.

I received a feminized auto cheese freebee with my recent orders so I might actually give it a try if I end up with any extreme late finishing sativa phenos. I figure I can just use it to fill the empty space left by the early finishers and the 12/12 light won't completely ruin it unlike regular seed. Once the last of the late finishers is done I can just finish the auto cheese by placing it in with the next grow as the new plants veg. (I know the funky light hours will hurt the yield but its a freebee that will be filling a space that would otherwise be empty so I figure it doesn't matter.)

Anyway, best of luck to you and your work.


hehehehe they are like crazy
300w yet @ 18/6 ...
post 23+ here

its two months and few days after germinating

so the two phenotipes are 100% af, but one is not af i think (shes in 6.5l and not going to flowering even under long daylight and phenotipe 3 was repotted (cca 25l) and going slow to flower so Im waiting . phenotipe 1 looks like thai really fast , pheno2 is the most fast (in grow and bloom) ...

fertilized not much yet, but I will start feed them more

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
yes, i hope it probably its like you said,,,
i have another question:
whats these freebies that came with your seeds ?
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LBH's Auto Asian Haze is cros of a thaipan Haze (thaipan2,0Xlbhauto haze)male backt crosst to a LBH auto haze female

the others are a freebee cross alf is a sort of mossy Jems (afganie mix)

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
here some of my auto Panama Haze work its a cross of my Auto Haze and a purple panama haze (ace) its not fully autoflowering stable (but early and can be grow here in holland)
it whas in a pot and not fed wel and i topd it and breek some side brences in veg time so that why she looks like this!!



sorry for my bad english!

peace LBH

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
some LBH Autoflowering Haze's grow outdoor (in rainy non summer ) in Amsterdam
planted in full soil beginning this year



and a bit later in flowering ( sadly later on some rippers stolen the head buds from the haze's)




ACE Seeds Breeder
Im glad to see the tropical sativa genes boosting the 'auto' vigour... very interesting projects you have there Buena Hierba, the outdoor auto haze looks fantastic, very hazy/sativa but still on time to finish in Holland.


wow impressive big hazes :ying:
well but you have written planted in february (or so) so it means its more than half year old with some buds but it means its not AF or what ? sry maybe its just early or starting flower later than after 30-40 days...
One of four females from your seeds is not autoflowering at all, but the others are really big and yummy :respect: i have seedrun now in progress and in future i want to make some with your seeds and ace seeds - automalawi :D

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
peacer i ment planted begin summer
(becorse ofcorse they cant be planted that time outdside too cold?)
they from seed til harved like 20 weeks (depends on pheno)
it can happend that sometime in a bag of seeds one dont autoflower sorry! i just a small hobby breeder for fun i cant run big numbers but im sure noordic outdoor growers wil like them even wen one dont auto.

thanks dubi