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Lazyman's 16KW Headbanger


Overkill is under-rated.
Ok, went over tonight and installed the flush kit for the RO, and automatic shutoff cartridge for it too. Nothing but CLEAN RO from now on, and less water wasting.

Dumped the two PMN reservoirs and filled em with fresh RO tonight, and added 10ml/g AN FInal Phase. Gotta wash em out quick so they can get chopped Monday, I've got too much else going on this weekend, and I'm cooling the night temps down too. Gotta add some more purple to the PMN!

So they should all look like this one:




Not bad for 48 days



Little blurry:

Check this out, bottom branch on a 4' tall, unpruned PMN, at 48 days flower these are pretty decent sized for used to be popcorn!


More pmn

Double purples at 12 days, Jackpots on the left wall!


More DOuble purples:


Jackpots getting huge, lots of budsites!



PMN in front, followed by double purple, then Jackpot against the back wall, in rows going from left to right here. PMN is at 48 days flower, the other strains (and 2 monsters each of PMN and Grape Stomper) are at 12 days flower.


Veg room:

Turning the blumats down (drier medium) helped the plants root:


And the two Jackpot moms at 6 weeks in veg:


Ya'll like the bigger pics?
Thanks to Poopyteabags for showing me how! :thank you:


Loving the pics Lazyman your flower and your veg room both look great! I am glad the blumats are working for you and the bigger pics are always better :) I use picasa and export pictures to a folder, lowering the quality to 45 or 50 and changing the size to 1024 and it usually works. Cropping is my favorite to show trichomes with haha

keep it up lazy, peace!


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks Raphael, and thanks for stopping in again!

Yep I had uploaded the pics to my album here, blow them up in a second window and drag back to the post in the first window, worked great!


Overkill is under-rated.
No anything with GDP in it tends to hurt the yield, and she vegges very slowly (especially under fluoros.) It's hard to see in the pics, but there actually is quite a bit of bud on the plants, they are just very leggy with hardly any leaves. Since they were unpruned they tend to grow more golf balls than colas, but it's all good in the end (gold balls dry better anyway.) Wait til you see the Jackpots in a few weeks, they'll be huuge.

CHopping PMN on monday, will get some more pix at the chop.


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks fellas! Glad to see you guys keepin an eye out ;)

So the other day when I took pics only a couple plants were purple, last night there were 15! I dropped the night temps a few degrees more so they'll change faster, but the best lit plants are the ones that purpled first. The stuff in corners not so much. I would kinda like to be able to leave those corner lights on for all 12 hours, will fix that with my 4-light relay after I add 4 more lights to flower, freeing up room on my 2 8-light relays for the new 4. A bit extra heat and power but I think it will be worth it.

Crossing my fingers that this will be at least 1gpw, which means I need 1800gr out of my 4KW in light, or roughly 2.2# per light. If I can do that on a dial in run I know I can hit 3# per by the end of the year! Stay tuned...
Still putting on an awsome show as usual lazy great job. Two questions why not lollipop a little bit? The more important question is are you qetting used to the knots from bumpin your head or just geeting used to ducking now lol. Keep up the good work. P.s I'm hoping ya get more than 1 g per watt good luck


Hey lazy remind me but you got more than of handful of strains and several reservoirs. How do you balance your nute regimen with so many different strains? Are you shooting for happy medium or...

Is there any foliar required for maybe the more finicky girls cal/mag wise or what?


Overkill is under-rated.
Still putting on an awsome show as usual lazy great job. Two questions why not lollipop a little bit? The more important question is are you qetting used to the knots from bumpin your head or just geeting used to ducking now lol. Keep up the good work. P.s I'm hoping ya get more than 1 g per watt good luck

Thanks man!

So lollipopping is good for overhead lighting, but with the crazy amount of sidelighting I have, and bulbs that illuminate the bottom of the plants quite well. Had to see if this system generates popcorn or not, so no trimming, but since it doesn't look like popcorn will be a problem, I'm leaving all future runs unpruned.

LOL getting better at ducking, only bang my head twice a week now instead of twice an hour. Got me a couple good ones that made me see stars and had my eyes tearing up.

Hey lazy remind me but you got more than of handful of strains and several reservoirs. How do you balance your nute regimen with so many different strains? Are you shooting for happy medium or...

Is there any foliar required for maybe the more finicky girls cal/mag wise or what?

Pretty easy, one strain per res! In veg they don't get much food, so mixing strains don't matter much. In flower each gets its own.

I use RO so every res gets some cal/mag (Techniflora MagiCal) but nutes are adjusted by what each row needs. I foliar spray DM Penetrator and Liquid Light, Floramite SC, and fungicides. Sometimes a bit of Snowstorm or Gravity. That's about it.

looking good. i hope you hit the 3 #

THanks, me too! It will be a bit later in the year I bet, but 2 seems quite reasonable. Stick around for the chop next week!


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah I thought about covering the ground, but a couple considerations:

The bottom of plants leaves don't like light, I've seen burned leaves from too reflective a floor.

Also, spills would SUCK. As soon as water gets under your floor covering, (which it will, eventually) you've got a nightmare in the making, and it's hard to pull up with a room full of plants. Mold and mildew grow and spread, and pretty soon you've got a sick room, in the bad way! I also don't think Tekfoil is durable enough to be a floor covering.


Tropical Outcast

Also, spills would SUCK. As soon as water gets under your floor covering, (which it will, eventually) you've got a nightmare in the making, and it's hard to pull up with a room full of plants. Mold and mildew grow and spread, and pretty soon you've got a sick room, in the bad way! I also don't think Tekfoil is durable enough to be a floor covering.

Either Linoleum or Pond liner will work there.

Linoleum can be had in various colors but is limited in size when it comes to one piece (you would have to glue them together).

Pond liner is super tough stuff and can be custom made to pretty much any size...and is available in all sorts of color variations.

One of the places to give you an idea:



Overkill is under-rated.
Oh I considered it, believe me. Just with the posts in the room (I think 9 of them) I'd need lots of pieces and joints (leaks), and to what end? The concrete is pretty smooth and durable, easy to shop vac if need be, and I can get to all the hoses and lines that run everywhere in the room because they're not covered.

Man those are some cool pix, I wish I had one of those in my backyard!


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
hey lazyman - your op is nothing short of awesome here

i am totally impressed at the level of automation, the appearance and yield of your plants and the overall system/room/method

what's more, it is amazingly generous of you to provide details and info and resources as you are.

just so you dont get me wrong right?


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey xmobotx. nope no hard feeling bro, we're all here to learn (ok MOST of us, ahem, Cannaboy) and I enjoy a good debate, especially with smart like-minded growers. I'm pretty sure that if you post factual data, people will choose to use it or ignore it. Kinda like everything else right? ;)

As I've said many times, I'm not an expert grower. I do ok, at least well enough to continue, but I consider growroom design to be my forte'. I appreciate you dropping by and saying hi, and I'm glad you like it!