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With the new crime bill in place I believe mandatory minimum of 6 months jail, plus it goes up from there with aggrevating factors like growing in a rental dwelling etc...


Active member
can't recall where i heard the 6 plant thing, but i did. up to now, pot laws in BC have been extremely lenient...

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
If the new optimus prime bill is LAW now < like the boys said , mandatory min. 6 months,
not too sure if its Inforced yet , I live in Wpg know tons of people who been caught in the past with little repercussions, house arrest , fines.....Guess depends if you are living in the pre or post Harper rules?.....

The Boys

im not sure if the new laws passed but harper was trying to fill those prisons hes having built with some above 5 plant limit bullshit.


Mandatory mins only if they can charge u with trafficking, if u get got with 10 spindly plants the cops aint wasting any time . Same if u had a job and was paying taxes , had no scales and didnt get caught selling to anyone and had 40 plants they would still have to pin u with trafficking. A good lawyer could fight this forever.


Active member
Mandatory mins only if they can charge u with trafficking, if u get got with 10 spindly plants the cops aint wasting any time . Same if u had a job and was paying taxes , had no scales and didnt get caught selling to anyone and had 40 plants they would still have to pin u with trafficking. A good lawyer could fight this forever.

i hate to break it to you,but to the popo 10 plants is 10 plants whether they are huge or 6" high.it means nothing to them,if you get caught with ten spindly plant you are going to jail my friend...no offense,but that is not very good advise....
trust me,i just went through all that crap!
cops try to get you with ANYTHING they can and just let the courts figure it out.and even if the charges dont stick,do you know what you have to go through after a bust?its not worth it dude!
i hate to break it to you,but to the popo 10 plants is 10 plants whether they are huge or 6" high.it means nothing to them,if you get caught with ten spindly plant you are going to jail my friend...no offense,but that is not very good advise....
trust me,i just went through all that crap!
cops try to get you with ANYTHING they can and just let the courts figure it out.and even if the charges dont stick,do you know what you have to go through after a bust?its not worth it dude!
It's a big risk.
I will understand if you don't want to ansewer Chongsbuddy,
why did you get caught?


Active member
i apologize,i was under the impression we were talking about indoor,i was busted for indoor because someone entered my backyard and found a bunch of seedlings i had on my back deck.and you can only see them by entering through my fron yard.i think it was this bible thumper lady.
all my charges were dropped because i got legal during court hearings.but all the crap you have to go through,your power is shut off and you cant get it turned back on until you get a mold test and get your electrical inspected.i had no power for 8 weeks!plus i had to foot the bill for all the tests...then there was the $9000 for my lawyer.it was a huge lesson learned.they busted me for 3 dead plants i had pulled 2 days before that were all dried in my compost pile as well that were totally still in veg,so dont think that they will just leave them.they will get you with everything they possibly can.its their job.
I'm talking about indoor mostly. but would like some info for outside if it's any different.
Are clones and seedling considered plants?



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