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Lawn weed spray ripper

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What do you want them to do? All they can do is ask. You're not even sure (or can prove) that it was him. A lot could have happened in that 3 hour window of downtime. I feel bad for your situation but you really have no recourse. Good luck.
I mean no disrespect to you, but the "Oh, ya - what are you gonna do about it? Prove it." attitude really pisses me off. Usually it's some slack jawed asswipe, guilty as sin, but confident in their thieving abilities that they won't get caught. I KNOW who did it - that is not an issue. I know his name, I know where he works, I know what town he lives in.

Not slagging you, Bionic, not at all. Just your post struck a nerve. I do not steal, ever, from anyone. Both my kids had experiences with stores and taking things that didn't belong to them, and I made a huge issue out of it. They will never do it again. I expect no less of them.

Stealing from a customer is the lowest - worst than a random ripper out and about and getting lucky. I pay this company to perform a service for me, if I have to worry about not having anything stolen from me while their employees are on my property, I will not have them back.

I want this chumps head - and they know it. If I get no satisfaction, I will take matters into my own hands, and I am fucking nuts when irate. Broken bones, gas bomb, burn your motherfucking house down nuts. This will not be over, until I say it's over.


Trying to have a good day
I mean no disrespect to you, but the "Oh, ya - what are you gonna do about it? Prove it." attitude really pisses me off. Usually it's some slack jawed asswipe, guilty as sin, but confident in their thieving abilities that they won't get caught. I KNOW who did it - that is not an issue. I know his name, I know where he works, I know what town he lives in.

Not slagging you, Bionic, not at all. Just your post struck a nerve. I do not steal, ever, from anyone. Both my kids had experiences with stores and taking things that didn't belong to them, and I made a huge issue out of it. They will never do it again. I expect no less of them.

Stealing from a customer is the lowest - worst than a random ripper out and about and getting lucky. I pay this company to perform a service for me, if I have to worry about not having anything stolen from me while their employees are on my property, I will not have them back.

I want this chumps head - and they know it. If I get no satisfaction, I will take matters into my own hands, and I am fucking nuts when irate. Broken bones, gas bomb, burn your motherfucking house down nuts. This will not be over, until I say it's over.

Dont get into trouble.You can grow two more plants.But yes I too would be pissed and would want something done about it.At the very least maybe he will get fired.

Take care.


Cautiously Optimistic
I know how you feel M&B. It sucks to feel violated like that. I was just playing devil's advocate. I know you don't want LE involved but I was looking at it from a legal standpoint. Y'know? I've no doubt that you're right about the prick but it's not what you know. It's what you can prove. And you already admitted being unconscious for 3 hours and didn't actually see anyone doing anything. Had you received your beans would you blame the mailman, too?
And, please man, don't do anything that could be detrimental to your freedom and/or health. It's NOT worth it. Learn your lesson, accept responsibility for your role in this and move on. GOD bless you, brother and cheers to happier days.


Active member
dont hold your breath waiting for your plants homecoming. it wont happen. i fired the housekeeper and the landscaper. nobody get my plants LOL

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
so your landscaper stole your two plants? is that what im gathering from this? you should have been calm and not even callled the weed spray place and just waited for the guy to come back to do the next application... that guy has some balls and no brain to think he can take your plants and think he can get away scott free... no brains part def. comes into play when you think about the fact that he will have to come back to do more lawn spraying, right?

edit: ok, the guy who sprays your weeds was the ripper...


i think he was just doing his jobs you asked them to spray for weeds in your yard he did his job and got rid of All the weed on your yard! lol just just jokin!

i really hope they can prove this some how like check his milage and see if he made any unscheduled routes.... look for foot prints.... ask to speak with him and ask him questions only he would know

tell them you were in the shower and you put your girls out right before and when you got out he had been and left and the shit was gone?

how far along were they?


Freedom Fighter
I mean no disrespect to you, but the "Oh, ya - what are you gonna do about it? Prove it." attitude really pisses me off. Usually it's some slack jawed asswipe, guilty as sin, but confident in their thieving abilities that they won't get caught. I KNOW who did it - that is not an issue. I know his name, I know where he works, I know what town he lives in.

Not slagging you, Bionic, not at all. Just your post struck a nerve. I do not steal, ever, from anyone. Both my kids had experiences with stores and taking things that didn't belong to them, and I made a huge issue out of it. They will never do it again. I expect no less of them.

Stealing from a customer is the lowest - worst than a random ripper out and about and getting lucky. I pay this company to perform a service for me, if I have to worry about not having anything stolen from me while their employees are on my property, I will not have them back.

I want this chumps head - and they know it. If I get no satisfaction, I will take matters into my own hands, and I am fucking nuts when irate. Broken bones, gas bomb, burn your motherfucking house down nuts. This will not be over, until I say it's over.

Dude, that is pretty psycho for not having any evidence except "He was there"-- You do not know for sure that somebody else didn't get them-- A ripper can hit anytime, anywhere...
He might have took them, but then again, he might not have--
So you are going to do your best to ruin his life...on a "Maybe"--
There is no way that just because he did work there, that that means he is automatically guilty-- It just means he might have...so you want to go "fucking nuts", and hope you are right??
You already got crazy when anybody brought this stuff up, so I fully expect it...
Instead of "burning down his house" or some equally crazy shit, why don't you go face to face with him??
Sorry, not trying to start a fight, but it just irked me the way you have even gone off on ppl in this thread...shows you don't think things through--
I sincerely hope you get your plants back--:tiphat:


Overkill is under-rated.
I used to work for a guy from Syria, he told me you could leave a suitcase full of cash wide open in the middle of the busiest airport, and it will still be there in 4 hours. Nobody thieves in those countries!

I would have put out two more plants in the same spot and waited for the guy to come back. Only this time the planter would be hooked to an explosive, maybe a 30 min chemical delay fuse. That way he's good and gone by the time it goes off. But that's just me, lots of problems can be solved with everyday common household chemicals and such.

Love the line from Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino: "You ever meet someone you really wished you hadn't of fucked with? That's me."


stone fool
Isn't anger fun? The moral of the story is that no damn good ever comes from poisoning your own environment.

You seem determined to fail your IQ test today, hope you get some at least.
Isn't anger fun? The moral of the story is that no damn good ever comes from poisoning your own environment.

You seem determined to fail your IQ test today, hope you get some at least.
I'm legal - legal is poison? Do you have valuable property that someone could steal from you? Are you poisoned? My iq test was over 20 years ago, and was above genius, so not really sure of your point, I'll shrug and move on. You normally make sense, want to think about it and come back later?
Call the cops and report the theft.
That is an option, and the business knows that. I told them straight up that their guy prob assumed I was illegal, and wouldn't.

BTW, the police here normally assign a "street value" of $1,000 per plant when they bust a grow. The manager asked me for a value of loss, he's gonna shit when I tell him 2K.

I'm documenting every call, time, discussion and name for the conversations I've had w/ the company. I'm willing to be patient, to a limit.
While you growing might be legal, posting stuff on a public forum saying you're going to kill a guy over some weed is technically 'poisoning your environment.'
I think the poisoning he was referring to was the lawn spraying
Good point - missed that. We have the tree hugger special here, non toxic, no artificial chems, no pesticide. Strictly for lawn and weeds.

If that was the meaning - my most profuse apologies to Haps for that comment. Feelin' a tad screwed over right now.


Well his job was killing weeds, maybe he was just doing his job:tumbleweed:

But no in all seriousness stick it too him.. lets see what happens,


St. Elsewhere
You'd be lucky to grow a vegetable garden outside without getting cleaned out right before harvest in most areas.
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