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Lassen County Bans All Marijuana Cultivation


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
In another futile attempt to prohibit what the majority of the voters in the State of California approved many years ago, medical marijuana, the Board of Supervisors in Lassen County Ca. has banned all marijuana cultivation claiming medical marijuana poses an immediate threat to Public Health and Safety. The Supervisors fought for years in not complying with State mandated county medical cards for the sick, suffering, and dying patients that were benefiting from this drug there, one supervisor even went on record to claim patients were “the enemy with-in” at that time…and this seems to be another attempt by them to eliminate the medicine from the county entirely. Patients there will now be forced to move or travel to other counties for their much needed medicine. The Supervisors first priority, one would think, would be to the suffering patients living there, but no alternatives or considerations were discussed or made for them. DD

Below from the Lassen County Times website Wednesday May 19th 2010


May 18, 2010 — After determining a new marijuana garden near Johnstonville School and reported new marijuana dispensaries on Johnstonville Road and on Main Street in Janesville pose “a current and immediate threat to public health, safety and welfare,” the Lassen County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved two emergency ordinances that impose a 45-day moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries and/or cultivation of medical marijuana in the unincorporated areas of the county.

Each of the ordinances was “declared an urgency measure for the immediate protection and preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare.”
The board approved the emergency ordinances at a special evening study session held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 11 at Jensen Hall on the Lassen County Fairgrounds in Susanville. An estimated 200 county residents attended the meeting and for nearly two hours expressed a variety of opinions — both pro and con — on the controversy.
The board also directed staff to review potential regulatory procedures and policies regarding the appropriate zoning of marijuana dispensaries and marijuana gardens in Lassen County. The board must hold a public hearing to extend the moratoria beyond 45 days for a period of up to 10 months. The board also could approve a second 10-month extension, but the emergency ordinances may not be in effect longer than two years.
The purpose of the new ordinances is to give county staff time to review how other counties in the state are dealing with the issue and come up with recommendations for zoning ordinances that will work in Lassen County and regulate the locations where medical marijuana may be cultivated and distributed.
According to the report from county staff, “medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation are not defined in Lassen County Code Title 18 (Ordinance 467) and are therefore not allowed by right or by use permit in Lassen County.”
County staff said the matter was a zoning and land use issue and not a prohibition of medical marijuana use, which is permitted under California state law with a recommendation from a physician. The staff said the new ordinances were necessary to remove any ambiguity in the county code and ensure no marijuana gardens or dispensaries can be grandfathered in as non-conforming uses once the zoning questions are finally resolved.
According to the ordinance regulating marijuana dispensaries, certain licensed health care facilities in Lassen County would not be considered dispensaries, but those facilities do not provide medical marijuana to their patients.
Medical marijuana dispensaries are “considered a prohibited use in any zoning district of the unincorporated areas of the county of Lassen. No permits or authorizations shall be approved or issued for the establishment or operation of a medical marijuana dispensary while this ordinance is in effect,” the ordinance reads.
The ordinance prohibiting the cultivation of medical marijuana notes the “unique geographic and climate conditions” in Lassen County provide favorable locations for marijuana gardens.
According to the ordinance, adverse impacts reported by other public entities include “disagreeable odors, increased risk of burglary and other property crimes, acts of violence in connection with the commission of such crimes or the occupants’ attempts to prevent such crimes.”
The ordinance also reported, “Whereas, the county of Lassen has not adopted rules and regulations specifically applicable to medical marijuana cultivation and the lack of such controls may lead to increased medical marijuana cultivation and the inability to regulate medical marijuana cultivation in manner that will protect the general public, homes and businesses adjacent and near such cultivations … it is necessary to suspend the establishment of medical marijuana cultivation that may be in conflict with the development standards and regulations of the county of Lassen … ”
County staff reported it has recently received several inquires regarding the cultivation and distribution of medical marijuana in Lassen County.
The county staff’s response to these inquires has been that medical marijuana cultivation and distribution are not allowed and “a zoning amendment is required to permit medical marijuana dispensary and/or cultivation” in Lassen County.


Active member
What? They haven't been paying attention to San Diego and Los Angeles?

Those who don't stop to learn history.... are doomed to repeat it.

Probably a VERY religious town... with a few hapless patients stuck in it.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Total load of crap it is, I hope this is not a trend developing here! Ohh I just can't wait til November. ;)


Yes we have a large portion of California ( land wise ) where folks keep the heat on.

This is where the Tax Cannabis 2010 seriously fucks us too. No back bone ion the law and we will be subject to these conservative panic attacks.

Do you think arresting a medical gardener will hold up in court?

These folks that have this panic disorder will also be voting for their anal representatives. Lets get some change and be sure to vote in June!


Active member
Just sue them. ASA would probably help out among others.

Get this slapped down in court and the counties won't have a leg to stand on trying to ban cannabis...

Again I see the hand of the DEA in this.

They're helping the counties find whatever loopholes they can to fight 215.


Active member
What a load of crap....they're probably going to use the 45 days to arrest as many patients as possible. The DEA likes to send people to talk with the churches to try and show some absurd connection between mmj, mexican cartels, and muslim extremists. They are trying to rally the uber conservative religious freaks to take up their cause in the name of Jesus.


What a load of crap....they're probably going to use the 45 days to arrest as many patients as possible. The DEA likes to send people to talk with the churches to try and show some absurd connection between mmj, mexican cartels, and muslim extremists. They are trying to rally the uber conservative religious freaks to take up their cause in the name of Jesus.

What do we know about the area? http://www.co.lassen.ca.us/

Ahh The area is prime for 99 plants each kind of living! They are trying to stop immigration of undesirables!

So this is an area of old money property holders. Dude ranches and such in a clean air county.

If pot growers come in they will have money to spend and could change the demographics with minorities gaining a foot hold why it would look like San Francisco in no time with all that pot smoking and homosexuality.. Not to mention devil worshipping.

The young Virgins will all be violated and that Rock and Roll so called music will brain wash our youth into voting Democrat.

I am guessing they are saying that they intend to fight state law with the idea that local law rules the day.

The funny thing here is again these people do not understand what is actually going on.
If they face facts and come up with a positive framework based on it's legality then they will have more cooperation from the community to actually find offenders under the law than by sticking to the "Just say no" or "not in my county" approach.

It simply has not been pondered very far in Lasson county and now it's panic.
A Panic that Lasson is going to try and hurt the rest of us with. Lasson thinks they alone can win the war on drugs.. Oh with State and Federal Funding that is..


But does every California citizen not have a Constitutional right to cultivate under Prop 215? A lawsuit is entirely in order, maybe even a class action lawsuit, with all Lassen County patients and caregivers as the plaintiffs, for millions in damages; make the county think twice before spending valuable resources defying state law.

This is an emergency order if I understand what i have read. They noticed a Dispensary and then saw a garden some distance from a school and declared an emergency like they didn't know people would grow or consume once they had a right to do so.

Looks like these folks are stuck in a do or die situation and adapting to change is their least favorite activities.

Any one here from the area?


Freedom Fighter
Not that I support any kind of Regulation..cuz I am a dick like that...
But I believe they are talking about commercial growing...for Dispensaries-- Not Personal Grows--
Still they should not be allowed to discriminate...but yeah, it (I believe) is only after the Big Guys--


Active member
Local governments are allowed to zone land for different uses. They can say no junk cars Or you need so many acres to build this or that. This is the way this county is getting around p215. Now with that said breaking a zoning ordinance is not a misdemeanor it is a civil infraction punishable only by a fine. So I guess Lassen county could write you a ticket for growing medi-pot but that is it. Now if the county board members get re-elected that must mean either a good percentage of lassen county residents are uninformed, or the majority of the county is happy with the zoning restrictions they put in place. I live in michigan and we have areas with messed up MJ zoning laws also its just the way it goes I know it sucks but it is perfectly legal. Its just like the local ordinances in some communities that say your grass can only be so high.


Local governments are allowed to zone land for different uses. They can say no junk cars Or you need so many acres to build this or that. This is the way this county is getting around p215. Now with that said breaking a zoning ordinance is not a misdemeanor it is a civil infraction punishable only by a fine. So I guess Lassen county could write you a ticket for growing medi-pot but that is it. Now if the county board members get re-elected that must mean either a good percentage of lassen county residents are uninformed, or the majority of the county is happy with the zoning restrictions they put in place. I live in michigan and we have areas with messed up MJ zoning laws also its just the way it goes I know it sucks but it is perfectly legal. Its just like the local ordinances in some communities that say your grass can only be so high.

These areas of California do not want the Poor, Minorities or Hippies and Pot represents all of that to them.

This is more about that idyllic Country life of White folks.. Especially old money folks.


Just to be fair i don't think that those of us who voted in 1996 thought that anyone could get cannabis for no reason what so ever. Its too easy for kids to get recs. I see 18 year old kids going into these collectives with their car load of friends sitting in the car outside blasting their music. What medical purpose do those kids have? I highly doubt a carload of kids is going to go home and medicate for their ailments.

I somewhat regret what has happened. I see crooks everywhere opening up shops, I see kids who just want to get high faking illnesses to gets recs. I didn't vote for this. I feel responsible for all the problems that have been created. A collective near me was robbed and one person was shot. I think its turned into a drug market with criminals everywhere.


These areas of California do not want the Poor, Minorities or Hippies and Pot represents all of that to them.

This is more about that idyllic Country life of White folks.. Especially old money folks.

But we should try to work with cities and not demand that they accept us. These collectives do cause problems, And i take no joy in saying that. I have seen it happen, I have seen the neighborhoods become crime and trash ridden when some collectives open up. One bad collective spoils the bunch. There are many bad collectives. There are more bad then good. I think most should be shut down unless they are run by honest people.


Active member
Now I have heard it all. Young kids ruining there life wife cannabis. So what if a whole car load of teenagers is fireing up. Atleast they wont Overdose. Think of it this way if cannabis wasnt so easy to get I bet they could find crack instead. All I was saying was communities retain the right to zone how they see fit for land use. I will never believe cannabis ruins nieborhoods. Everything gets stuck up party stores banks and bars. Anything with money is a target cannabis is no different. There will be robberies people will get shot. Gas Station attendant is technically a more dangerous job than being a soldier google gas station robbery murders. Bums and crackheads cannot afford recomendations because that is money that could easily be spent on more drugs So dont push that angle. Peace <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


Active member
If collectives are operating outside the law and selling to people without cards shame on them.


Freedom Fighter
I have seen it happen, I have seen the neighborhoods become crime and trash ridden when some collectives open up. One bad collective spoils the bunch.

Really?? You mean that 1 Collective...with most Patients driving up, walking in...walking out, then driving home...ruins whole Communities??!! hahaha...relax man!!
Maybe the CannaGangs are camping out in front??:laughing:
Them "Kids" have the same Rights you do-- It makes them feel good....would you rather they were at the Methadone Clinic??
Oh Gee Wiz...they play loud music!!! So fucking what!!
You have a severe case of the "Can't remember whens"!!
Cannajuana is a "Medicine"...but the way we have always used it..."For Fun"...is just fine-- You don't need to medicate in solitude...laying prone in a bed, in order to be compliant--
Have fun...life is too short to spend it like you're dying--:tiphat: