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Lashkar GAH IX by High Country.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I hear ya, well a freind gave me their seeds & i promised to make more & give a bunch back.....rack up 50 post then pm me & we can chat more about it in private
im not using any fertilizers at all just organic soil & water the reason its so dark is because i grow under LED & all my plants look that way.
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Kiefsweat has given the most accurate description. Willis, you may be getting less than desired results because of the small pots you flower in. The plants look very stressed, in better conditions you may see a more desired morphology.


I'm fully aware of what is in those seeds you are working with. I made them. just so you know, i did an open pollination, it was the first time that line was pollinated outside of lashkar.Tr gave me the last seeds he had. As far as working it to an ibl, that's not why we put those seeds out. the open pollination route is preffered for creating a line that is closer to a true land race.
I still have tons of the originals and the pollen.
But I still stand by the fact they need more root space than your methods are providing. When plants are grown in less than ideal conditions they tend to have a different look or set of characteristics that a grower might desire. Or I guess to be curt, your methods are not a good guage for how the plant will preform, unless you want to know how they preform in a solo cop. I am glad that you are working with them, but I urge you to give your plants more room to grow, you'll be happier.


Willis, your plants look really rough and there are a good deal healthier plant shots on these boards. And ugly is in the eye if the beholder. Those plants were out of a very large seed run and are a very accurate representation of the green types IMVHO; Some are leafy and others are not so much it is a pure line. Again you are welcome for those.


Long haired country boy
Those lashkar's are afghans to a T, kinda a pain in the ass to keep healthy and happy some real ratty looking plants in those genes( I thought the kunduz were way more appealing)
. LOt's of fun plants in the hybrids I've seen, straight darkness.. Going to pop some of those chem 4 x LG for some outdoor. Those pics you showed me buck inspired me to do so..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
if this is a female i will be hitting it with World of Seeds moroccan indica, & then possibly re-veg it, If its male i will save the pollen & cross it to Lapis Mtn Indica which is Deepchunk x Lapis (afghan landrace) which this pheno looks idenicle to




Long haired country boy
According to the information posted above, this strain was originally collected in either 2004 or 2006. So you have had this strain in your possession (excuse me, "your buddy's" possession) for 10 years. Since you acquired the strain, that made you its de facto curator for the rest of us in the Western world. And what do we have to show for it, today?

Where does one go to place an order for a 10 or 20 or 100 pack of open pollinated LG seeds, so everyone can grow this strain out and enjoy it? When has the strain ever been made available for people to buy, so we too can experience the results of a "very large seed run" and judge the strain for ourselves to its fullest? Did you just make a bunch of 5 seed sample packs and scatter them to the winds?

95% of those packs either will never be sprouted, or will be sprouted by some amateur or expert grower who is disappointed for one of many good reasons, maybe or maybe not bothers flowering it out to an end product (I almost didn't), and that will be the end of it. Maybe 1% of those packs ends up in the hands of a person like me, who work with it and preserve it.

That's why there's 3-4 or us here in a thread arguing, since we are the only ones who ever had the opportunity to grow these.

If the strain is so great exactly how it is, why not make more seeds and release them? It would be a smash hit since I don't know what I'm talking about, right?

This strain has been hoarded by one family in one region for generations, and that's why it has become so genetically bottlenecked and full of mutations. And now it's been acquired by a Western hoarder who won't let anyone else help to breed and maintain the line in their own way, because he's afraid it would overshadow his own contributions.

You keep trying to blame me for what those plants above look like, but the genetics are solely to blame for how the plants turned out in this environment, or in any environment. I know this for a fact due to many years of experience growing long before ever hearing of any LG. You're also not the person who's ever been to Afghanistan, pal....I was there in 2007 in the exact same region this plant came from, and I know what the climate is like there....10x harsher than anything these plants have ever been subjected to.

The strain has a lot of positive traits to offer, but the sad fact is, no Western grower would ever sprout and grow it beyond a few plants as a novel curiosity, due to its serious deficiencies. That's why I'm going to make an IBL to fix these problems, while retaining 99% of everything else that makes the strain great. Then other folks can have the opportunity to enjoy growing the strain, without having to put up with any of the bullshit that comes along with it.

JUst WoW... legal opportunity has given some the fortune of doing massive runs of seed.. I myself have gotten the privilege of running huge seed pops, as has buck owens..like it has been said there are great plants to be found, but this strain was bred to be
a hashplant because thats what they do with herb out there ... I would consider myself lucky to have acquired some old world cannabis genes.. rough, but there is gold to be found .. FWIW I have met few that were as generous as buck with his seedstock, so before you go casting stones, think of those that took time, effort, and risked freedom to get those seeds in your hands.. sorry this last post rubs me wrong.


the Lashgars where complete opposites of the Kandahar strain that when you look at a map they are about 100 miles apart


Willis, just take it down a notch. I wouldn't have had much to say but you act like an expert, and by the looks of things you are still figuring things out. As for me being a hoarder or worried about how you are going to fix things using agent orange.... get real. Like I said before, I made those seeds you are working with. And I never made a fucking dime on one of them. In fact, I can count on one fucking hand the amount of times I have been paid for my seeds. But it's people like you that make me not want to share TBH.
So like I said before, you are welcome.
As for being in Afghanistan, no I have not had the opportunity, but since you did I am glad you were able to bring seeds back to share.
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The kandahar's being the "hashplants" where thin leaf, super branchy and wide afghans, the lashgars a wideleaf variety that was main-stem dominant. I didn't say it was a hindu kush type I said it looked like it had both traits of bubba and chem lines.

And from my experiences TR gives away more seeds then anyone ive ever meet and will dig up shit if you ask him for it. Cats as legit as they come.

I still got at least a dozen lashgars seeds left and know of some people with some fat packs



So this Tierra Rojo guy journeys to the other side of the planet, brings back these rare cannabis seeds....and just gives them away to you? Because you're his best friend...? Because you and TR are the same person...? or because TR felt they are bunk seeds and not worth keeping after a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the other side of the world to get them?

What you talking about willis?!?!
I guess i have to explain shit for you.
We are friends and at the time TR and I were working on some lines together. I had space for those at the time. made them and have given them away as has he. Bunk? no. But the kunduz line if far better than the lash, but the lash is distinct and pure.

And you then did what with them....one seed run, with a bunch of 5 pack samples scattered to the four winds? Just like a complete amateur, and/or someone who cares not one bit for preserving and enhancing this rare strain so that many people can enjoy it for generations to come.

I have given away thousands of those seeds.
But i still maintain, it's as you said "pretty much an F16" or already a bred line. Not an inbred line, but a bred line, an afghan line that is not thoroughly worked by western drug tastes. Be my guest if you want to bottle neck those genes. I tried to give people a shot a a pure afghan var. Without putting my lens on it. so yes I tried preserve the line, whilst giving other growers a chance to find a real P1 for seed making.

Then when I come along trying to get more seeds so I can do with them what needs to be done, making an IBL and releasing the seeds for others to enjoy the line, and you act like I'm some noob who doesn't know what he's doing. You call ME selfish, while saying YOU didn't put the seeds out there to be used for what I'm trying to do, which is making something to share with others. You're a hoarder.

I stand by my comments. But I have not called you any names. I guess I could start. But then it doesn't add much to the conversation.
And if you wanted more seeds you really went about it the wrong way. I didn't put the seed out for you or you purposes. I put the seeds out for everyone and whatever purposes they had in mind. It's just unfortunate that you think subcool gear is worth working with.

If you had planned to release more seeds so that people could at least sprout and enjoy the strain as-is, you've had plenty of opportunity to mention that by now. Instead you keep dodging the question...which leads me to conclude that you have no intentions of doing so. Do you even have any LG seeds left?

I still have thousands of these seeds and give them away all of the time. Just because I don't blast it all over ICmag does not mean it isn't happening. You have never asked if I am commercially releasing these seed.So this leads me to conclude you have no clue what you are talking about. Yes I do, have seeds left. I even sent some in to Sam the skunkman for the DNA project.

Yes, you did bring the seeds back and pass out some sample packs....but because you have failed to be a good steward of this strain and ensure it was made widely available for purchase, in five years' time nobody will have ever heard of LG. Is this what you want to hear "thanks" for?

Again, I did not bring them back. I just used available germplasim to preserve the variety. I do what I can without exposing myself and my families safety. I am sorry I cannot fulfill your self entitled desires, by selling my seeds so that you can buy them. You must understand, its MY job. And is also what I do. Wanker.

It's too bad you could not have done a better job of getting these seeds into the hands of other competent growers and breeders over the past 10 years so they could also have done something with it. But there's only me, the one guy who got a sample pack and actually did something with it. For the work I have already put into breeding and promoting this strain, and for the years of work ahead, YOU are welcome

Lets be very clear. Because I feel like I keep repeating myself. You don't have a clue what you are talking about, just because people aren't parading around on the internet acting like king shit of fuck mountain does not mean that people don't have the line. Some people are doing work with this variety, some people are waiting until a pure afghan has market value.
And yes, your plants look like they need some TLC, if thats your job. You may want to find another one.

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Active member
those pics from the first couple pages of the thread were bothering me because they look very familiar. then it just hit me.
looks a lot like gypsys g13 in veg.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
5 1/2 weeks flower she's starting to get frosty & has a very light sweet hash smell thats only going to get stronger & better, it looks like it could be a descent yielder compared to the other afghans i normally grow.

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
8 weeks flower i will let her go 1 more week i took off all the fan leaves they where too big over lapping onto other plants & blocking the light, the smell is still very light almost non existant smells like most afghans ive grown earthy/hash/incense



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