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large scale odor control


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ifn this is for your warehouse grow ozone generator is what you'll want also increase your air flow coming into grow and exiting. do you run lights at night or during day if day i suggest run them at night


Active member
Easy fix.

The Answer:

Run the biggest,high-draw can-filters you can,inside (venting back into) the room.
One 4' can-filter with an 800cfm fan per 4m2 of garden will stop all odor,in it's tracks,immediately.

You're welcome. :D

As for ozone,always use it to scrub exhaust,never in-room.
And "air-cooling" the lights works best if you pull external air over them,not push air over them.
The hoods should be absolutely sealed with aluminum tape.
Factoid: Air-cooling the hoods doesn't make much of a difference,overall.
Factoid Two: Air conditioning and de-humidification are the Key Elements to success in a grow like yours.
(45-50% RH at 77-82f with average ventilation and no added Co2 is about right....)


You may have to add one active, filtered exhaust to each side; 1000-cfm would probably be adequate. It will make your CO2 generator/s work harder, but it's a small price to pay to remedy the odor problem. Get some dual 100-lb, or larger, tanks instead of those 30's.


Needless to say, if your CO2 levels aren't proper (matching CO2 ppm to that of the food ppm; 1500-1700 in your case, now) and are only an ambient 300-400ppm, things will not grow properly later on (they'll reach a certain stage but will suddenly yellow/die prematurely; trichome production is also affected, imo). Are you able to pre-cool your reflector intake ducts somehow (<3-ton, or a water-based swamp-cooler, etc)? Is your 5-ton charged properly, or?


Rez Speaks the truth,

The Answer:

Run the biggest,high-draw can-filters you can,inside (venting back into) the room.
One 4' can-filter with an 800cfm fan per 4m2 of garden will stop all odor,in it's tracks,immediately.

This is the same as what i said in the 4th post and is indeed the WAY to do it, i do it and it works, simple.



smh @ folks who are growing 20 -30 plants indoors but are too cheap to invest in ozone generator. you can get a good unit for as little as $150. this has been the only solution for odor control that has worked for me.......now i don't have any odor worries at all.


heres a pic of my ozone generator..

maybe not??



Active member
Rez Speaks the truth,
This is the same as what i said in the 4th post and is indeed the WAY to do it, i do it and it works, simple.

Simple answer,no need for debate.

In-room ozone = Epic Fail.


Easy fix.

The Answer:

Run the biggest,high-draw can-filters you can,inside (venting back into) the room.
One 4' can-filter with an 800cfm fan per 4m2 of garden will stop all odor,in it's tracks,immediately.

You're welcome. :D

As for ozone,always use it to scrub exhaust,never in-room.
And "air-cooling" the lights works best if you pull external air over them,not push air over them.
The hoods should be absolutely sealed with aluminum tape.
Factoid: Air-cooling the hoods doesn't make much of a difference,overall.
Factoid Two: Air conditioning and de-humidification are the Key Elements to success in a grow like yours.
(45-50% RH at 77-82f with average ventilation and no added Co2 is about right....)


i was using 225 in a 4inch...growing road kill smelling strain.

stunk everywhere...stepped up into an 685 6 inch with a 6in x 36 ativated carbon scrubber ...done!


you guys are talking closet grows compared to what some consider "large scale".. imo you HAVE to have ozone in an outer room or on your exhaust if you run neg press.


Ozone won't do anything but mask a small portion of the smell with chlorine-like odor. In this large scale application, the problem seemed to be the smell ultimately leaking outside the structure into the warehouse where your reservoirs and warehouse-exhaust are located. Running a filtered exhaust out and then right back in as so many have suggested will obviously only help combat the odor contained in the actual inner-structure, but will do nothing to address the negative pressure, as sam said, that is displacing outside the structure. You need to physically exhaust *some* air from inside the structure, to outside the building, in order to create negative pressure and prevent displacement. You must run an active, filtered exhaust to some degree otherwise you'll encounter stinky-air displacement from your structure.


Ozone won't do anything but mask a small portion of the smell with chlorine-like odor. In this large scale application, the problem seemed to be the smell ultimately leaking outside the structure into the warehouse where your reservoirs and warehouse-exhaust are located. Running a filtered exhaust out and then right back in as so many have suggested will obviously only help combat the odor contained in the actual inner-structure, but will do nothing to address the negative pressure, as sam said, that is displacing outside the structure. You need to physically exhaust *some* air from inside the structure, to outside the building, in order to create negative pressure and prevent displacement. You must run an active, filtered exhaust to some degree otherwise you'll encounter stinky-air displacement from your structure.

i agree other then the fact that ozone does not mask smell.. yes ozone has a destinctive smell but it is most definately not masking anything.. I would much rather my shit smell like an electrical fire is about to break out rather then a whole shit load of ganj..


Ozone odor control for cannabis is relatively obsolete. It was popular ten years ago, but today's activated carbon (charcoal) filters are much more effective. I've bought those expensive inline corona-discharge (10/12" inline; $700+; Green Avenger, etc) ozone generators ten years ago, and they don't work. Total waste of money. I could smell the distinct 'skunky-chlorine-pool' odor, heavy on the skunky, 100-ft from my house...same thing with the half-dozen, 16" ozone-producing UV bulbs I mounted inline: junk. Personally, I've found that the correct size charcoal filter will cut odor 99-100%, as advertised. Actually, when I first witnessed a charcoal filter in action, the guy was running his set-up (8KW's; 200 plants in soilless beds) in his main room, exhausting through a carbon-filter into a secondary room, and then exhausting the second room outside the dwelling; I don't know why the guy didn't just exhaust straight out, but that's not my point...my point is, in his flower room, it absolutely STUNK, but in the second filtered room just a few feet away, I could not smell a single trace of cannabis. Best things since sliced bread for odor-control, imo.


I've run an OZN-1 ozone generator @ 15min on, 15min off for over two years and saw no ill effects, room was 10 x 10ft. Although we run Can100 carbons in there now, we run the ozone in the exhaust room. Works well. I remember Rezdog bragging about the Vaportek's. We bought two and they do works well. I would recomment changing cartridges every two or three months though.


Active member
In response to Zeinth's post:

i was using 225 in a 4inch...growing road kill smelling strain.

stunk everywhere...stepped up into an 685 6 inch with a 6in x 36 ativated carbon scrubber ...done!"
I have a 10 x 12 x 9. Will a 685 do it or should I go with an 800+ CFM fan?
I found a CFM calculator. http://www.industrialfansdirect.com/CFM.html

The main question is how powerful a fan should I get in CFM, in relation to how often the rooms air is completely changed. Should it clear in 2-5 minutes to remove all the smell? or does it have to be every 1.5 or 1 minutes?

at 1.5 Min (Frequency of air change) it recommends a 720 CFM fan
at 1 Min (Frequency of air change) it recommends a 1080 CFM fan

1080 seems way overkill, especially since Rez is only recommends an 800 cfm setup for large grows - 14 feet squared.

Its a perpetual grow setup, and the area of the final flower room (Last 3 weeks) is 10 x 12 x 9 . The plants at 3 - 6 weeks flowering will be in a room 14 x 10 x 9. I am planning on getting a carbon filter for each room to be safe, and I would also assume that the strains won't smell as bad in the first flowering stage, as the last one.

So my second question is, what type of carbon filter should I get from the 3-6 week flowering room (First stage of flowering in the perpetual grow)?

I will be using a Vaportek 4000 in the last flowering room, unless it seems absolutely unneeded. The house is very close to other houses, so I want to make sure the smell is neutralized before it even hits either the Canfan 100 or 150 (895 CFM) setup.

Responses would be most helpful. I want to be as careful as possible and can't afford to have any smells leave the rooms. Any other suggestions are also very helpful.

Thanks for checking out my questions, and I look forward to exchanging knowledge and learning from those who can help keep my grow op safe.

PS: I will be growing lots of Subcools (TGA), Chemdawg, Chiesel, Chesse, OG Kush and Rez's Williams Wonder, Sour D, Chem Double D, Killer Chem, Alpha Diesel, etc lines. So I want to be 100 % secure.

Thanks in advance,


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