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large scale odor control



I need some ideas on what to use for large scale odor control. I have tried sealing both rooms, ducts, hoods etc. Each room runs a can 150 as well. I still seem to get some odor

And now that summer is kicking in, the building is getting hot and I am running into all sorts of problems. As the heat builds up in the building, the air cooling the lights is hot, and not cooling properly.

I have a large exhaust fan that works with a vent on the other side of the building. When the fan turns on, the other vent opens and fresh air is pulled through the building. Problem is I still seem to have a small odor in the building. I cant smell it, but my partner says he can smell it coming out of the fan outside.

So I need some type of air treatment like an ozone generator. Ideas? I am thinking maybe something I can mount near the fan to treat the air before it gets exhausted but there will be quite a bit of air movement.


Active member
Ozone, pumped into the exhaust air and then through a long duct before dumping outside. Gives the ozone time to mix with the smell and neutralize it.

What affect does ozone have on a fan motor if it's sucking ozonated air through it?


Are you scrubbing the air as well as using carbon filters inline with the exhausts.

By this i meen do you have large carbon filters with 10" fans recirculating the air in the room, so the air is being pulled through carbon filters and then back into the room.

I run sealed rooms and therefore cant have negative pressure and had the same problem of a small amount of air leakage and smell from it, so i just made the air in the room smell less by using a scrubber.

Literally you can go into the room and it dosnt smell that much.

I would just have 1 to as many as needed to stop the air smelling recirculating air in the room.

I have just 1 with the filter at one end, then ducting taking the exhaust to the other so the air in the whole room is moving through the filter.

Argh that took me lots of words to explain something simple, dam PK has me baked....



Active member
I’ve tried everything over the years and have found that sometimes the simple things are better than anything else. Can you double the exhaust flow to the outside? Add another vent to the outside and you will have twice the air to diffuse the smell. Try putting a few simple air fresheners in the vent to the outside. Or….try a pine-sol bubbler in the room and or close to the vent. It’s simple and it works well. I used to have a smell leak until I tried the pine-sol and now people say my house smells “oh sooooo clean”

It’s simple and it works well.


Active member
Or….try a pine-sol bubbler in the room and or close to the vent. It’s simple and it works well. I used to have a smell leak until I tried the pine-sol and now people say my house smells “oh sooooo clean”
As long as those pine-sol fumes are going directly outside you're fine.
Pine-sol fumes destroy lung tissue, especially for young kids and pets since they're closer to the floor where the fumes are.

Pine-Sol is DANGEROUS when not used properly. Having the fumes constantly available in a house with animals/people constantly is not proper use!


um im going to have to disagree with the closet growers here and say that the point is NOT to mask odor but to eliminate odor..

eminem check your visitor comments or whatever the fuck its called and holler at me.


New member
Not sure how large scale you are but I had a similar problem and didnt really have the cash to shell out for a ozone generator. my setup is only 1 room, 32 plants flowering in 5gal pots to give an idea of size...I found a DIY in the old OG FAQ for a odor removing machine, if you google "DIY odor removing machine" you'll find it posted to a few different sites ( I didnt see it here in the link-o-rama).

This thing really works great if you follow the original plan and dont try and substitute the ONA with something else like febreze or pine-sol ( I tried febreze and it does not work anywhere near as well and pine-sol vapors just didnt sound to healthy ). The only thing I can smell in my room...and my whole house actually is the ONA. Its pretty strong when a fresh batch is mixed up but it gets lighter after a few days. From what I've read on ONA it does not mask the odor it eliminates it, they have a whole pdf on the ONA website how it works but this stuff is used in industrial applications like sewage treatment and chemical plants so it must be pretty good =)

Anyway it works great for me and the initial setup cost is only like 30 bucks to which was a big plus. Hope maybe this can help ya out a little.

Take care


Em, work a little harder at sealing your leaks - problem solved!
I need some ideas on what to use for large scale odor control. I have tried sealing both rooms, ducts, hoods etc. Each room runs a can 150 as well. I still seem to get some odor

And now that summer is kicking in, the building is getting hot and I am running into all sorts of problems. As the heat builds up in the building, the air cooling the lights is hot, and not cooling properly.

I have a large exhaust fan that works with a vent on the other side of the building. When the fan turns on, the other vent opens and fresh air is pulled through the building. Problem is I still seem to have a small odor in the building. I cant smell it, but my partner says he can smell it coming out of the fan outside.

So I need some type of air treatment like an ozone generator. Ideas? I am thinking maybe something I can mount near the fan to treat the air before it gets exhausted but there will be quite a bit of air movement.

Have the same problem man. I have a carbon filter that doesnt seem to do much, with low humidity and no leaks. I just got an ozone generator today, hope it works, it was like $130, but a small price to pay to grow what ever you want if you ask me. cant wait to test it out, I'll let you know how it works after i use it if your interested. Good luck man. stay safe
I have followed your other posts and am familiar with your situation and the best advise has already been given to you. Either add another carbon filter or set up a ozone generator. In my opinion you should have a carbon filter in each flower room,these filters should then dump into another room. Within this third room you should have another carbon filter scrubbing the air. Then with the addition of some ducting and a extraction fan,duct that air to the outside. Within the run of ducting I would add the ozone generator as a final cleanse. I also advise you to use a "corona discharge",type ozone generator. DO NOT rely on a UV generator as they will not be effective enough for your situation.
Good Luck and be cautious.

Respect bass
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i run a sealed room inside a larger room. In the grow room i run a can 100 scrubbing the air and in the outside room i run a very large corona ozone generator that i built. It works so good i run the ozone about 15 mins/hr.


Active member
get 2-3 vaportek 4000 and puttem either inside ur grow or outside of'em.


They work damn good at neutralizing odors. It doesn't just 'cover up' smells. Cartridges can be a lilttle expensive ($40-$60) they can last 2-5 months on average depending on what setting you have it at.

i recommend the lemon cartridge.


Overkill is under-rated.
I use dual 12" Vortex on exhaust, each one sucking through their own CAN150, suspended from the ceiling with a rope hoist. This allows them to draw the hottest, smelliest air out, and keeps the rooms at negative pressure at all times. An 8" CD Ozone generator/ozonator lives on a small can50 scrubber with a 6" vortex, to just blow ozone into the room. One gel buckets help for end of flower smells if needed, habven't needed them since I did the above setup. Dual 60-pint dehumidifiers keep it dry so the filters all work better, and the exhaust fans are run by a Phason VTC-1D automated speed controller, check em out at Phason.com or at Farmtek.com, I got a 30' temp probe on it so it's in the middle of the canopy.


Active member
Em, work a little harder at sealing your leaks - problem solved!

i thought the same thing:wallbash:

its the summer time, and if your filters been exposed to high humidity they wear out real real quick.. i'd skip the pine-sol idea just for the fact that your in a commercial area if the wrong person pics up a strong chemical smell or an inspector happens to catch it they'll start looking around to see where its coming from:fsu: your running into one of the MAIN issues why i dont run air cooled lights.. sealed room and the air handler goes in the room..

you can build yourself a small room we'll call this the ice box.. build a sealed room with a good window banger or portable ac unit and pull the air from there-into the lights- out into the warehouse.

theres quiet a few ideas that can be done, in a house we dont have these issues even a room within a room in a house dont have the issues a room within a warehouse has. you can always add central air to the warehouse to help some of the heat n humidity issues but your adding to the elec bill:wallbash:


exactly what i do.. 18x34 room inside a much larger room.. sealed with window a/c through the wall.. lights aircooled and run a can 100 in the room constantly.. run ozone outside of small room in big room.. honestly before i was aircooling there was very little smell.. with aircooling the ozone handles it.. i have a large home made corona discharge ozone generator.