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Ladies, I need your advice during this difficult time....


Active member
sorry to hear, Fat Albert.


i'm no lady, but i feel for ya.

best of luck working through a tough time...


I'm sorry Bro, I wish it could have turned out better for you. I think it wasn't another man, she just had her passion in the theater and she only had so much love to give. I think with true love you put the other person above everything else in your life and obviously she couldn't make that commitment. I hope her career works out for her but a career won't prevent loneliness, for now she is the one who gets my pity as you're going to be alright bro. There is someone out there that will appreciate your love and will put you on the top of her list. I know you don't feel like even thinking of someone else right now and that's a good thing for the time being. For now just take a lil time to get to know yourself and to really start enjoying your own company. When you are ready for love again it'll happen. Stay strong Bro
Don't let them candy coat it for you Fat Al....It's like I said....If she wanted to be with you, she'd make it work....People should stop sugarcoating everything here, the man wanted advice....I hate to say I told ya so(but not that much)


Hi FatA

Hi FatA

I was very moved by your sadness and pain. I'm very, very sorry for the loss that comes with such emotional deep penetration of the heart and senses.
I've always heard............... Set your love free, if it returns, it was meant to be.
Many special blessings of love and kindess, during this difficult time of sadness.
Take care and be well :joint:

Reg Dunlop

Wow, reading this thread was like watching a real sad movie! This is the first thread in the Womens fourm that I've EVER read, and I sure hope they all aren't this emotionally draining!
Man, I feel for you,but she was already engaged in a very time consuming activity,and like Moose eater said Love is a choice,that coupled with the fact that she's 23,and your 28.Sounds like you may be more emotionally oreintated,where she's younger and by the sounds of it more carrer oreintatedAnd I don't mean that in a mean way at all either, but I'm 31 and my gf is 25. I'm starting to notice those......................"nice appliances!!!!".... "look that fridge,that would look good in my kitchen" where as she's still wants to travel on a whim for 6-8 months at a time,and I'm just happy with buying a house.We don't have any problems now,nor am I gonna rock the boat,but at the first sign of trouble,I've already started to brace myself for it because I can see how problems could arise in the future.I hope knowing that your not the only one in that kind of situation helps in a country song kind a way! Btw,I hope you don't end up like that guy in the 40 year old virgin whose still pining for his ex 2 years later!,cuz that guy always ruins the poker game! joking! I'm sure it will all work out for you in the end.


Fat Albert, Breaking up really sucks, perhaps some of the worst and purest emotional pain you will ever experience. I know, I've been through it. You know I had my heart broken some years ago, and you know what even though I've been married now for going on 3 years and have been with my wife for almost 8 all together, I still think about that girl. You will probably never forget her, but you WILL forget the pain of loosing her, especially when another girl comes along and refreshes your spirit(Girls are good at doing that for us guys)Thanks girls! Anyway, deal with it in your own way, but don't give up and above all else realize the situation was out of your control and it isn't your fault. This will all come to pass...You'll see.Best of luck to ya.

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