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Laboratory Grade Warehouse

Here is some coco we are rocking in the courtyard...

Reused coco.


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OrganicOzarks, I don't think you understand what organics really is, and are mostly just proud of yourself and a bit smug about how healthy and righteous you think you are for the way you live.

Do you think he farts in wine glasses and smells them? I do.


New member


You do indeed have a very complete and professional set up. It is evident you have a firm grasp on the many different aspects of growing this plant and the nutrient profiles needed to pull off a grade A product. As for the organic vs Non-Organic argument: They both have their place in a grow room.

It does come down to personal preference and as long as the final product is labeled correctly so the end consumer can make their own choice as to what they choose to consume I see no reason why it should be an issue.

The only issue I would have with your set up is that the federal government has now stepped in and is exacting so much control. This, I feel, is the first step towards taking away our right to grow our own medicine or, for those who choose to ingest it for rec purposes, our chosen intoxicant. I have doctor friends who use the argument that the FDA needs to be involved to ensure public safety but this is the same entity that approved things like vioxx (spelling?) and approves things like tobacco, alcohol for public consumption. When the federal government gets involved it becomes more about the lobbyist and their agendas and less about public safety.

That being said I think that if you want to exercise your free agency and put something in your body that could or would be detrimental to your health that is your right as a human being. There is a place for Drug manufactures and the products that make. These companies have produced many life saving medicines that have greatly improved the quality of life for many around the world.

A better approach would be to have testing facilities that would test the final product before sale and have it labeled accordingly. These facilities should be privately run non-profits that are separate from the government. That way the test results are not influenced by greed or agendas but are simply the scientific output of test.

These are just my thoughts and may not be the perfect solution but a step in the right direction. I give you much respect for being able to work within the system to produce a quality product for people who choose it over more harmful alternatives. Keep fighting the good fight.


Id say he needs one, so many systems, so many different lines, so many genetics, so much possibilities.


Feeling good is good enough.
Hello DS,

Very nice and clean op you've got there!

Wish you the best in your ongoing efforts.



Active member
another cool setup :)

no worries on using chmicals. its SAFE

Whats worrying is the insectiside's and pesticide's and other hormone changing chemical formulas. they affect on the body very bad. The industry uses way more than declared in most cases and in most productions.
Claiming chemical nutrient grown plant actually damages or mutates cells is not a proven fact. The most dangerous part about using dry nutes, wheather chemical or organic, is the dust. it does cause cancer and other problems with some organs. usually in productions its a good thing to always be protective wearing protection.

grow nerd

Active member
No one is jealous at all.

I'm extremely jealous.

desertsquirrel, you are a superhero for many. I want to be like you when I grow up. What I wouldn't do for a brain-dump... :tiphat:

Question: On the % analysis of the bubble hash you made, does the % of THC-A slowly/eventually lower and shift over to the (active) THC %, as it cures? For instance, after a month (or whatever) of curing, will you see a significantly higher % of THC (and a significantly lower % in THC-A)?

What steps do you go about curing the hash, if any at all? Once dry, do you keep it in granular form, or press it together into a larger mass, and why?