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LA wants 439 dispensaries to shut their doors


I love my life
How the fcuk does a church have the right to limit, infringe, steal the property value / use of neighboring parcels of land?

What is this fake fcuking construct of western juristprudince that pre schools can't be next to liquor stores? (Unless they are, as in real life CA).

Can we listen to now dead George Carlin as regards "The Children"? Because in reality aren't they the extension of their parents? And if no shouldn't you stop the chatholic church from fcking them in the asee before you worry if a liquor store is across from their school?



Smokes, lets go
I do want them placed where ever their owner decides. I have casinos and 24hr bars with in walking distance of the schools in my state, and guess what we still don't let the little pukes drink or play craps.

Now why does the city of LA have the name and addresses of all these BUSINESSES they are trying to shutter? Why because the owners foolishly thought that by applying for licenses and checking in with the city was a good idea.

Please tell me how a 2007 deadline is in any way constitutional? What about the Californian who wanted to start a business in 2009 or maybe just turned 21 in 2009 and was too young to start one by the 2007 deadline? Well I guess fuck him and let the powers that be maintain the market with fat pay offs.

1,000' in both directions (a radius) is a HUGE space. I would say "Children Congregate" at school bus stops, and I bet there is not more than a 1000' to walk from any home to a school bus stop.

The government of the USA is corrupt and defending the excuses they use for corruption should not be tolerated by the ICmag community.

The city of LA has had many tens of thousands of stores selling intoxicants within 1,000' of schools. If CA were to ban the sale of all alcohol with in 1,000' of schools and enforce that ban; then there may be some legitimacy to their zoning claim. But until that time they are just an above the law criminal organization.


i feel the same way, im young i wasn't even old enough to open a dispensary in 07 now im trying to figure out where the hell i can put one? its very discouraging the fact i have to hire a lawyer and do all this paper work when a liquor store can open up with an alcohol license bada bing bada boom u got a liqor store...

not only that, but if kids want to get weed they will get it, and it dosn't have to come from the dispensary... people out there still sell weed to anyone who wants it.... lol i've been smoking weed since i was 12 years old and i lived in the south where its life in prison for a joint...

not only that, most schools have vending machines for soda, and high fructose corn syrup and caffiene is like poison the way kids consume soda these days so , they should keep all vending machines 1000' away from schools too


Active member
well I hit a few stores up on the list and they were closed. talked to an owner who's shop wasn't on the list, but she received a letter from the city warning her she would have to close as well. shut doors


Well-known member
I can take pics of churches with pharmacies next door or across the street. If medicinal cannabis was treated a little more professionally, like a pharmacy with trained professionals, instead of young hipsters or the Armenian Gangsters working behind the counter telling me "bro.. I give you great deal.. you want Og kush? I have a platinum Og Kush.. best deal in town bro! I give for you special deal just for you, bro." or "Sup...
so uh... uh... can I help you?" or "YO kid, I got the fire right here, kid! this shit be ridankulous!!"

perhaps the "recommending" MD should "prescribe" you particular strains, based on what YOU would use pot for medicinally. if it's going to be medicinal, let's start treating like medicine.


Hey OC80, I'm not saying California doesn't have Illegal firearms, where the magazine exceeds 10 rounds, or carrying w/o permit. The problem is for Law Abiding citizens that ONLY have 10 rounds, whereas criminals surpass that amount, and if you smoke cannabis you automatically a felony. Gun laws DON NOT affect criminals, it only affects GOOD citizens, PERIOD. My point is dispensary's cannot have firearms, and that's extremely unconstitutional.

Please sir research Ron Paul, Michael Badnarik, and Alex Jones sir, please. We cannabis lovers need to become vigilant in our rights, and DEMAND what is ours, WE THE PEOPLE have RIGHTS, the GOVERNMENT has PRIVILEGES. There should be no comprmise when it comes to your rights.


Active member
Hey OC80, I'm not saying California doesn't have Illegal firearms, where the magazine exceeds 10 rounds, or carrying w/o permit. The problem is for Law Abiding citizens that ONLY have 10 rounds, whereas criminals surpass that amount, and if you smoke cannabis you automatically a felony. Gun laws DON NOT affect criminals, it only affects GOOD citizens, PERIOD. My point is dispensary's cannot have firearms, and that's extremely unconstitutional.

What rocks are you smoking? Gun laws affect criminals because when they get stopped in their car and the officer does a search and finds a tec-9 with a 50 round clip the criminal goes to jail.

When good citizens get stopped with their glock with 10 shots, they are allowed to go on their way.

I don't think doctor's offices or pharmacies should be packing heat. Business should be done in a manner such that criminal behavior is deterred to the max.
This is old, but I just wanted to come back and say that was a great post by Tohigh. Thats what I was thinking, if it's going to be medicinal, lets treat it like medicine, not a recreational substance, such as alcohol. Everything you said was absolutely spot on. The medical deal is supposed to help drive out the criminal element, but it seems the criminals just leased buildings, got medical cards and kept on going.

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