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L.E.D./Stealth drobe/LowRyder2

dav zap

Greet Greg

Greet Greg

Hello greg man, I appreciate hearing that you enjoyed seeing my show & tell story. I just realized that this reminds me of grammer school when we had that show & tell time. No grades, just if your mates found it entertaining. Like all the gardening suppliers find the pot growing garden business entertaining. Or the pet shop where I bought four lizard lamps and no lizards. (UV-B bulbs) What a life. Then there is that bum part where ya hafta grub together some $. Tuff gong. :joint: :wave: :pointlaug


i have my hps hut in my closet that those bud pics are from, and my pc case

heres a pic of each


dav zap

rkrone=MJ stealth gardener

rkrone=MJ stealth gardener

You'll always have my respect dewd. I dig that pc case a lot. I read your thread but I don't recall, how do you open it for regular plant care? It is so cool of a thing to make & have. What is that growing in your HPS - is that your current set-up? Do you have a fave strain to grow & smoke? I am going to try harder for a bigger crop, haven't been focused enough till now I guess. I have some Big Bud beans waiting to go. After I do this crop.


the way my case opens is the inner case slides out the back of the outer case. but this is originally from 1998 compaq so it was probably some new design feature that never caught on.

my other setup has the 150w hps lighting w/ four females in a 8gal DWC

mainly im growing bagseed and hoping for the illusive super plant, but i would really like to grow White Rhino from Nirvana

are you growing known genetics or bagseed??

dav zap

Good Morning rkrone

Good Morning rkrone

Do you have two pc cases? Where is the 150w? You seem fearless about lower wattage grows, I guess being in a pc you are close enough. But I'm trying to get the most out of my drobes without getting very high wattage with a powerful exhaust fan that I'm afraid of being heard in an awkward situation, (unexpected guest possibly). So I have Pc fans in the drobes. What do you think of this set-up; for one plant=1-70w hps & 1 42w cfl.?I just started two plants with that set-up in the upper section of my 7' cab. Just had a minor incident with the computer. I had been growing both bagseed and I had splurged when I had some $ bought beans of a pedigree. I had beginners luck with bagseed- my first grow was like three plnts out of a little crowded group in the closet in soil, big colas, I thought that it would always be like that! Imagine my surprise. I've got a packet of Big Bud that I'm looking forward to growing after these. Is everything in your grows currently bagseed? Those colas that I got from bagseed were better than purchased plants may be sometimes!


no its just one, but like i said an inner case slides out of the tower but together they are only one pc. the lower wattage in the small space works great especially with the mylar and white paint

my 150 is in the closet with my DWC and those girls were started under a 70 hps and a few days ago i got my 150 and they have been lovin it ever since.

so all in all i have 2 grows but they are at completely different stages and both in completely different setups...the pc and in my closet

{edit} i wanted to add that yes, all my grows are bagseed and will be until i feel safe enough to get some high quality genetics
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dav zap

Safe mail

Safe mail

Hello rkrone ~ Were you concerned about the mail? when you said 'safe'? :wave:
P.S. ~ I've used both normal and registered from USA to Holland and England, I'm still here! Best Wishes to a real good grower.
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i understand seizure rates are fairly low in comparison to the amount of seeds that make it to their destination, but i dont have a safe addy, and i dont really mind growing bagseed. i have enough to grow, get some males and females, make some more seeds and just keep on truckin. and you never know, i might find a super plant hidden among bagseed genetics.

dav zap

Bagseed treasures

Bagseed treasures

Yes rkrone bagseed may indeed contain hidden treasures, I know from experience finding big colas growing in my first grow. I thought that I'd always get that. Imagine my surprise.

dav zap

Very Dif

Very Dif

Look at this LowRyder2 growing now in HPS and raised by CFL. Looks nothing like what the LEDs did. Big dif.


right there is solid proof showing much different growth of the same strain under two separate lighting systems, awesome work dav zap


so which do you prefer then? since you are looking at both setups in person.


Active member
From the pictures you posted its clear to see that LED's do not provide the light that the plants need. look how stretched the LED plants are compared to the CFL plants.

those led plants look like the first plant i ever grew under a 100w incadescent light bulb. It was 2.5 feet tall by the time it showed sex. a male too.


Active member
idk bevoli, the led plant looks more developed than the hps one to me, not just stretchier. just look at the amount of branchin on it compared the hps :yoinks: at the same time there is larger internodal spacing on the led plants. guess we shall see at harvest time huh? awesome grow regardless dude!

dav zap



Well rkrone, Which ever one provides better I'll like a lot. If we could figure out how much $ it cost to raise each plant in the different lights, would that be meaningful?

dav zap

hello sti-alphabet

hello sti-alphabet

You seem irascible stixxxxxxx can't pronounce too many incongruous letters. The LED plant is two weeks older than the HPS plants firstly.
Secondly it is 18" tall which is what the breeder specified as mature height, and is forming buds in what seems all the normal places so really all you've got here is a peculiarly formed LR2. The plant is functioning healthfully. :pointlaug :dueling: :woohoo: :moon: :chin: