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L.E.D./Stealth drobe/LowRyder2

dav zap

Like WOW

Like WOW

Hey rkrone I'm thrilled to see the fotos from your fone, but especially I'm psyched to see your plant. The buds are spectacular! How did you get such good big buds? Would you show more fotos?

Berry_Coughin' man - I love your grow! You got cool things goin' on, eh man. Transparent rez, like me too. BIG root network, outrageous. And in the background I could see the lower part of some very full plants, that look interesting, of course. Do you use a net or cloth in the rez for the rooting? How is the plant that those big roots are from? Would you show more, please?

LED_Experiments from across the world, halo!


here ya go, and by the way i use HID lighting. a 70w hps to start but now i have a 150w hps. these were taken using my girlfriends cam


dav zap

rkr pc

rkr pc

Hey rkrone I went on your link so I had a nice visit to the pc case grow show. Really impressed, I was. Your a good and resourceful craftsman, dude. I feeel like an oaf next to one of you pc stealthj grow guys. My stealth, you saw, is an office cabinet with double fukking doors, for gods sake. Slightly large and easy to do compared to a pc. Gotta hand it to ya dewd. I love taking links, too. :wave: :joint:


Active member


No cloth or net for rooting...

Just put established plants... (germinated in vermiculite-->moved to 2" netpot/hydroton suspended by the lid of the cheapo dollar store CLEAR tub....

Roots just seem to do their own thing, and the light leaks have not been a problem... I used to fight to keep light out, not so much anymore.....


I think the plant total is either 16 or 20 I forget :D....

dav zap

Questions 4 Berry

Questions 4 Berry

Hey Berry_Coughin' honesty is the best policy even if its embarassing, I don't understand the way your plants are growing - is it Ebb&Flo?Are there all separate pots or is there a large group planter? Thats a lot of plants you must have a bit of room, eh? You'll prolly have a great harvest, eh? Have you ever used Millenium Cal-Mag Max? I think it made my pH go real high. I've used the other ingredients before without prob. The Cal-Mag is brand new to me.

dav zap

Motivator rkrone

Motivator rkrone

Thank-You very much, coming from you thats particularly appreciated. You are such a good stealth-craftsman. Tell you what, I found it motivating to visit your thread. Whether I do pc or not its still stealthy, and thats a cool trip. I think it takes a certain amount of brass balls to pull off a stealth trip. At first I was too scared to consider it, but after a while of living with this hobby, its so invigorating. When you gotta grow, you gotta grow. I like the company of people who really like to grow pot. There are a lot of good gardeners, types of grows. Its a good hobby cause we get stoned and make a statement, too. :wave: :joint:


i love it, it really is a great hobby with one of the best rewards at the end :D


Active member
takes some balls to have that in your living room! excellent lookin grow! love the leds. would love to have an led grow but they are still outta my range.

growing is my favorite hobby to date and wish i knew other people that loved it as much as me. guess ill have to be content with my ICmag friends! :wave:

dav zap

Soul brother-fellow grower

Soul brother-fellow grower

Greetings from the new guy, to you tngreen. Well I started in the back of a crowded walk-in closet that soon became emptied of all the storage stuff and became my HPS room. Then came one drobe in my bedroom, and finally the second drobe in the LR. We love our weed. If I had more space and more money I'd grow more for sure. I effin' love doin' it. Ditto your feelings man, we'll share the hobby here.
PEACE :joint: :wave:
P.S. - have you seen the site where I got my LEDs? LEDGrowlights.com
They now have a full-spectrum unit that could prolly equal my grow with just two units. Mine are older and have been outmoded by the new higher output models. Higher output = less units needed. Good Luck.
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dav zap

LR2 in 400w HPS DWC

LR2 in 400w HPS DWC

Here are the two week old LR2 growing right behind the LED LR2.

I like to have a comprehensive thread, eh.
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so did you start that one plant under the 400 hps and move it to LED? or is it a straight up LED grow?


hello david,

nice to see you here. i'm glad you decided to let i.c.ers know what you're up to , i allways enjoy your grow shows.

have a nice day, greg

dav zap

Hello rkrone, the plant in the drobe is 100% LED born & raised. Absolutely no other light has been used to grow it. And only the UV-B CFL will be added soon, for the THC sake. I have faith from previous LED grows that I did. While not shocking to anyone they did accomplish some point of workability. The plants now in HPS were raised with CFL in the other drobe. (I have three small set-ups; drobes and the small walk-in closet 400w HPS)
Do you have other than the stealth unit?