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Kush lovers - post it up


Get two birds stoned at once
Well its a nice name to be shure, never experienced kush though so I wouldent know.


Here's some fresh Bubba, cut 58 days in hydro. Got some S1 seeds too off the lower buds that popped a few nanners, pretty excited about Kush seeds.



Active member
Bubba is OG Kush x (Old world Paki Kush x Westcoast DOG)
Those dudes at the clubs are just trying to make money.
Nice Bubba THCV.
I bet you might find a Bubba male in those seeds.

Thanks for labeling those buddy.
Here is a top view of my Bubba Kush bush that will be harvested in a about a week.

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Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
im not trying to have an issue. But who really knows whats in a plants genetics well only the breeder. I dought they would share such a formula and lost the foot hold on the most sought after strain at the moment. But once someone find out how they did it then you start seeing kush all over. There making there own breed of kush with same landrace genetics. :wave:

Remember you cant just call something kush if it doesnt taste like it. I know for a fact that I can tell kush when Its there. I got some bubba the other day didnt know it but knew it was. Then I went back to my spot and got another sack and said it smelled like kush and my dude says yeah its bubba. I said I knew it. ;) The only way to get that is to breed with a real kush or remake the breeding process. :fsu: I have only been around growing since 2001 so there might be info I dont know But I will state this one more time you can fake a kush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's The Average Flowering Days For These Kush Clones With 480 Watts In Soil?

1. Swerve's Purple Kush
2. Swerve's Sour Diesel/Pure Kush
3. "TCD" OG Kush
4. Bubba Kush

Danks Alot !
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glasspackedbowl said:
im not trying to have an issue. But who really knows whats in a plants genetics well only the breeder. I dought they would share such a formula and lost the foot hold on the most sought after strain at the moment. But once someone find out how they did it then you start seeing kush all over. There making there own breed of kush with same landrace genetics. :wave:

Remember you cant just call something kush if it doesnt taste like it. I know for a fact that I can tell kush when Its there. I got some bubba the other day didnt know it but knew it was. Then I went back to my spot and got another sack and said it smelled like kush and my dude says yeah its bubba. I said I knew it. ;) The only way to get that is to breed with a real kush or remake the breeding process. :fsu: I have only been around growing since 2001 so there might be info I dont know But I will state this one more time you can fake a kush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, get over yourself and your bullshit dude. The fact is, the club is lying, simple as that. And yes you CAN fake a kush, it's very easy. Infact there are tons of fakes going around. I'm calling you out on the being able to tell a kush from another strain also. That is pure BS. If i blindfolded you, and gave you a bunch of heavily indica strains, you would not be able to pick out the kushes from alot of the others. It's not like ONLY kushes have that taste and smell, i've had plenty of strains that have a very similar taste smell, and appearance also. For example, i've tried several afghanis that were very similar to the verious kushes i've tried.

BTW, read your posts again. First you say you can't fake a kush, now your saying you can? Which is it bro?
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Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
SweetIndica2 said:
For example, i've tried several afghanis that were very similar to the verious kushes i've tried.

BTW, read your posts again. First you say you can't fake a kush, now your saying you can? Which is it bro?

Afghani is Kush.Do you know that the kush moutain regions are where kush comes from which includes afghanistan pakistan and there are 2 others I believe? no wonder afghani's smell like kush :chin: :bat:

I said you cant fake a kush, but you can breed one. But you cant take a strain with no kush(or the landrace strains that compose it) in it and call it kush and think that people wont be able to tell.
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Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Hairy Kronic Jr said:
What's The Average Flowering Days For These Kush Clones With 480 Watts In Soil?

1. Swerve's Purple Kush
2. Swerve's Sour Diesel/Pure Kush
3. "TCD" OG Kush
4. Bubba Kush

Danks Alot !

i'd say 50-65 days depending on how indica or sativa the phenos are.
No shit, afghani is related to kush...that's my fucking point, moron. In other words, kush is nothing new. So, you saying you can tell a kush apart from other strains is BS. If people can tell the difference between kush and other strains, then why are so many people getting tricked? People (like you), act like kush is some new type of weed...and now since it's popular, losers like you claim they are the kush masters and can tell kush apart from any other bud which is some of the funniest shit i've heard in awhile. Kush is a name, that's all. Also, all the kushes i've tried had a different smell and taste from each other. Little things can change the taste, smell, look, etc of the buds. If i grew an sfv og cut in my house, then grew it in another location with different equipment, the bud could end up looking different, having a different taste, etc. The fact is you claiming you can tell a kush from others is BS, you obviously have no clue what your talking about anyways due to your ignorant posts. Your just a typical young grower who is feeding into the kush fad.


wow some big words coming from a cat who has been around since jan. and dont trip on glass he actually knows what he is talking about.. he ahs been around these parts for a while now and can grow dank... no saying one cannot tell the difference between kushes is bs.. i beg to differ.. i can easily tell the difference..you dont think so ask around.. i can promise i know my kushes. the real things not these fake asss wake bs going around.. but yeah you can grow the same strain in different environments but you can still tell the difference between them...

and harry the purple k let go 70dayz min same as the pksd. the bubba i would say 65.and the ogk well depends if you like that weak asss og hit or that oooooooooooogggggggggggggggg hit.. you want that harder heaavier hit then let the og got min 70 dayz

oh and for the record i ahve been smoking kushes since shit 96 .


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
yeah so my IBL afghani test grow wasnt kush and neither is my Deepchunk presoviet1998invasion afghani IBL. Tell me I dont know that any strain with an afghani in it is called kush now days. Because people realized we want stinky weed not sweet amsterdam buds like there roadkillskunk thats really sweet skunk#1. since there are so manykush crosses, there are so many kush's out there now being called Kush(for the afghani background)but with an added name. To represent the differences in the scents of kush hybrids. :dueling:
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Swerve said:
wow some big words coming from a cat who has been around since jan. and dont trip on glass he actually knows what he is talking about.. he ahs been around these parts for a while now and can grow dank... no saying one cannot tell the difference between kushes is bs.. i beg to differ.. i can easily tell the difference..you dont think so ask around.. i can promise i know my kushes. the real things not these fake asss wake bs going around.. but yeah you can grow the same strain in different environments but you can still tell the difference between them...

and harry the purple k let go 70dayz min same as the pksd. the bubba i would say 65.and the ogk well depends if you like that weak asss og hit or that oooooooooooogggggggggggggggg hit.. you want that harder heaavier hit then let the og got min 70 dayz

oh and for the record i ahve been smoking kushes since shit 96 .

Yes, because my join date definately has alot to do with my growing ability. I'd like you to know, that alot of the best growers in the world would never think about sharing growing info online, you only see a fraction of growers on here.

Whatever dude, i'm out of here...you guys are pathetic. Wow, you've been smoking kushes since 96, that's nothing. Infact, i was probably in my 20's or 30's when you were born young man.

I'm sure you know your kushes....you and every young fad grower who gets sucked up into the kush hype. Kushes are nothing new or special, i've been smoking bud thats just as good since the late 70's, early 80's bro. Infact, i find them boring...they are nothing different than alot of heavy hitting indicas.

Your spelling and grammar ability reflect on how you look also, just so you know. As much as you like to use the letter z, thats not how the actual english language works.

You haven't even been around long enough to have that much experience. You are the type of grower most elders look down upon. Growing isn't a competition, so take you fucking kushes and shove em up your ass.

I'll take a bunch of strains put them right under your fucking nose, and you'll be clueless as to whats what.
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Swerve said:
wow some big words coming from a cat who has been around since jan. and dont trip on glass he actually knows what he is talking about.. he ahs been around these parts for a while now and can grow dank... no saying one cannot tell the difference between kushes is bs.. i beg to differ.. i can easily tell the difference..you dont think so ask around.. i can promise i know my kushes. the real things not these fake asss wake bs going around.. but yeah you can grow the same strain in different environments but you can still tell the difference between them...

and harry the purple k let go 70dayz min same as the pksd. the bubba i would say 65.and the ogk well depends if you like that weak asss og hit or that oooooooooooogggggggggggggggg hit.. you want that harder heaavier hit then let the og got min 70 dayz

oh and for the record i ahve been smoking kushes since shit 96 .

Swerve Thanks For The Info. I Look Forward To Sharing My Grow With You.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
an argument should be a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.........an intelectual process.........when it denegrates into name calling and noxious verbal profanity it is neither productive nor welcome here....

....Please keep this in mind gentlemen or I will have to start fiddling around with the admin control panel again......


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I agree. I have not quarles with yall. So if you dont believe me, PM me and say so, give me a reason why im wrong and heck im an open minded guy Ill listen. Sorry SI2 if I came off rude. I dont mean to be rude but I am like a little kid I tell the truth and sometimes that comes out wrong.

So :listen2: I apologize!
This takes more guts than most of the other ways to apologize. Sometimes, depending on what you did and what you are apologizing for, you might find it appropriate to use a public forum or medium such as a newspaper, billboard, small dinner gathering or party, etc. where you make your apology not only to the person you harmed, but also to your work colleagues, friends, and even total strangers! It is more dramatic, and it also works with the right situation, and gives you some good experience in public exposure or public speaking. Done with pinache, it is a tough act to follow.

Thanks and sorry for the trouble Gypsy. I will remove untasteful Remarks and keep it to kush and nothing more. :respect: I found out I am stressed to the max. Hopefully I can deal with it in a way that doesnt spill out into my life and friends.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Hairy Kronic Jr said:
Thanks Glass. I'll Put All You Good Tips To Work.
I would say grow those indicas for a bit longer for that better high. It will count for a lot when alls said and done. So long as there not drying out she can flower till 70 days easy. JUst depends on how much couch lock time u need man... lol


Active member
:wave: Hi All ! The pics of various Kush's are very nice..... :yummy:
Here's a Shiva male X OG Kush female cutting the F-1 from seed.....see :yoinks:

Shiva X OG Kush (F-1)center & OG Kush on the right

Shiva X OG Kush (F-1) see the similarty to the OG mother

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Guess I neglected to post pics here of my Bubbba S1's from last crop .

Jay , I beleive you commentted last time on tha leaf structure not looking kush enough . Have a look see and maybe re-evaluate .
It seems like I see alot of leaf curl on some of tha kush I've seen , particularly tha Bubba . Are we just pushing 'em to hard or is that characteristic of them being finickey .

They both have similar tastes of pine , floral , coffee with maybe a hint of chocolate . Pheno 2 has those , as well as a sudsy undertone . I prefer pheno 1 , as it seems to have a more true , bubba taste ; though yeilding less and not as easy to color with a cold dump as #2 .

Pheno 1

Pheno 2

These are pics of seeded nugs that went approx. 75 days . Most of tha plant was harvested at 65 , potency is still being evaluated due to this early chop . They were pollinated with a select BlockHead F2 . This cross is being tested by acoupla fellas from several sites .

My observations thus far : Stretchy , branching plant . Lots of dense dark foliage . Vegged for about 2 months up to 4 gallons of coco , fed a organic-synthetic blend and lit with 1000 wt candles yeilded approx 30 grams from Pheno 1 and 50 from P 2. Judging by tha photos , you can see I pushed 'em to tha limit and fed 'em at 1600 ppms or so . I didnt wanna push 'em much more than that .

I'll post acoupla nug shots soon . They've been curin' for 'bout 2 months . Damn tasty .
