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Krypt Keepa's First Outdoor Grow! Vanilla Kush / Super Bud / AK47

Hello all!!

Krypt Keepa here sharing my new outdoor grow!!

First time in soil and first time outdoors! So, lets see how things turn out.
Ok, so here's how I got into this situation to begin with. I had 5 Super Bud Clones / 5 Vanilla Kush Clones and 6 AK from seed... That I started growing for my new Bio Bucket indoor grow... I picked the best 3 which were all vanilla kush and got them ready for my next grow.. Now me loving my plants sooo much and after letting them grow a nice root structure in a Aero-cloner I couldent let them go!
So I got my brother and off to the woods we went!!
Spent quit a time searching but found a great place, no trails little 10x10 clearing lots of new tree growth to mask my plants! So we transplanted from Aero to the soil and hucked em outdoors in say 1L pots we used Pro-Mix BX, Worm Castings, Bat Guano, Shrimp Compost, Added Perlite, High Magnesium Dolomite Lime and
General Hydroponics Sub-Culture. 1 week later (Today) we transplanted into 5G pots! With some PRO-MIX ‘HP’ with Mycorise®PRO @75% and a 25% soil I cant remember the name of it, has coco coir and some other stuff it holds moisture well think its by botanicare.

Were using Pure Vida organics one part veg one part bloom formula, and they seem to be liking it so far!!

Well here are some shots!!






Carrying this was taxing after a few minutes...


Here we are transplanted into our new homes!



So I spread around some Slug Pellets from our local garden shop.. lightly at the base of the plants and heavily on the ground around my plants... like.. I threw around handfuls.

Also I got a little soap and sprayed my leaves it was a nice organic pest reducer, this is my first time going all organic why not use it for the pests.. well not the slugs.. there getting the hard stuff..

On the list next to do,
wait till later into this week, feed plants again. Perhaps if I get some time off the weekend or before i'll start digging holes around to place these ladies in.

The AK's are growing super fast there the ones that were root bound, they are also the only ones not fem'd.

Anyways! I love comments and questions and helpful advice!

So fire away!

Happy Growing,


Very nice. I hope everything goes well for you. I'm really interested to see when the Vanilla kush finishes outdoor and how mold resistant she is.

Why did you use pots instead of planting in the ground?
I am going to plant in the ground, basically I am going to cut the base out of the 5g pots and just put them in a hole.. I wanted to get them in some quality soil and get a good root base before they went in the ground!! Plus! Old growth boreal forest has some quality soil so lets see how they venture!

Attitude seed bank: Vanilla Kush "Outdoor harvest time is the end of September. "

Super bud: Flowering outdoor: Ready by the end of September (North hemisphere) with a production up to 1000 gr/plant. Short, branchy plant.

AK47: Outdoors is early Oct, so im hoping to get it done before frost!

So fingers crossed!


Hey bro...it s not a good idea to plant near pine trees (I can see It s some kind of a pine tree in the back)
Soil near pine trees are known to be bad PH for Cannabis so consider replanting them if you can somehow!
Nice plants
I did a little research on the fact, and the falling pine needles makes the soil more alkaline your right, thanks for the heads up.
"Although soil acidity is a contributing factor, inability to grow plants beneath evergreen trees is mainly due to inadequate water and sunshine. Implementing a regimented watering plan and a balanced fertilizer program will improve both the survival rate of understory plants and the overall health of the tree. Water deeply and frequently and use foliar fertilizer instead of soil applied to ensure that the understory plants receive the nutrients. Soil applications tend to supply the aggressive tree roots only."
Either way, there stuck there now... That's an entire new growth boreal forest... So im stuck where i'm at and I gotta work with it.
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Funny Phantom, I was just into talk to my local hydro store guy he said the same thing... Just add a bunch of lime to the area... So i'm going to buy a bag or 2 and go out this weekend and start preparing the soil for the next transplant. I figure I got a little bit of time before they are root bound in these 5g pots.

So I guess that's next on the list of todo!


Active member
Lookin good there KryptKeepa. real good. :)
I wouldn't worry too much about the evergreens, if its a mature forest the soil will probably be rather nice and rich in Organic matter, AKA compost, which buffers PH well. I can't tell ya how many people told me over and over like a broken record to watch out about mulching my veggies with pine needles. Of course none of them had ever done it! The few people I heard from that actually did use pine needles said no problem, go for it. Well I went for it, applying a thick layer of needles as mulch and have noticed ZERO troubles. the bottom layer of the pine mulch seems to be breaking down into nice compost already in fact. Go ahead and sprinkle some lime in your transplant holes (hard to go wrong with Ca and Mg), but I bet your PH would be fine even without it.

I would just go ahead and slide the rootball out of those pots when you transplant'em though. No reason to confine those roots from spreading except out the bottom. In fact cannabis will naturally grow most of it's rootmass near the top of the soil where it has the most Oxygen/air exchange and microbial activity to go along with. Experienced outdoor growers (which I'm hardly, last year was my first OD and I've got none out this year) like TomHill state that you will find scarce roots below 24" deep even on a huge Ganja tree. Better to make your holes wider than it is deeper. Tom uses raise beds that are 6-8ft across but only 18" tall. Plus if you just slide'em clear out then you can reuse the pots too.
Anyway keep up the good growin.
Thanks Gourd!!!

I think i'm going to do just that!! I'm so very excited to go visit my girls, It's weird being a indoor grower and visiting my ladies every day. Chat em up. Tend to anything they need.

But now, I just go once a week, feed them when there hungry, throw them in holes and hope for the best!


Lookin' good man!

Yea, just slide outta pot when you're/they're ready. :)
Outdoor update!!!

So I know there a little close together, I dont really have a option to not.
They all have been growing very well, the VK's are smaaaalll though.

The Area1:

The Area2:

Nicely Growing:


And the runt's of the litter, I kept them in the pots for now there not even close to being root bound.

@skullznroses: Pure Vida Organics is what i'm using right now, they have a one part grow and one part bloom formula.
They seem to be enjoying it..

@Phantomx... There's gonna be a fucking jungle in there.. Im probably gonna trim the lower 1/3 of each plant see if we cant get some nice big top buds going.

But like i said to my partner, if some plants end up male and some don't grow quick enough, we will thin that 10x10 space prettty quickly....

Everything is going SUPER well!!!
For my first time growing soil and growing outdoor I think im doing well...
We made the definitive decision at time of flower to remove males and any plant thats really lagging behind... that should thin out this location.. Cause honestly... these 3+ ft AK's are going to be MONSTERS!



This is pretty kewl, Ive never seen a 9 site fan leaf before :)
Its the only pheno of this AK out of 5 that has it!


Here is me and my Favorite... if its male... im going to be rotted...
