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Yeah Diamond....BlueHaze for the win.....Avid , Floramite , Spinosad/Monterey garden spray work well for thrips and other critters and the Bayer shit`s cheap at Home Depot/Lowes.....

Getchas some SM-90 for your rez and innoculate your medium at 5-7 ml per gal and you`ll not have any problems with rootzone bugs IME.......Only bugs I`ve ever had was fungus gnats that came with a pallet of coco infested with larvae........

BTI for the kill on those bitches.......Mosquito dunks from Lowes or Home Depot crumbled up on top of your medium and watered in if yas can`t get hold of Gnatrol WDG which is the Bacillus strain for fungus gnat and mosquito larvae.....

5 ml SM-90 per gal with every rez swapout all through the life of the grow....but.....If yas do acquire bugs from outside the grow area., then Floramite , spinosad , or Avid as BH said will nuke mites and thrips asses....Been hearin good things about Azamax and Azatrol.....

As with all bugs , it`s best to have an arsenal of different products that perform the same function so you can rotate the application ta keep the bugs from developing a tolerance/almost immunity to any 1 product......Spidermites are said to be the worst/best at overcoming pesticides and becoming immune.....

With BH around for coco guidance and Jalisco Kid for fast hydro and monster plants , Ya`ll don`t need me.......And for the record since most prolly don`t know.......

The beans JK`s talkin bout are the infamous Reeferman # 38 Hashplant/Holy Grail of treegrowers...worth their weight in gold for yield although I did hear the smoke was not top shelf.......

It was BlueHaze himself that grew a RM 38 hashplant but don`t remember whether it was 3 1/4 or 3 1/2 lber with a hybrid Krusty setup......or was it the real deal....pore `ol head.......

Anyways......Good luck ........



Was prolly more.......BH is too diplomatic ta say he hit more than the Krusty 3.35.....That Hashplant Bitch was huge........

Yeah Diamond....BlueHaze for the win.....Avid , Floramite , Spinosad/Monterey garden spray work well for thrips and other critters and the Bayer shit`s cheap at Home Depot/Lowes.....

Getchas some SM-90 for your rez and innoculate your medium at 5-7 ml per gal and you`ll not have any problems with rootzone bugs IME.......Only bugs I`ve ever had was fungus gnats that came with a pallet of coco infested with larvae........

BTI for the kill on those bitches.......Mosquito dunks from Lowes or Home Depot crumbled up on top of your medium and watered in if yas can`t get hold of Gnatrol WDG which is the Bacillus strain for fungus gnat and mosquito larvae.....

5 ml SM-90 per gal with every rez swapout all through the life of the grow....but.....If yas do acquire bugs from outside the grow area., then Floramite , spinosad , or Avid as BH said will nuke mites and thrips asses....Been hearin good things about Azamax and Azatrol.....

As with all bugs , it`s best to have an arsenal of different products that perform the same function so you can rotate the application ta keep the bugs from developing a tolerance/almost immunity to any 1 product......Spidermites are said to be the worst/best at overcoming pesticides and becoming immune.....

With BH around for coco guidance and Jalisco Kid for fast hydro and monster plants , Ya`ll don`t need me.......And for the record since most prolly don`t know.......

The beans JK`s talkin bout are the infamous Reeferman # 38 Hashplant/Holy Grail of treegrowers...worth their weight in gold for yield although I did hear the smoke was not top shelf.......

It was BlueHaze himself that grew a RM 38 hashplant but don`t remember whether it was 3 1/4 or 3 1/2 lber with a hybrid Krusty setup......or was it the real deal....pore `ol head.......

Anyways......Good luck ........


Excellent. Will do. Thanks.

I concerned about smart pots. Because they are flexible i am worried that root damage could easily occur if pots are shifted. Say I have some smart pots on the perimeter of garden, and i have to turn them every day, if i do this then roots could be damaged.

would the advantages of smart pots and air pruning outweigh the disadvantages?


stone fool
The RM38 actually has some very fine tasting heady phenotypes, but the big bitch is rougher, nice potency, decent flavor, but I let her go after 3 rounds. I just stopped growing one fine gal who had been going for four years, her name was Prime #3. I got beans and crosses on this one.


Diamond.......any big plant`s gonna need support and I don`t put a whole lotta stock in rotatin plants 360 degrees around vertical bulbs but rather leavin em the hell alone and cleanin out suckers inside and from underneath to promote upper and outer cola development......

I know you`ve never done this Diamond , but tryta spin a 2+ lb plant or move it around in a big container does more harm than good........yas won`t be happy when you`re finished.......I stand by surroundin big plants on 3 sides minimum with lights to prevent back flarf but to each his own.........

Cages and string......Spin the web or hawg fencin in cage form works well........

Brutha Haps...........I`m SO sure you got da goods........and know howta pump em UP and out too.......

Ya`ll take care........DHF...........:ying:.......


silicate every/every other watering may help strengthen limbs/branches. over generations, w/ same cultivar, genetics get stronger, & may not require support after 3-4 gens of silicate feeding.

turning large pl@nts not that simple, or needed... the pl@nt gro around & into lyght. as DHF posted, more lyghts from 2-3 angles.... the shade syde of the planty may actually elongate & out-gro the lyghted syde...

maybe place 2x4 on ceiling, for length of room. drill screws every 4in down length. tie strings hanging down before garden starts. when they get big, select closest string & tie onto branch. some prefer tomtoa cages, whic can be diy w/ stakes & 14g wire + tape...
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yeah, will prob do something like you stated. or chicken wire. i might go for medium size plants instead of big plants. i think medium and twice or three times the number of sites could be better for yield given the strains i want to work with are kind of small plants at maturity and not great producers. kush, og kush is what is most wanted and what i want to focus on. kush and chemdog/diesel.

today i spent a lot of time studying Heath Robinsons wood rack system with gutters. it's a very efficient system. very efficient and easy, well designed. Im thinking about this rack system and blue haze's system. i want to combine them. five or ten gal pots in two rows round vertical bare bulbs. diamond arrangement or just circle the wagon.

i dunno. just what i've been thinking. ?


I ran those vertical racks for almost 3 yrs before shutdown Diamond , and the only way it works in such close quarters/smaller rooms is with increased plant numbers with buncha trimmin, pruning , keepin each plant beside the next one , over as well as under from chokin each other out competing for light and environment........damn near perfect environment with a/c , dehuey , and proper airflow/extraction........

I had 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels for a total of 64 plants surrounding 3-600`s on top of each other with angled corners.....No plants in the corners and everything that wasn`t green covered in reflectix.......Inside area of lil less than 6 x 6 for a lil over 50 watts per sq ft..........

It was redesigned by me as DTW coco in 5 gal smartpots fed once daily in veg and at least twice daily in late flower for swellage........The racks the plants sat in were solid covered in pondliner , not open with gutters draining back to a "sump" rez as Heathie called it......The floor was also covered in pondliner sprayed white with expoxy paint to stick and runoff was minimal and evaporated before the next feed cycle.......Heathies shit was recirculating constantly outside the room to a main rez that then pumped juice back where it just came from......

Kinda sorta an intermediate to advanced skill setup IME , but very productive once dialed..........

IMO your best bet is ta drop some bare vertical bulbs down amongst some smaller-medium size plants Blue Haze style ta getchas feet wet......then you`ll know where yas stand after harvey yieldwise growin bigger than average plants with increased veg times........

Your call......DHF.........:ying:.........


@ DHF...

pond liner...
...any off-gassing? over tyme?


...~how much, per day/pl@nt?
...1/2 gal? 3/4 gal?

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Hey Mistress.......Never heard of pondliner off gassin , but I guess anything`s possible with out of comfort zone temps and lack of proper room air extraction , but my lights on temps hovered round 78 and nightime temps never dipped below 68 and usually 70 with room air exchanged twice per minute , so any residual smell/offgassing/effects from the synthetic rubber membranes didn`t have a chance of stayin in my rooms , and my yields were the most I ever pulled in any grow area consistently in all those yrs.......but......it took increased plant numbers to do it.......Plant numbers dictate yield in smaller growing areas.......

I always unpacked and laid the pondliners out in the yard in the sun to get the smell off of em if that`s what you`re talkin bout .......

Type ? as in what variety ?........Mostly Heath`s old stable stuff with a few runs of Chem D and Purplewreck before shutdown , and other things not on the boards from my old outdoor crosses during the krusty bucket days back when..........

Got jacked for all my seedstock few yrs back from random crackheads burglarizin the neighborhood I happened ta be remodelin a house and growin my ass off in......was where I kept the moms , clones , etc.......

Didn`t find the Lungroom/Grow area behind the wall , but took everything in the house available as in all appliances and my tools I had layin around.....rest of the house was empty.......the downstairs fridge had all my seedstock from 25 yrs and was definately chucked when found cuz crackheads don`t smoke beans......

Lastly , the # 5 smartpots once fully hydrated in my flip rooms with optimum temps and RH , rarely drank over 1/2 gal per day through the end of stretch for the first 4 weeks because of the large amount of medium and size container I was using , but once they started swellin they started drinkin more and more up to 1 1/2 gals late flower......

Increased A/C and Dehuey activity had alot to do with that since increased transpiration/nutrient uptake is optimum in late flower once your environment`s dialed tryinta pull as much moisture outta the room as possible up from the rootzone feeds and outta the plant for swellage , while tryin ta keep RH below 50% if possible to prevent nastie`s from formin on your nugz............

Major air exchange is your friend in late flower , or at least it never let me down in 15 yrs+......If you run a sealed room w/CO2 , I can`t help yas.......

Any other questions Mistress just Holler...



I ran those vertical racks for almost 3 yrs before shutdown Diamond , and the only way it works in such close quarters/smaller rooms is with increased plant numbers with buncha trimmin, pruning , keepin each plant beside the next one , over as well as under from chokin each other out competing for light and environment........damn near perfect environment with a/c , dehuey , and proper airflow/extraction........

I had 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels for a total of 64 plants surrounding 3-600`s on top of each other with angled corners.....No plants in the corners and everything that wasn`t green covered in reflectix.......Inside area of lil less than 6 x 6 for a lil over 50 watts per sq ft..........

It was redesigned by me as DTW coco in 5 gal smartpots fed once daily in veg and at least twice daily in late flower for swellage........The racks the plants sat in were solid covered in pondliner , not open with gutters draining back to a "sump" rez as Heathie called it......The floor was also covered in pondliner sprayed white with expoxy paint to stick and runoff was minimal and evaporated before the next feed cycle.......Heathies shit was recirculating constantly outside the room to a main rez that then pumped juice back where it just came from......

Kinda sorta an intermediate to advanced skill setup IME , but very productive once dialed..........

IMO your best bet is ta drop some bare vertical bulbs down amongst some smaller-medium size plants Blue Haze style ta getchas feet wet......then you`ll know where yas stand after harvey yieldwise growin bigger than average plants with increased veg times........

Your call......DHF.........:ying:.........
Hey, DHF, in that 6x6 room with the three 600's, how high was the ceiling in that room? How tall did you let the plants get, and lastly what kinda numbers was that system pulling? Thanks for all the good info in this thread, you're making one horizontal grower seriously rethink his shit........
I ran those vertical racks for almost 3 yrs before shutdown Diamond , and the only way it works in such close quarters/smaller rooms is with increased plant numbers with buncha trimmin, pruning , keepin each plant beside the next one , over as well as under from chokin each other out competing for light and environment........damn near perfect environment with a/c , dehuey , and proper airflow/extraction........

I had 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels for a total of 64 plants surrounding 3-600`s on top of each other with angled corners.....No plants in the corners and everything that wasn`t green covered in reflectix.......Inside area of lil less than 6 x 6 for a lil over 50 watts per sq ft..........

It was redesigned by me as DTW coco in 5 gal smartpots fed once daily in veg and at least twice daily in late flower for swellage........The racks the plants sat in were solid covered in pondliner , not open with gutters draining back to a "sump" rez as Heathie called it......The floor was also covered in pondliner sprayed white with expoxy paint to stick and runoff was minimal and evaporated before the next feed cycle.......Heathies shit was recirculating constantly outside the room to a main rez that then pumped juice back where it just came from......

Kinda sorta an intermediate to advanced skill setup IME , but very productive once dialed..........

IMO your best bet is ta drop some bare vertical bulbs down amongst some smaller-medium size plants Blue Haze style ta getchas feet wet......then you`ll know where yas stand after harvey yieldwise growin bigger than average plants with increased veg times........

Your call......DHF.........:ying:.........

sick man. very nice. did you possibly log this show in a thread? link?

i think you are probably right about me starting with something like blue haze's method and dialing in a couple of strains. but the shelve method is so electricity effective, gpw. the only thing that kills me about it is the number of plants.
and so im thinking about medium or big plant growing in a shelf system.
your 6x6 room sounded great. wow. thanks for the post.
Lastly , the # 5 smartpots once fully hydrated in my flip rooms with optimum temps and RH , rarely drank over 1/2 gal per day through the end of stretch for the first 4 weeks because of the large amount of medium and size container I was using , but once they started swellin they started drinkin more and more up to 1 1/2 gals late flower......

Increased A/C and Dehuey activity had alot to do with that since increased transpiration/nutrient uptake is optimum in late flower once your environment`s dialed tryinta pull as much moisture outta the room as possible up from the rootzone feeds and outta the plant for swellage , while tryin ta keep RH below 50% if possible to prevent nastie`s from formin on your nugz............

what was your veg time for the chemdogs?

how did those smart pots hold up being titled at and angle? did they maintain their shape? were they not titled at much as the plants in heath's wood shelves system with the gutters?

what dehumidifier setup did you run for this?
what size ac?


Looks like I`ve took you ta raise Bro......LOL.......

I took cuts every 2 weeks and did 4 weeks for the rooting and pre-veg process while trimmin and prunin/shapin the fuck out of em and then those that didn`t make the cut for the bloom rooms went to the compost pile......The picks went in every 4-5 weeks strain dependent for the proper scheduled choptime/rotations...........

Every strain/variety regardless went into the bloom rooms after bein cut from Mom plants at 4-5 weeks , cuz it was for rotations to finish at a certain point for the perpetual harvey process............

Always take bunches of cuts and cull the slackers.........Even though they`re related , they DO not all grow the same during the rooting/pre-veg process..........

I`ve murdered 1000`s of cuts for the pick of the litter and the bottom line.........Only the strong survive.........the culls go ta feedin my next yr`s veggie garden down here in Hell.........

The plants finished around 32 " of budmass at less than a 45 degree angle , stuck through hortinova netting for the weight support of the top colas......

It` s all about grows under yer belt.....takes a lil time........If yas love it , it`ll consume yas like it did me 37 yrs ago...........the extra is aight , but I always wanted more outta my bitches for more and then , more.......Sue me....at least I`m honest..............

The more yas know.......the more you can experiment to a certain degree without total crop failure and losin all yer shit...........

Zenar.....Grow area ceiling height hovered around 7' in basement grows with my lights at 2' , 4' , and the one mounted to the plywood ceiling that hung down with the mogul socket bout 14-16" so it all equalled out........Carpenter over here ok ?..........Teehee.........You ever need anything just hit me.........

Dehuey and a/c requirement is sq ftg related , so holler when yas know where you`re goin room size wise..........

Just here tryin ta help from sheer boredom........sittin at tha beach stealin wifi from the neighbor listenin to the waves roll in while it`s rainin like a mofo right now..............

I could be in worse places........

Good luck.....DHF.......:ying:.......
Looks like I`ve took you ta raise Bro......LOL.......
haha. yeah, nicely put.
I took cuts every 2 weeks and did 4 weeks for the rooting and pre-veg process while trimmin and prunin/shapin the fuck out of em and then those that didn`t make the cut for the bloom rooms went to the compost pile......The picks went in every 4-5 weeks strain dependent for the proper scheduled choptime/rotations...........

Every strain/variety regardless went into the bloom rooms after bein cut from Mom plants at 4-5 weeks , cuz it was for rotations to finish at a certain point for the perpetual harvey process............
how many bloom rooms? were they all the same size, 6'x6' and 1800w?

lways take bunches of cuts and cull the slackers.........Even though they`re related , they DO not all grow the same during the rooting/pre-veg process..........

I`ve murdered 1000`s of cuts for the pick of the litter and the bottom line.........Only the strong survive.........the culls go ta feedin my next yr`s veggie garden down here in Hell.........

The plants finished around 32 " of budmass at less than a 45 degree angle , stuck through hortinova netting for the weight support of the top colas......

It` s all about grows under yer belt.....takes a lil time........If yas love it , it`ll consume yas like it did me 37 yrs ago...........the extra is aight , but I always wanted more outta my bitches for more and then , more.......Sue me....at least I`m honest..............
i like to hear that. i like the passion and i like the tradition.
The more yas know.......the more you can experiment to a certain degree without total crop failure and losin all yer shit...........

Zenar.....Grow area ceiling height hovered around 7' in basement grows with my lights at 2' , 4' , and the one mounted to the plywood ceiling that hung down with the mogul socket bout 14-16" so it all equalled out........Carpenter over here ok ?..........Teehee.........You ever need anything just hit me.........

Dehuey and a/c requirement is sq ftg related , so holler when yas know where you`re goin room size wise..........

Just here tryin ta help from sheer boredom........sittin at tha beach stealin wifi from the neighbor listenin to the waves roll in while it`s rainin like a mofo right now..............

I could be in worse places........

Good luck.....DHF.......:ying:.......

sounds very pleasant. you in the gulf coast region?


Pondliner.com ........Started using Home Depot and Lowes off the shelf brands pre cut and packaged , but tearin em out and movin locations yearly I hadta go with big rolls shipped into my buddy`s garden supply center down in town for no footprint/papertrail back to me , and I`m a tightass...........

Told him I was diggin and puttin in Koi ponds as a side biz for my small building/landscape real world life......Got all my pumps and shit not available local here in Hell sent right to him with never a thought from anyone bout it bein used for "other" things.........

Now mistress.......You`re gettin at somethin so why not just spill the beans.......As far as re-using pondliner , never did it although I imagine it could be easily done with a lil care involved in the removal process........IME....yas gotta look for weaknesses or pinholes that could potentially ruin shit underneath it , thus why I never re-used for safety`s sake.....

Always put new down at each location and as I said , once I cut the shit to size off the rolls , I sat em out in the yard ta get that rubber smell off of em before installing.......and never smelled it again or thought twice about it till now when you still won`t tell me why you`re so concerned.........

As far as washin it......Did so in each of 8 flip rooms at 4 locations every 9 weeks after harvey with lil dish detergent and bleach mixed in a big ass spray bottle till I tore the shit out and hauled it off after a yr of growin my ass off at each location.........so........

Since I`m not glowin in the dark from smokin my nugz exposed DIRECTLY to pondliner for 15 yrs........What`s wrong with it........

My smartpots sat on shelves covered in the shit and floors covered with it runnin all my other setups.......since I began inside.........

As I said above.......any smell , so-called gas off , and or ANY ill effects derived from said pondliners to drug cultivars that you know of , have never stayed in my rooms from exchangin each rooms air twice per minute with active intakes and exhaust out through scrubbers , and it DAMN sure never hurt my bottomlines come choptime.......

Diamond...... All my rooms once changed from 1 setup to another were identical with 2 rooms side by side for bloom rooms , with mom, clone , pre-veg at another spot.......Hauled prevegged , trimmed , and pruned plants to swapouts every 9 weeks for my rotations , but they finished every 4 1/2-5 weeks so that`s where perpetual comes in swappin out each room every 4 1/2-5 weeks instead of every 9-10 after chop , trim , drying/curing , cleaning , and re-plant........Did away with all the stagnant downtimes with different locations and the ability to pull 1 room and replant it the same day.......

For the record.....Only ran 3 diff setups in 15 yrs , Krusty`s , ebb and flow 5-gal buckets in flip rooms that turned into the vertical rack rooms the last 3 yrs before shutdown....... and yeah......I`m chillin down here amongst all my tarballs on a lil stretch of what usedta be paradise.......place usedta rent and stay booked up from April to October........Not this yr.........Fuckit...Shit`s paid for.......

Still rainin down heah , but peaceful and bout ta stop......Me and the dawg ain`t mindin it much at all.........We`re bout ta walk down the pier ta catch some redfish and speckled trout fer supper , and then there`s the crab traps with several in each last check......Got a turkey fryer ta boil the crabs , and a smoker/grill fer tha fishes.......

Ya`ll come......DHF.......