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Krokodil - The Drug that eats junkies *GRAPHIC MATERIAL*

Grass Lands

junkies are still human and still have an untapped potential

imho damning a human being based on their current life state is primitive

Have you seen what a junkie can do first hand? I have man...and its not very pleasing to the soul...it can tear a family apart.

So keep on wanting to save the junkies of the world...however one day when a junkie ice picks your neck or a blade to the gut for a fix, you may just change you mind...

call me jaded...but after seeing what my junkie brother has done to my family, I have no use for folks who get into the hard drugs...they made their choice and they will either pull themselves out of the pits of hell or they can just lay there and burn...

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
junkies are still human and still have an untapped potential

imho damning a human being based on their current life state is primitive

Thank god my family did not give up on me while i was shooting H for 7 years. Now this October i will have 7 years clean from it. A long journey sure, glad this shit was not around then. Now it's like a bad dream i had long ago...
This shit is just sad and i feel for those involved in the grip of addiction.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Very sad story

Very sad story

Thank god my family did not give up on me while i was shooting H for 7 years. Now this October i will have 7 years clean from it. A long journey sure, glad this shit was not around then. Now it's like a bad dream i had long ago...
This shit is just sad and i feel for those involved in the grip of addiction.

Same here. Only times,places and peeps were different.
I feel for all those involved with addiction in any way. Can be deadly and it is always a dirty business.
Did not had it in me to Google any pics but the article is sad and worrying enough for me:comfort:


What were we talking about?
Tried a lot of stuff in the 70s, but never shot up. Not on a dare.

The living hell these people are in is truly disturbing.


Active member
Its a sad thing. I cant hate on junkies everyone of them is someone's child. There are some people that consider us weed smokers junkies as well. Hate has never improved any situation



i feel for addicted people too
but I don't think we can help them until they REALLY want to help themselves...

Zhenya says every single addict he knows in his town has moved from heroin to krokodil, because it's cheaper and easier to get hold of. "You can feel how disgusting it is when you're doing it," he recalls. "You're dreaming of heroin, of something that feels clean and not like poison. But you can't afford it, so you keep doing the krokodil. Until you die."

it is something to read that russia has 1/3 of heroin users... obviously statistics can't always be trusted

I hope russia gets better, I have read a lot of stories about how things go over there, and let me say, sounds like a fucked up place to grow up and live in

Horselover Fat

So keep on wanting to save the junkies of the world...however one day when a junkie ice picks your neck or a blade to the gut for a fix, you may just change you mind...

Junkies are still human beings... And what you describe here is what happens when drugs are illegal and addicts are forced "outside" society. Give the addicts methadone (or even heroin as in switzerland http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/12/19/2776569.htm ) and they can become "normal" citizens who can keep jobs and function in society. They might even ice pick people in the neck less with proper treatment...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Junkies are still human beings... And what you describe here is what happens when drugs are illegal and addicts are forced "outside" society. Give the addicts methadone (or even heroin as in switzerland http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/12/19/2776569.htm ) and they can become "normal" citizens who can keep jobs and function in society. They might even ice pick people in the neck less with proper treatment...


I just wish we had spent the trillion dollars we have fighting drugs since the 50's on educating people and treatment vs. incarceration and a felony record that forces many to never leave their lifestyle. Almost every junky I have ever known got there from depression and needed some serious psychological help to get better not fines, incarceration, felony records, that seem to only dig someones hole deeper for them.

Romans 14:13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.

Always liked that verse when it came to many laws.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
what a terrible read, i cant even imagine.

More reason to legalize all drugs


Active member
goodness that's horrible, i can't bring myself to google image search these, the pic of the guy cooking it up on the last page is horrible, you can just see it in his eyes, intense desperation for sure


don't google image search, you won't really find, go up to my recent post a couple posts above... there is a link with all the pictures

you should really check out the video

Grass Lands

Junkies are still human beings...

That may be true...but it will only take a matter of time before these humans turn their brains to gel and here comes the Zombies....:jump:

RULE 2. Double Tap...(dont be stingy with your bullets)...

Dude, I'm not against helping people that want help...but these folks are doing something to themselves that questions the normal thought process of a human...