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Krokodil - The Drug that eats junkies *GRAPHIC MATERIAL*


These people payed to do this to themselves.... probably had to do god-knows-what for the money, too..... I would imagine, that given the choice, these same people would have rather gotten stoned or drunk versus trying that shit. Too bad liquor is very expensive and pot is so persecuted.... Wtf, is wrong with people? Every politition out there has got some hair-brained idea about making everyone safe, by taking away peoples choices. Meanwhile people live with the choice; Illegal and expensive but fun and safe (pot), or.... too new to be illegal and cheap but who knows what this shit'll do to ya.

A sad world we live in....


thats freaking gnarly man...cannot understand why someone would chase that kind of high knowing and seeing what the impact will be...

being in the constriction trade for a number of years (before I changed professions), I've seen some pretty horrific shit...but nothing like this...I recall a guy tweaked out on meth (was up for close to a week) well he spilled red chalk for a chalk line in the sink of his travel trailer at the job site, didn't realize it from being tweaked out...turned on the water and that was all it took, thought it was blood...he came flying out with the guns a blazing....not long after the superintendent of job site was closing us down.

on another occasion seen an old drywall hanger buddy...he had no idea who the hell I was...looked at me with the most fucked up looked I've seen and said who the fuck are you..he and his girl was up for at least 5 days...at least thats what he told me...really sad part was his girl was about 7 months along with a kid....needless to say I heard from mutual friends a few months later they were both going down for the murder of the baby that was born with its intestines hanging on the outside...

Its a sad world folks...but lets be honest, do we really need these folks to pro create? to me it seems like a natural cleansing....
If you think this way you should look up the programs- for example by the swiss- who give heroin FOR FREE to junkies. Guess what- most of these junkies are able lead a regular life- no crime, working 9 to 5, mowing the lawn- and even RAISING THEIR OWN KIDS!

Grass Lands

If you think this way you should look up the programs- for example by the swiss- who give heroin FOR FREE to junkies. Guess what- most of these junkies are able lead a regular life- no crime, working 9 to 5, mowing the lawn- and even RAISING THEIR OWN KIDS!

Guess what...take away the free high and watch the madness begin...

Once again relying on the gov to keep shit under control...what will happen when the swiss gov can no longer give them their smack...?

couple more rules to live by...

#3 Beware of Bathrooms
#4 Wear Seat Belts



Active member
Guess what...take away the free high and watch the madness begin...

Once again relying on the gov to keep shit under control...what will happen when the swiss gov can no longer give them their smack...?

couple more rules to live by...

#3 Beware of Bathrooms
#4 Wear Seat Belts


If I also understand/interpret correctly, reasons similar to this is why alcohol prohibition was lifted. People brewing/distilling some NASSSSSSTY shit and people were dying.

Maybe this will be the wakeup call they need to help keep people from hurting themselves like this.


Active member
this is some fucked up shit here. search "crocodile drug" in google and open up that shroomery thread. there is a video which I can say (as a medical student!!!) one should see what this kind of substances cause the body!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
None of what is listed in that article, is anything that cant happen with Heroin itself. I know people whove lost arms and legs, dropped down dead from blood clots that went to their lungs in one case and heart in another. Another guy had a flesh sluffing issue with some contaminated gear. The abcesses from injecting-thats not special-its common place with all IV use.
The fact that people go to the lengths of cooking up these toxic compounds instead of getting some clean diamorphine for pennies(because it does cost pennies for hospitals) is just another reason to legalise. Legalising wouldnt have any effect whatsoever on societies ability to lock up serious criminals-guess what mugging and such would all still be crimes, and beisdes, blaming your drug habit for the bad things you do is bullshit. Addiction exposes the real you deep down inside-and shows what you personally will do if you are desperate. Blaming your habit for your misdeeds is no better than "the devil made me do it", and I know people dont like admitting that their beloved son or friend or whoever, had it within them to do whatever it was-so they say it was the drugs-when in reality all the drugs did was cut to core and show you who's who when the chips are down. I stole from my family, for a brief period, generally considered to about the lowest thing you can do. I can never undo that, and it would be great if I could just lay it on the gear, an easy cop-out, But I know it was me who did it. I quit stealing very quickly in my habit-it was literally a couple if weeks-I had a habit for a good amount of time after and would sit and suffer if I couldnt make a raise-I grew up maybe..I can remember as a child stealing a couple of pound coins put of my dads pocket--it was just in me to do it, and as much as it shames me, I just cant say "oh woe is me, the drugs made me do it and im innocent", because its bollocks, and Im trying hard to have super integrity these days to make up for the scummyness. People need to grow the fuck up, own their own behaviour, and then cut out the hand-wringing bullshit, thenmaybe we can buld a better world

Sour Deez

That may be true...but it will only take a matter of time before these humans turn their brains to gel and here comes the Zombies....:jump:

RULE 2. Double Tap...(dont be stingy with your bullets)...

Dude, I'm not against helping people that want help...but these folks are doing something to themselves that questions the normal thought process of a human...

Obviously you have never been addicted to a hard drug, i applaud you for that. You have no idea what these people are going threw on a daily basis, NO idea.

If you never been in the shoes yourself, you cant begin to imagine what its like for these people. Their brain chemistry has been changed that they dont think like a 'normal human' anymore. The drug has rewired their brain. They need the drug like you need water. I stole from my family to support my habit cause I needed that shit. When I look back at it now I was a different person, stealing is not me. The drug rewired me into someone I wasnt.

And should I talk about the withdrawal? Imagine the worst pain you experienced, and multiply it by 10.

With that being said, Medical Marijuana could really help these people. I know cannabis helped me immensely when I was detoxing.


I've heard how in a certain african country,i forget which.they mix a HIV medication with marijuana plus another ingredient to achive a more knockout high.
stop drug abuse,tobacco included!!.
smoke weed!!
Stay well and grow strong!


this is some fucked up shit here. search "crocodile drug" in google and open up that shroomery thread. there is a video which I can say (as a medical student!!!) one should see what this kind of substances cause the body!

Actually no one should see that vid. Shit is still haunting me :S


weed fiend
Flesh-Eating Cocaine Hits New York, Los Angeles

Dean Praetorius 06/29/11 08:56 AM ET Updated: 06/29/11 03:10 PM

It seems cocaine has been behind a rash of flesh-eating disease outbreaks in Los Angeles and New York.

Cocaine cut with the veterinary drug, levamisole has apparently been linked to a number of cases of rotting flesh, according to Good Morning America. While the cases reported thus far have been on the coasts, officials have warned that it could very well be a nationwide problem.

From GMA:

In a case study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Craft describes six cocaine users recently plagued by the dark purple patches of dying flesh. And while they happened to hail from the country's coastlines, the problem is national.

As if cocaine wasn't dangerous enough.

According to The Week, the DEA recently reported that 82 percent of the cocaine it seizes is cut with the veterinary drug. While cheaper cocaine can be close to 90 percent filler, it's often notably filled with harmless baking soda. Exactly why the veterinary drug has begun to be popular remains a subject of debate.

From The Week:

But drug cartels in South America increasingly prefer to use levamisole, a veterinary antibiotic normally used to deworm cattle, sheep, and pigs. It's not clear why dealers don't just use baking soda all the time, although studies in rats suggest that levamisole might tingle brain receptors in the same way cocaine does. If that's the case, adding it to the supply might be a way to enhance the effects of cocaine on the cheap.

Apparently not everyone has the same reaction to the drug however. According to GMA, the effects do disappear from the affected once the drug leaves the body, leaving little but scaring.

For video from ABC News, click here.


Active member
makes jenkem look like child's play, man i saw some of the pics, that girls arm bone holy crap i won't get that out of my head any time soon, i started the video but stopped it, jeez this is nasty, my prayers go out to the people caught up in this and those effected by them

Grass Lands

Obviously you have never been addicted to a hard drug, i applaud you for that. You have no idea what these people are going threw on a daily basis, NO idea.

If you never been in the shoes yourself, you cant begin to imagine what its like for these people. Their brain chemistry has been changed that they dont think like a 'normal human' anymore. The drug has rewired their brain. They need the drug like you need water. I stole from my family to support my habit cause I needed that shit. When I look back at it now I was a different person, stealing is not me. The drug rewired me into someone I wasnt.

And should I talk about the withdrawal? Imagine the worst pain you experienced, and multiply it by 10.

With that being said, Medical Marijuana could really help these people. I know cannabis helped me immensely when I was detoxing.

No I have not ever been addicted to hard drugs...thats not to say I havent done my fair share of hard drugs...

To say I have no idea what these folks go through is not correct, my younger brother is a Meth addict...in fact he is serving 2+ years as of now for using and moving the shit...he started this journey 20+ years back and is still going strong with his tour. TO this day I still witness the destruction he put and still puts my family through even though he is in prison...when someone is an addict in a family...the entire family does time...I've spent many a nights worrying about him...tried many times to get him to get some kind of help...actually took him into my home and gave him a job to get him away from the folks that influnced him...he stayed with me about a week then called mom and dad to come pick his ass up so he could be back near his buddies and the meth...

On a closing note, I'm glad cannabis helped you kick your addiction...but with my brother its not about getting help its about getting HIGH...cannabis is just a gateway for him...he cant stay with just cannabis like some can. once he plateau's he is in search of the next big high....his only alternative is to stay clean and that will never happen...his last stint in prison was in 2009...when he got out he got a dime bag of herb within a couple hours and that was all it took he was running the streets with his old buddies soon after...in a years time of his release he was busted again...

Couple more rules...

#7 Travel Light
#8 Get a Kick Ass Partner



Sounds and looks like a very nasty drug.
I have seen some nasty abscesses on junkies
but nothing quite like that.:puke:
Just goes to show the altered
state of mind these people are in to continue
banging this crap while their body rots away:snap out of it:


Guess what...take away the free high and watch the madness begin...

Once again relying on the gov to keep shit under control...what will happen when the swiss gov can no longer give them their smack...?

couple more rules to live by...

#3 Beware of Bathrooms
#4 Wear Seat Belts


You misinterpret the situation, without drug prohibition they could afford ther heroin themselves like all the functioning alcoholics/moderate drinkers in our society.
And the reduced crime alone is well worth it for the rest of society to go with this program.

Grass Lands

You misinterpret the situation, without drug prohibition they could afford ther heroin themselves like all the functioning alcoholics/moderate drinkers in our society.
And the reduced crime alone is well worth it for the rest of society to go with this program.

I did not misinterpret anything...the reason the swiss just didnt legalize heroin instead of implementing a free program...they are able to keep the addicts some what under control with the free giveaways and they have records of all said addicts...however if it were legal and they had the choice to take it anytime they wanted to...I'm guessing there would be a good percentage that would be high the majority of the time and there would be no record of said addicts...

In my eyes any program facilitated by any form of gov is put in place for one reason only and that is to keep tabs on folks...

And my reason I'm against the free programs...If they want to get high...let them get high on their own fucking dime...why the fuck should I as a tax payer, pay for someone to get free smack...

They want help...then I have no issues putting out funds for someone to get better...but to give them free smack and keep them fucked up...that's just not right.


Let me rephrase that for you: I don't want the most effective solution available, i don't want them to get help and better the situation for the whole society if the junkies get it for free/ have fun while doing it. Sounds like puritan brainwashing at it's best. My guess: You're american!?!

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