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Kindmans Grow



Well the Blackjacks came down yesterday and are drying now. I think they will be at least 3 to 4 oz more then last go around, so adjusting the ph up made a huge impact. The pruning on the other hand not so much, the plants that were pruned the most yielded the least. I will post final weight and some pics in about a week.

I did not waste any time either, my OG clones are already in the grow space :)
I got one clone a while back, which my chickens got a hold of and pushed it of a table into a full 5 gallon bucket of water. Obviously I did not notice for almost a day by which I thought 'shit' to bad. But the clone was not done with life and grew into a nice mother plant of which I took another 6 clones and of those 4 are in my grow space now :) I'll post a pic of the mother in a bit.
So far they have been under 3 x 22w flouro until yesterday when they meet their final home under the 600watt.
OG is a picky strain, so we will see how they do in my grow space. I was dealing with some environmental outgassing issues a while back and have really only grown Blackjacks in the space since. So I will see now if the space is up to growing healthy OG's. Wish me luck brothers.

Peace, Kind



Here is a pic of the og mom I took the clones from. That's the chicken that pushed the og into a bucket of water lol.



Active member
Yeah Kind,
Nice Selection on the Pheno there, who ever gave you the cut must be a good buddy, she's a lovely fine looking example of OGK, im sure you'll nail her down man, Nice work & G'Luck with it bro. She Does look like a nice 60/40 or 70/30 Sati/Indi sort of Pheno from where im standing, She's just begging to be strapped to a Screen the little foxy bi'atch. I cant wait t6o see this one man!
Peace & Respect..........Scroger! ;) ;) ;)


Cheers Scroger :)
Yeah, she does look like she has a good percentage sati in her, that's mainly why I am going to scrog her without growing her out once first. I have to get my screen ready, I'm thinking of not having my screen grid not so tight this time, maybe 3x3 inches or even 4x4, what do you keep your spacing at? As you can imagine I do not want them so tight that they choke themselves off.
I have to cruise over to your thread and see what you have cooking ;)

Peace & respect back at you mate,


Cheers Scroger :)
Yeah, she does look like she has a good percentage sati in her, that's mainly why I am going to scrog her without growing her out once first. I have to get my screen ready, I'm thinking of not having my screen grid not so tight this time, maybe 3x3 inches or even 4x4, what do you keep your spacing at? As you can imagine I do not want them so tight that they choke themselves off.
I have to cruise over to your thread and see what you have cooking ;)

Peace & respect back at you mate,

Hey dude, does it matter if its 2inch or 4inch screen, in a 2inch, you could space every other one if required?

Mind you a couple of extra inches would always come in handy eh?:D



Active member
Hey Kind,
Yeah man, i am a believer in good spacing when ScrOG'ing so like Toke said 2"x2" holes i would set as the minimum really and just skip a hole or two for even more spacing. in a m2 i always try to have something like 40-60 cola's & remove everything else. if you want bigger buds go for 40 or less in a m2, Its 'Quality & Quantity' that im always after & i find the 40-60 tops per m2 a real good number that give decent sized buds of high quality gear, works well for me. A buddy of mine on the other hand ive seen cram like 80+ tops in less than 3x3', real dodgy & a haven for moldy buds imo, spacing & good airflow/penetration through the canopy is an absolute must in ScrOG, so really the less tops in there the better. G'luck with the show buddy!
Peace & Respect.......Scroger! ;) ;) ;)


Cheers Toke & Scroger :)
I decided to double space my square spacing, that leaves me with 96 squares in a 3'x4' screen. My last view scrogs I was spaced a lot tighter and I did not like how crowded it got under the screen. It looked to me like they were getting choked off.

The plants are starting to come out of their adjustment period, took them a good 4-5 days, was kind a worried there for a while, but all seems to be coming along now. Let's hope they don't mind being man handled :)

My screen is set about 24 inches below the light, which gives me about 12" for them to grow up while maintaining a 12" distance to the light.
Here are some pics:


That last run compared to your first was killer Kindman congrats on a big improvement :thumbsup: I did a 4x5ft screen of green a couple runs ago and did pretty well; just as long as there is airflow and not too much variation in the temps between night and day but it's clear I don't need to be telling you this you have a very green thumb keep it irie


Hey Kind, how strong is your light, and is it air cooled?

Looks like we`re at about the same stage at the screen, I`m maybe just a week ahead of you, but you have a higher density of plants so I expect we`ll be throwing them into 12/12 around the same time.

Cheer`s Toke:tiphat:


Hey Kind, how strong is your light, and is it air cooled?

Looks like we`re at about the same stage at the screen, I`m maybe just a week ahead of you, but you have a higher density of plants so I expect we`ll be throwing them into 12/12 around the same time.

Cheer`s Toke:tiphat:

Cheers Toke ;)
My light is a 600mh conversion and air cooled. 2nd week into flowering I will flop it out with the hps. It all depends how they stretch though. I found out that you can manipulate the stretch rather well by which light you have them under.

Peace, Kind


The Mad Monk
Wow Kindman, those Black jacks finished up lovely. Frosted all over. Nice work with the scrog man.


Yeah I noticed this with my mate`s tent grow, MH til end of week 2 12/12, and they`ve stretched perfectly, whereas under HPS they seem to have ultra short internodal spacing.

On with the shows Bro, I`ll be sitting in here.

Toke ;-)


They are growing very nicely. Not much more to say at this point, lol.
Here are some pics:

Cheers :)


Cheers guys ;)
Wanted to give you guys my final numbers on the Blackjack harvest. 315g / 11.25oz of which 224g are top quality, the rest mids. Last grow was 208g total of which 112g were top quality. So, it goes to show that it certenly pays off to dial in our strains ;)
I'm over .5g per watt of light (600w total), which is one of the benchmarks I wanted to reach over the past year.

Peace, Kind


Active member
If you get the right amount of tops in there, ie-over or around 40 per m2, i think you'll double that last yield, although very good, i usually struggle to get under a gpw when i do a m2 scrog grow, with 1x 4oow hps/growlux. I sure with your new/scrog grow you are gonna smash that .5gpw into next year & you'll surpass a gpw! Go-On Kind im rooting for ya man!

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