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Killer A5 Haze


Active member
Incredible... have 2 seeds that just cracked and ready to go in soil. What size tent are you growing in and how many plants?
thanks for sharing
Tent is a 4x4 (8feet tall) but I get a lot of vertical room with the HLG board as the light. Home made super/living soil and pot size depends, she is in a 5 gal fabric pot. Checked the trics yesterday and still mostly clear so a bit to go yet even though by eye they look ready to go.


Active member
Finally get to try an early sample of this girl tonight, high hopes


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Active member
Great job moving then along with the light cycle and trained as well. You have the same beefy branches as mine but I let her get big (just right for me really) and she went about 15 weeks before she looked done to my eyes. Hanging now early samples have been very potent and long legs on the high.

El Quijote

Well-known member
Hello everyone :whee:,smoke pre-report, still not fully cured approaching 4 months of curing, never cultivated, malawi, and I couldn't grow A5 S1 either.

but when I open the pot my flowers smell like a florist's cold room, like flowers in uncovered, it does not smell of marijuana, very discreet in smell, when you chop the flowers you realize that it is full of resin dust, a lot of resin, when you light the cigarette the first 3 to 6 puffs there is hardly any smell or taste, but a Once the cigarette is well lit, there is a super boom of smells and flavors, garage oil, wood, incense, hashish, something meaty like leather, pine or fir resin or similar trees, quite dense smoke, I really like those terpenes or essential oils, with a very pleasant sweet undertone on the palate, strange and special herb, commercial nothing very charming, extremely powerful I think it is the most powerful herb that I grow and smoke, smoking half a gram of this herb in a cigarette yes n that it goes out is a challenge I end up with my whole face and head sweaty hehehe, I think my phenotype is malawi haze, this is just an early smoke report I will let the flowers cure for 3 more months


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Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
My KA5H3 just hitting 3 weeks since 12/12 flip.
She’s a different structure than the first 2 KA5H I grew. Previously I have a heavy Malawi leaner keeper and one somewhere between the Haze A and the NL5 pheno. Not sure where this one will end up but the leaf structure is definitely different and she’s branchy as hell. Responded to LST like crazy. I still need to thin her out a little bit more.

The top back area is a SMH plant.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Purchased some of these fem Killer A5 Haze seeds today online
Now I wait!
It sounds very exciting :)
I also purchased some regular Malawi x PCK which I was thinking might make some interesting crosses. Any thoughts??

I know you’re going to love the KA5H, both phenos I’ve tried so far were freaking amazing. Out of everything I’ve grown in my life, it is also the one thing I don’t seem to build tolerance to.
That Malawi x PCK is supposed to be really nice as well though I haven’t grown it myself yet.