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Killer A5 Haze


Well-known member
Damn!! How's the smoke?

It is surprisingly kind for how strong it is! I can barely make it through a half a jay by myself. It is powerful yet functional. Very interesting and complex buzz. Not punishing when you smoke it all day like the xamadelica. It's just really good smoke.


Well-known member
I would like to add that this was seed number two. That alone is pretty incredible and likely a bit of good luck as well. I didn't know if either of the first two would be a keeper so I popped four more. They are about 6 in tall in cups and almost ready to be transplanted, so I am not done with this thread just yet! When they say this is the strongest strain in the Ace lineup they're not kidding. Hands down real deal. I've popped hundreds of seeds over the years and never seen results like this. Thank you ace.

Humple W.

Well-known member
I would like to add that this was seed number two. That alone is pretty incredible and likely a bit of good luck as well. I didn't know if either of the first two would be a keeper so I popped four more. They are about 6 in tall in cups and almost ready to be transplanted, so I am not done with this thread just yet! When they say this is the strongest strain in the Ace lineup they're not kidding. Hands down real deal. I've popped hundreds of seeds over the years and never seen results like this. Thank you ace.

So were both seeds a similar pheno? I recently popped two myself, and I'm excited to see which direction they lean. Whichever phenos, I'm certain they'll be outstanding, just like everything else Ace does!


Well-known member

I have a question for the master himself. dubi could you say whether this is a Haze A pheno? I know the pics are not the best, but I had some trouble keeping the beast in position to take a picture.

It grew so much and I had to bend and twist it so many times that it was a love/hate relationship rather. Now she's drying and we will see how that relationship develops. Do you guys think the bending and twisting is extending the flowering time? Mine took 91 days. I am growing the same pheno again from clone now and I am sure it will be more successful now as I know her. Nevertheless she's still a beast!

By the way this plant is a nute monster, it consumed crazy amounts of nutes. My Haze x KaliChina could hardly take half the amounts she had. So better be prepared.


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Humple W.

Well-known member

I have a question for the master himself. dubi could you say whether this is a Haze A pheno? I know the pics are not the best, but I had some trouble keeping the beast in position to take a picture.

It grew so much and I had to bend and twist it so many times that it was a love/hate relationship rather. Now she's drying and we will see how that relationship develops. Do you guys think the bending and twisting is extending the flowering time? Mine took 91 days. I am growing the same pheno again from clone now and I am sure it will be more successful now as I know her. Nevertheless she's still a beast!

By the way this plant is a nute monster, it consumed crazy amounts of nutes. My Haze x KaliChina could hardly take half the amounts she had. So better be prepared.

What ppm/EC?


Well-known member
So were both seeds a similar pheno? I recently popped two myself, and I'm excited to see which direction they lean. Whichever phenos, I'm certain they'll be outstanding, just like everything else Ace does!

I have some pictures somewhere in this thread probably around March when number one was still growing. Number one was more leggy where there was a bit of stick visible between buds. Seed number two went a full 12 weeks and was just solid Bud top to bottom if not a bit spongier than the first plant. So there's a bit of variety. Descriptions of the different phenos at Ace web was something I continually referred back to but that is all the fun! The first plant had much harder Indica style nugs and was also excellent but threw a few male flowers around week 10 when it came down. Both had similar Malawi influenced smells so with the next four I'm hoping to find something a little skunkier that may finish a bit faster but I'm definitely keeping this number two plant. Based on my experience I'd say you're going to enjoy the ride.


Well-known member
Moon will be 1st Quarter in the sign of Cancer tonight, Perfect time to sprout over the next few days.

Going to soak 5 Killer A5 seeds tonight.

If anyone's hungry for more Lunar info, one week from now (May 21-23) the Moon will be
2nd Quarter in the sign of Libra, the Best time to sprout Annuals for Fragrance and Beauty.

Humple W.

Well-known member
Nice plants Humple, they're going to get Big. I see they're in mini Hempy Buckets, do you sprout in Root Riot plugs?

Thanks! Yeah, I've always planted directly into Root Riots, whether growing hempy or soil. I've always had excellent germination rates, so I just stick with what works! Lately I've been starting the plugs in the hempy buckets, but I'm thinking about switching to a seed-starter tray with a humidity dome, because it's too damn difficult to keep the newly-sprouted plants happy in that respect. For the first few days I just keep a clear plastic cup over the plug, but once they start growing a bit, it gets too humid, and they suffer. Always a learning experience though!

I run a perpetual SoG of Caramelo (Delicious Seeds), and solely use these 32 ounce deli containers as hempy buckets in a 2' x 2' tent. I much prefer them to 16 ounce Solo cups!

Of course, I'm not planning to keep the KA5H in the minis! They'll be up-potted to 2 gallon buckets when they go into their flowering tent (31.5" x 31.5" x 71", with just these two plants - hopefully they won't get too big!).

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Down to my last 2 jars of KA5H. I can't believe it goes so fast. I'm sorry if my constant praise for this strain annoy anyone but this is one of my first experience with Ace and sativas in general and I cant keep myself from constantly appreciating how lucky I am to have this strain in my stash.


For the past couple months it's been my daily strain. Always does the job. Barely builds any tolerance; since the past couple of months I hadn't gone more than 10 hours without smoking or vaping KA5H. On break at work, at home I'm literally vaping this strain back to back and it always does the job. Even if i build tolerance to it, I think just a days break will reset; tolerance isn't an issue with KA5H.

Not saying you don't build tolerance, but since I had to throw out a GT due to herm, KA5H had been the main smoke and it gets me high every time.

I vapes smoked some of my hybrid earlier this week and within 30 minutes I was looking for my A5 jar again.

The only negative thing I can see is sometimes the high is pretty uncomfortable, especially if you're sleep deprived, then it makes you twitchy and anxious.

Question for anyone who's experienced with Ace strains:

KA5H really has a deep head-spacey, disassociating, introspective effect. Is this part of the Malawi side or the A5 haze side? I hadn't grown the Malawi yet (next in rotation) so I'm wondering what to expect.

A5 Haze’s potency is indeed deep, heady, trippy/spacey and introspective.
I found Malawi more disassociating, very powerful yet more exhausting.
Cheers for the feedback!

Humple W.

Well-known member
My two KA5H have been moved from the nursery to their final tent. I'll be vegging them further before up-potting to the 2 gallon buckets, though I'm not yet sure how big I'll let them get in the minis...


Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
My outdoor KA5H#1 growing in a 25 gallon bag. She’s already a monster and hands down the shining star in the garden currently. This pheno has a really nice fermented peaches kind of smell during flower along with a little bit of the liver smell.
I’m still curing the first round with her and she’s developed a strong licorice smell when burping the jars.


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