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Killed over a bag of weed


But how many people think like you and I?

Most of this country is just focused on their next paycheck. They don't have the time nor the desire to worry about things like government corruption and loss of freedoms.

Some may think about how fucked up this place is from time to time, but they know they don't have the power to do anything about it. So they just continue on with their lives.

It would take some serious shit happening to get this country to wake the fuck up. And it would take an incredible leader to actually get things changed.


ICMag Donor
My question is why did they pull him over in the first place? If he had a legit reason to pull them over, he should have had them lay down on their stomachs and make sure they had no weapons. All the cop seemed intersted in was whether the guy had drugs. I heard nothing about a traffic infraction....

I see the guy smiling and acting nervous, but I didn't see any reason to fire shots. The dude with the flashlight seemed to make the other cop think something was in his hand. Had that cop not gotten spazzy there wouldn't have been a shooting.


Active member
This dash vid has definitely been edited. They all have a wide angle lens. BTW folks, Florida is a fuckin trigger happy cop state, worst marijuana laws, and it also is hands-down, one of the most corrupt! And I'm not talking out of my ass either, folks, I fuckin live here! The sad truth is that many of these murders are reported as justifiable, or suspect hung, shot himself. All this murdering shit, (sometimes accidental, & cop made mistake), is then covered up & doctored, then given a send-off by the powers that be.
That's exactly what I think.

The dude with the flashlight seemed to make the other cop think something was in his hand. Had that cop not gotten spazzy there wouldn't have been a shooting.
Yep, the police explorer kid should have stayed in the car, his freaking out and running around pointing defiantly contributed to the cop shooting IMO

Exactly that. Cop shot him. What do you think is concealed here?
The actual cop doing the shooting, and the guy getting hit.


Active member
Florida deputy kills unarmed man over bag of marijuana

By "Radical" Russ Belville on November 12, 2010

(Jacksonville.com) [Deputy Ernest] Cole, a five-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, had received information on the night of Sept. 11 from a narcotics detective that a man named Ray, riding a purple and white motorcycle, might be carrying a large amount of marijuana.

When [Franklin "Ray"] Bodden rode his bike by the deputy’s radar, according to a report by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney’s Office, Cole clocked him traveling 76 mph in a 45 mph zone.

A video released to the family and shared with the media shows that Bodden and his passenger, friend Anthony Weeks, told the officer they didn’t think they were going that fast. They exchanged small talk. Both men denied they had anything illegal on them, and Cole asked if he could pat them down.

David “Bo” Bright, a new hire with the corrections department, was riding with Cole as a civilian and pointing a flashlight at Bodden. According to the state attorney’s investigative report, released by the family, Weeks dropped a pill during the pat-down and bent to pick it up, causing Cole to slam him against the car. Simultaneously, Bodden reached for his pockets and, in the light, Bright saw what appears to be a silver object in his hand. Bright started yelling to the deputy and in a matter of seconds Bodden was shot twice and fell to the ground.

The object was a cylindrical, tightly wrapped bag of marijuana, investigators later said.
Was Bodden taking the opportunity to chuck his bag of weed while Deputy Cole was busy with Weeks? From the police car, was it possible for Bright to mistake the silvery-green shimmer of a rolled up bag of weed as the barrel of a gun? Does it matter that it was a nighttime stop with one officer dealing with two citizens, notably Bodden, who had numerous small drug convictions on his record?

Deputy Cole’s shooting of Bodden was determined to be a justifiable homicide. Cole’s back on the job. So if you’re motorcycling through Jacksonville, obey the speed limit and keep your weed in your pocket.
Cop bashing? LOL..Yeah we wouldn't want to say anything bad about our nations hero's...Hey the guy was speeding and probably deserved to get shot in the fucking face! What the fuck is wrong with people...My old man is an under cover narcotics agent...and he would not do this type of shit, hell, he knows i grow, and says, its not that big of a deal anymore...Shit , he dont even fuck with people that use pot....its all about the meth and crack and H....And this is in a state in which marijuana is very illegal...but unfortunatley, I think he is in the minority with that line of thinking....Some cops are just pieces of shit...slice it any way you want to, Dude got killed for nothing, so yeah, that cop is a murderer, and deserves to be bashed, and things far worse than that.


Cop bashing? LOL..Yeah we wouldn't want to say anything bad about our nations hero's...Hey the guy was speeding and probably deserved to get shot in the fucking face! What the fuck is wrong with people...My old man is an under cover narcotics agent...and he would not do this type of shit, hell, he knows i grow, and says, its not that big of a deal anymore...Shit , he dont even fuck with people that use pot....its all about the meth and crack and H....And this is in a state in which marijuana is very illegal...but unfortunately, I think he is in the minority with that line of thinking....Some cops are just pieces of shit...slice it any way you want to, Dude got killed for nothing, so yeah, that cop is a murderer, and deserves to be bashed, and things far worse than that.

What do you mean he was probably speeding & deserved to get shot in the face. For speeding? I'm glad your father who is a narcotics officer is cool with growing & using weed but too many cops in too many states are just not like that & I don't like being treated like a criminal like everybody has drugs just cause they pull you over for anything, gives them the right to ask you where you're going- uh that way pointing down the road in the direction I'm going is going to be my response any more not there f**king business .:plant grow:


being pulled over is very freaky shit
SumDumGuy is right, try to imagine having to pull people over all day, every day, adrenaline rush, keeping your cool, not knowing which piece of shit is going to try to kill you or push your face in.

I'm not a fan of cops but that shit ain't easy.


Tazer is a euphemism for electrocution which is torture.

It isn't these "cop" threads that perpetuate "hate". It is cause and effect. Our hatred of police is a direct result of their actions and has nothing to do whatsoever with threads like this. Threads like this are simply a way for some of us to vent our frustrations over Police who have no one policing them.

We don't need to spend more money on cops, aren't they getting enough money off of this scheme already? What we need is less money spent on cops via less of them and less bullshit laws.


SumDumGuy is right, try to imagine having to pull people over all day, every day, adrenaline rush, keeping your cool, not knowing which piece of shit is going to try to kill you or push your face in.

I'm not a fan of cops but that shit ain't easy.

When I'm on the street, the piece of shit I'm afraid is going to push my face in is the Police.


Active member
Tazer is a euphemism for electrocution which is torture.

It isn't these "cop" threads that perpetuate "hate". It is cause and effect. Our hatred of police is a direct result of their actions and has nothing to do whatsoever with threads like this. Threads like this are simply a way for some of us to vent our frustrations over Police who have no one policing them.

We don't need to spend more money on cops, aren't they getting enough money off of this scheme already? What we need is less money spent on cops via less of them and less bullshit laws.

Uh, don't group all of us on this forum into your little umbrella of ignorance. Some of us who have had successful lives as contributing members of society despite our hobbies don't go with the "Us vs. Them" mentality because we live in the real world, not this Orwellian fantasy world that you have created.


Active member
such a shame. Looks like the kid in plain clothes started moving around and got the cop spooked. He should have had his hands in the air or have been on the hood like the cop had ordered him to do.


Uh, don't group all of us on this forum into your little umbrella of ignorance. Some of us who have had successful lives as contributing members of society despite our hobbies don't go with the "Us vs. Them" mentality because we live in the real world, not this Orwellian fantasy world that you have created.
I bet most of the people who talk a lot of shit on the cops would shit their pants if they had to do that job. Again, not saying I love cops. IMO the job draws assholes like shit draws flies. Which makes me a bit more sympathetic to the good ones. It's a tough job. I think a lot of guys on the job aren't fit for it, which leads to a lot of situations like this guy winding up dead.


Well-known member
today we teach our children to trust noone and to never talk to leo but many years ago I remember in the projects police walk and would talk to us and be nice and you could not fear them but now leo is out to shoot or beat or tazer anything that has a pulse and have this idea they are above the law and have no fear of using exsesive force and cover up and fake reports and plant weapons to get their asses covered at any cost.

exactly right.

We taught our kids to never open the door to anyone and I don’t give a shit if its cops, no one!!!! The world has changed cops don’t look out for you, You look out for you. In my city cops don’t even have to live in the same county so how in the hell do they emphasize with my life.

They drive around in cars on cell phones talking to their friends all day. They are so far removed from the people they are supposes to protect. You want people to trust cops put them on the walking beat in the neighborhoods they are protecting. Make them live in the same county for gods sake how stupid is that.

Why don’t people trust cops because they know better. If someone breaks into your home the cop finds a joint who gets in trouble???? You are chattle to them they are so far removed from the human concept its crazy. You think that there is any cop who doesnt have a pot smoker in his family?? Not possible we all do. You have to be part of the community to feel for that community.

Any one and I mean anyone that says cops give a rat’s ass about you or your neighborhood are lost. You have to be part of something, “put skin in the game” as they say before I trust you.

Its not about protecting "you" because "you" dont live around me "you" arent from where I live and I could care less if your nieghborhood is a piece of shit.

FUCK the SYSTEM and anyone who thinks its working.


Active member
exactly right.

We taught our kids to never open the door to anyone and I don’t give a shit if its cops, no one!!!! The world has changed cops don’t look out for you, You look out for you. In my city cops don’t even have to live in the same county so how in the hell do they emphasize with my life.

They drive around in cars on cell phones talking to their friends all day. They are so far removed from the people they are supposes to protect. You want people to trust cops put them on the walking beat in the neighborhoods they are protecting. Make them live in the same county for gods sake how stupid is that.

Why don’t people trust cops because they know better. If someone breaks into your home the cop finds a joint who gets in trouble???? You are chattle to them they are so far removed from the human concept its crazy. You think that there is any cop who doesnt have a pot smoker in his family?? Not possible we all do. You have to be part of the community to feel for that community.

Any one and I mean anyone that says cops give a rat’s ass about you or your neighborhood are lost. You have to be part of something, “put skin in the game” as they say before I trust you.

Its not about protecting "you" because "you" dont live around me "you" arent from where I live and I could care less if your nieghborhood is a piece of shit.

FUCK the SYSTEM and anyone who thinks its working.

It's funny...with people like yourself, at least on this forum, platitudes such as this one abound...but I've yet to see anyone offer a solution instead of whining like an angsty high schooler. Anyone so vehemently opposed to government surely has done some thinking on a "better way" -- right? Any ideas, or are you just complaining on an anonymous forum like the rest of the lazy stoners who continue to shit all over this "movement"? :biglaugh: come on guys, get a grip

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I hate these cop bashing threads, they dont do anything except perpetuate hatred.

I dont see any weed in the video, nor do i see any weed mentioned in the article below. As far as i can hear from the conversation between the cop and the guys outside of the screen, the cop asks numerous times whether they have anything illegal something they deny numerous times.

The actual shooting takes place outside of the frame of the video, its impossible to see what happens exactly at the time of the shooting.

I think the thread is stupid, it seems to try to connect a cop shooting to weed without there seemingly being any proof that weed had any relevance in the case. The thread only works to perpetuate the dogma that cops want to shoot weed smokers and serves to increase paranoia among smokers. Paranoia generally makes us do silly things, the thread sucks, i dont need any more noia then i already have!!

Yeah because we ALL know that not only are the COPS on the up and up but this whole fucking system right ?? No I say the fear is waranted and the only ppl that need to stop this shit is our COPS and our GOV . END OF STORY!!!!!:moon:


Active member
Yeah because we ALL know that not only are the COPS on the up and up but this whole fucking system right ?? No I say the fear is waranted and the only ppl that need to stop this shit is our COPS and our GOV . END OF STORY!!!!!:moon:

So with this us vs. them mentality, are any of "us" at fault, or is it just Big Brother? Is personal responsibility something growers are supposed to shed when they pop their first bean?