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~[Kief Junkie & Q.K.] 250w Organic Soil NGB style MediCab (perpetual, var. strains)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ,
I know that you're running one of the LC mixes I was just wondering which one exactly and if its been working well for you. Do your plants seem to be well flushed by the time you harvest. As soon as I get out of the Army this is almost the exact setup I want to start running. Thanks.

Check the very first post of this journal, and it gives the exact recipe I'm using. It's the LC's mix #2 with the dry ferts added. As for flushing, none is needed at all since this is all organic. It works perfectly for me and I don't usually have to do any additional feeding for the ENTIRE grow...so it's just water, Liquid Karma, molasses and a top dressing of earth worm castings at water time (if there's a known deficiency, I might top dress with a guano to correct, but that's only happened one time in all of the grows I've done).

I dare say that a huge part of our success thus far can be attributed to this great soil mix. Check out the Organics For Beginners sticky in the organics forum for lots of great info on LC's mixes.

p.s. updates?

I'll be watering tonight, so I'll take more pictures and post them up tomorrow!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
So I haven't taken pictures yet. Forgot to when I watered last night. BUT, I thought I'd stop in an give an update that I totally forgot about last time....we have CLONES! That's right, 2 of the 4 clones are already showing nice roots out the bottom of the rockwool cube. We took 2 clones each from 2 plants (the tallest one, and the indica looking bush). So we now have what looks like 1 viable clone from each of the mothers. Hopefully the other two clones come through too. I plan to move these to non-ferted soil this weekend.

Woot! First time cloning success feels good.


Congrats KJ on the cloning success. Get us some pics of those kids............you are not afraid are you? J\K



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 32 (Pure) and 12 (Kali Mist) in flower...pictures!

Day 32 (Pure) and 12 (Kali Mist) in flower...pictures!

So here we are at day 33 in flower (pictures taken last night, day 32). Things are going rather well at the moment. All of the flowering girls are healthy and steadily growing and packing on weight. They're all yellowing to some degree from the bottom up, a sign of fall time in the cab. They're sucking up the water and have me watering every 2 days. We also now have 3 clones that have been transplanted into ferted soil after showing nice roots (the 4th is still sitting in the tray, trying real hard to show roots so she can join the others in soil).

No bugs, no deficiencies, no pests, no problems, just a healthy medical garden! Gotta love it! On to the pics. Notice that I threw in a Bic in a few of the shots so that you can all get a reference for the plant size.

Day 32 of flower - indica pheno; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Day 32 of flower - runt pheno; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Day 32 of flower - tall pheno; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Day 12 of flower; (Kali Mist) (3 11 10)


Clone roots before transplant; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Clones after transplant; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Day 32 close up 2; (Pure) (3 11 10)


Day 32 close up; (Pure) (3 11 10)



Looking good KJ. Might be a little short on N.....a little early.

That Kali looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is my favorite.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Looking good KJ. Might be a little short on N.....a little early.

That Kali looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is my favorite.


Thanks V! Good to have you hanging around. You think it's N? Even though we're about 30-35 days off from harvest? It seemed to be normal seasonal yellowing to me, especially with the Pure's (the last round of Pure's I did also yellowed quickly in flower).

mad librettist

Active member
Oh lol did not see first two on my phone.

Yeah bro. Your plant is short on a mobile nute from soil deficiency or other cause. Looks like N to me too. This is where I would give the slurry. N may be there but not cycling.

IMO it's almost always biology almost never raw materials.


I was assuming they were going longer. The third set of leaves has yellowed and caused me concern for you. If it is normal then just tell me to shut the hell up.....and I will. LOL J\K

But really that Kali is smoking hot man.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I was assuming they were going longer. The third set of leaves has yellowed and caused me concern for you. If it is normal then just tell me to shut the hell up.....and I will. LOL J\K

But really that Kali is smoking hot man.


I plan on taking them about 65-70 days. Maybe I'll do a high N guano top dress when I water today. Surely a little more N couldn't hurt.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
FYI if it is normal (plant dictated), castings won't reverse it.

I do use a top dressing of castings every watering. I might try and do a slurry of it, but that just sounds mostly messy. We'll see. Thanks for the pointers!


long time listener, first time caller:

really enjoying the detailed write up, the progress is gooooood! you never stop learning! can't say much on the N, a light green past ~35days doesn't bother me much. heres to a smooth second half...



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
+Vibes: Thanks for stopping in and commenting! Good to have you around. :joint:

Banjo: Good to see ya mate! Thanks for the good vibes.

Day 36 for the Pure girls (day 16 for the Kali Mist), and things are (mostly) going well. I am concerned a bit about the yellowing on the Pure's, now that Vonforne mentioned it. I'm brewing up a high N guano tea right now to feed them later this evening, so hopefully that'll help slow the yellowing a bit. I guess they're just hungry!

On the clone front things don't look so well. They haven't died, but they're looking a bit sickly. I hope they spring back...we'll see. The one that never showed roots looks like a lost cause, so I'll be letting that one go.


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