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~[Kief Junkie & Q.K.] 250w Organic Soil NGB style MediCab (perpetual, var. strains)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
A quick update:

All of the plants are looking good and coming along nicely. It seems that the preflowers are out and that 2 of our "ladies" are actually men. Still going to wait a few to make sure, but I'm about 90% sure. That means our other 3 are female. Not bad. I was hoping for NO males, but don't we all? The good news is, one of the suspected males is the plant that had the deficiency (now corrected, it seems). Also, one of the suspected females happens to be the healthiest, largest, most dense plant of the bunch!

But, we did manage to get our hands on a clone...Kali Mist! So we have 4 females officially, though the Kali Mist is still sitting in the veg room recovering after transplant. I'll likely move her into flower this weekend.

On another note, we finally added some extra piping to the vents between the rooms so as to provide better light blockage. I think it worked fine. We also got busy repainting the doors with a little help from a friendly elf. They're looking good, only the outsides of the doors are left to paint, the insides are all done. It'll look like a finished cab again soon!

Pictures to come soon.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
so how did go about correcting the sick plant?

I just did some top dressing with high P guano (Indonesian Bat Guano). I top dressed with about 1/2 tablespoon just before watering. We did this twice and the problem seems to have come to a halt.


New member
Hey KJ, ive been following your thread for a little while now, mostly lurking in the back, but im moving to the front row now. Ive read your other two threads and im loving what you and your wife are doing. I spend almost all of my down time here in iraq here on IC and your thread and Verdant Greens are always some of the first ones i check. Cant wait to see how this turns out.

Much love.:plant grow:
New clone?

/red flag

You don't want to get nasties again, do you? Make sure you sterilize that thing before you bring it in to your garden!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ, ive been following your thread for a little while now, mostly lurking in the back, but im moving to the front row now. Ive read your other two threads and im loving what you and your wife are doing. I spend almost all of my down time here in iraq here on IC and your thread and Verdant Greens are always some of the first ones i check. Cant wait to see how this turns out.

Much love.:plant grow:

Thanks StonedSoul-dier! This post made me smile inside. Lately I've wondered if keeping this journal is worth the time and effort, as so few seem to visit, but posts like this make it all worth it! Keep your spirits up over there. If our little project can provide even a little comfort, then it's served a purpose!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
New clone?

/red flag

You don't want to get nasties again, do you? Make sure you sterilize that thing before you bring it in to your garden!

I sure don't want to get the creepy crawlies again! So this time, she's segregated in the veg room by herself, and I sprayed here down good with neem before putting here there. After her 1 week timeout, I'll search her with a microscope for eggs and bugs, and do another neem spray. Then and only then will she get a pass to the flower room.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 11 in flower; picture update

Day 11 in flower; picture update

Well, it turns out that we have at least 2 males in the bunch. Well, one for sure, but I'm about 80% sure on the other. Two of the others are almost certainly female, and there is 1 for sure that is...confirmed pistils on that bitch! I'll cull the males soon...just letting them express their stuff for a bit before I do...no real reason...just cause.

I'll move our new Kali Mist clone over into the flower room soon, so then we'll have 4 females. I guess I'll have to procure a few more clones soon to fill in the other two slots in the flower chamber. Hmm...what to pick...what to pick....I think some White Rhino if I can find it. Maybe we can finish it proper this time!

Anyway, here's the latest picture. The suspected males are in the center, and the lower left of the picture.

Quiz for next class: Can anyone tell me which plant in the below picture is the runt from the previous picture update? <cue Jeopardy theme> :joint:

Day 11 in flower, three chicks, two dicks (Pure); (2 18 10)

Someone mentioned SuperThrive earlier in the thread. It is NOT organic, but an organic substitute (which I use) exists: ThriveAlive.

I let my rooted clones in pucks float in a thrivealive water solution for a half hour before transplant, then use that for the initial watering, with 100% success so far.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I've always lurked your thread KJ, great work mate, keep it up.


Lately I've wondered if keeping this journal is worth the time and effort, as so few seem to visit...

Yes - it certainly serves a purpose. I find myself wondering the same thing, but here's the thing...there are others out there just like us who are in a similar position that we are.

For me...we were building our cab at the same time, and bounced many ideas off each other - it was kind of cool seeing each other's progress at that time.

Then, I had to take a "hiatus" for a few months, while you kept on rolling. After checking back in with IC, it was a great thing to see "a familiar face" still getting after it, and doing so with success!

Please do keep posting, because there are people out there that read your posts. I am one of them and I look forward to reading them as well. :)

Thanks, K.J!


I'm watching this grow really carefully, i've got some pure seeds that sprouted about 2 weeks ago, so i'm excited to see how yours turn out.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for all of the kind comments! I haven't been on since last week and I come back to such nice things.

BorkBorkBork: Thanks for the recommendation.

b00m: Thanks for all the lurking, and for coming out to say hi!

banjobrain: Great post..tis true, tis true. Thanks for sticking around with us.

Masterlow: Nice, I hope your Pure's turn out great for you! Thanks for visiting us...stick around.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
i cant tell at all that top dress really help though

In your garden, or mine? The top dress did wonders for the suspected Phosphorous deficiency the one plant had (turned out to be a male anyway).


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
So I figured some of you might want to see a few pictures of the plants outside the cab, so you can see their true colors. So, I took some photo's for ya. I made sure to include a shot of the two males that we culled this weekend, and of course our new Kali Mist lady in the veg room (who's going into the flower room tonight, right after she takes a neem shower....hot).

Day 15 in flower, girl's 1 and 2(Pure); (2 22 10)


Day 15 in flower, girl 3 (Pure); (2 22 10)


Day 15 in flower, males that were culled (Pure); (2 22 10)


Day 7 in veg (Kali Mist); (2 22 10)
