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how much canna coco a+b for seedlings?



what would be the best combo of canna a+b for seedlings? also what is the ideal ppm of the nutrient water i should give it(.5 conversion) if my tap water is 128ppm(~.25ec).

the canna grow guide ( http://www.canna-hydroponics.ca/growguide) says i should add 5.7ml of a and 5.7ml of b like the grow guide suggested?

Also i heard its best to test of the ppm and ph of the nute mix you put in the coco, and to not really worry as much about the runoff. And what would be the best way for me to measure out my ph of my water before i pour it in, should i add nutes first then add ph down? or should i add ph down then add nutes? my tap water ph is like 8.0



alright guys well what i winded up doing was first adding my nutrient solution to 1 gallon of water. So i added approximately 3ml of each canna A and canna coco B and 5ml of hygrozyme which brought my ppms to 360 but i was still left over with a tap water ph of around 7.0. I added apple cidar vinegar till i got to my ph of 6.0 and then retested the ppm to make sure i was still chill.
So i watered with with a ph of 6.0 and ec's of about ~.8


Canna Coco grower
Hey Bomb...

Ok... I've been using this wonderful stuff called canna coco now for bout 6 years... and I've gotten pretty familiar with it..

Here is what I recommend after having used it for as long as I have..

On "seedlings" not cuttings SEEDLINGS...

Start out using Rizotonic at about 1 oz per three gallons of water... ph'd at around 6.2 to no more than 6.5... NO A OR B...

Wait till the seedlings get about two sets of cannabis leaves (the serrated leaves) before goin to A & B & Rizo mixed..

at that point give them about 600 ppm COUNTING THE PPM OF YOUR WATER... so about 480 PPM of juice and then 120PPM of ur water naturally.....
Water with that a three times... then about 1/2 strength one time.. then that three times.... etc..etc..

When they start to get branching u can bump it up to about 650-700 MAX MAX MAX...

Believe it or not.. canna makes better buds with lower fert.... the time to really hit it is beginning week 3 to 5 of bud... at which time u should be feeding them about 750-800 ppm... counting your waters ppm..

This is in my humble opinion... but check out my gallery and take a look at what canna can do :=)

P.S.. ALWAYS USE EQUAL AMOUNTS OF CANNA A & B IN YOUR SOLUTIONS... whatever they might be... if you use a teaspoon of A u have to put a teaspoon of B in too...etc..etc..etc..



okay tahts pretty much what i did except i used hygrozyme at the start instead of rhizotonic. Also my tap water + nutes = 360 ppm. I was thikning of adding more nutes to increase the ppm but i dont want to over fertilize, or would that be impossible since my ppm isnt over 500? (is judging by ppm the best way to tell if your over fertilizing? thanks)

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