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Kief addiction


Fresh keif out of the volcano is nice!



put the grinder in the freezer for ten minutes on ice then nickle it. rofl kief shower.

Haha sounds like not a bad plan.

As for the nickels, the whole point is knocking extra trichs off the buds so u put it in the middle chamber above the kief collection zone...
I even used two nickels for awhile.
The first run is the best then you keep getting lower qual keif as you do more shakes
So after posting a reply on this thread yesterday i could think of nothing better then to feed the addiction and pack a fat bowlski up and then my stoned ass drop the bottom of my grinder and my dreams where shattered. I almost cried i lost a lot but that's life for ya as soon as you save up ass load of keif life smacks it out of your hands and laughs in you face.


New member
So after posting a reply on this thread yesterday i could think of nothing better then to feed the addiction and pack a fat bowlski up and then my stoned ass drop the bottom of my grinder and my dreams where shattered. I almost cried i lost a lot but that's life for ya as soon as you save up ass load of keif life smacks it out of your hands and laughs in you face.

i recently bought a 3 piece grinder with kief catcher i've deff. declared myself the worst kief collector ever i can never manage to scrape the shit up outta the 3rd piece i always manage losing more than i can get.... does wax paper and a iron work? a friend told me that
I think kief is best in moderation.

Having kief only for short periods at harvest time gives you more appreciation for it. I like to look at Scissor and Bubble hash as a good reward for a job well done. It gives me more motivation to do a good job next crop if I dont have it all the time.

I wish I could smoke kief permanently, but Im almost glad my tolerance is not that high yet.



the point is if you have a one gram bud or make dry sifted hash from it, you are still smoking the same amount of resin...it's just that bud smokers inhale alot more tar producing, non-active plant matter..and dry sifters inhale smoke that's ten times cleaner.

my tolerance is very low and yet I have been smoking only dry sifted hash for quite awhile

dry sift is like whiskey, bud is beer...so naturally, sip less of the strong stuff to get where loads of the weak stuff will take you to.

Ten bowls of bud is the same as smoking one bowl of dry sift

resin is ten times stronger than bud, so smoke ten times less......smoke a tenth of a bowl or two is enough to get me high


Green Mujaheed
I admit I have a problem. I love the way a fat bowl looks topped with a mound of soft crystally goodness, how the super thc concentrated bong rip hits your brain like a mack truck. It raises the ceiling on the high of any strain, however this means that regular bowls lack the potential to really floor you. I know I'm not the only kief addict here...

stop smoking it in powder form and hand-press it.

Irie !


Green Mujaheed
^^Check the side by side Butane vs Hexane.

read again, the pic shows side by side hexane vs ethanol ! hexane is quite toxic by the way, wouldn't use that. crumbled weed mixed with oil doesn't make hash by the way, and one doesn't make hash with ethanol... :crazy:

Irie !