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Khaleel with a side of T5's, smothered in a sea of green



NZjay said:
his is 24th, mine 25th. dont think ill ever forget that now.. lol

wake up with a sore hip this morning old man?? hahha :D

oops, NZjay. mine is the 26th! hahaha but thanks, i can never hear enough "happy birthdays" :muahaha:

damn i am feeling a bit older... maybe its time i start eating those prunes. ha

better swing by your thread and give you a hb shout!


brookie said:
heres one I have under a t5 unit.

hi brookie, that's a nice looking plant there. if you get time, check out some of the other CFL gardens in my free your CFL budshots thread (in my sig line). great work, my friend

hazy: hello hello! yup, i can't wait for the TW mixes to finish. they will be the strains i use going forward too, i'm getting a bit of a tolerance to the Chrystal (been smoking mostly just it for the last five or six months...) and not seeing the weight i know could be there. i think the GF will be my main squeeze. probably be smokin a sample in another week or so... i'll be sure to give a smoke report on that one.


had it wrong way around! but thats cool.. i get to say happy bday to you again tomorrow! hah!


AND HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy bday man!! hope ya have a good one.. smoke lots of killer, down a couple brews, and have a baby! no.. wait ...
ok just the first two things for now! lol

have a good one mate. in the future, we smoke a joint joint for our joint birthday celebration :D




:wave: happy birthday my dawg.have a bomb ass day yo,and smoke the hell out :joint:

this is the official YwI b-day peace sign. :laughing: peace brotha ill let you get back to ur festivities.dont get no b-day whippins :spank:


rolled an Urkle up in your honor mate!

and happy to know each year i turn another year... you remain well ahead of me old man! muhahahhaha!! :D


NZjay, ywouldn'tI: thanks guys! :muahaha: :muahaha:

thanks a million, pimps, i just smoked a fat bowl of kief and i'm about to eat a brownie or two. :)

you guys are the best, peace out!


thanks smokingun! :)

well, the grapefruit is only around week 7, but a little bottom nug had to be sacrificed and put in the oven lol

look at the trich formation in that macro! its like an amazon rain forest, i can't wait to see it at full maturity. i'm definitely gonna let this one go 30-40% amber to make sure it packs a wallop.

hope all is well peeps


nice bro.everytime i see ur guyses macros i wanna run out and buy a new cam.it reminds me just how crappy my cam is.that bud looks like inside supermans hideout;)
all crystals.great job cant wait to see them finish out yo.peace-Y-


Active member
Awesome job khaleel.....the T5 revolution has clearly begun!!! :jump: :woohoo:

Happy Birthday Khaleel.....many blessings be upon your garden.....:smoke:oOoo'

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


edit* oops. i just happened to be reading dutchgrown's rule book (for some strange reason...), and saw we are not supposed to openly solicit seeds, even if they are satori. forget i asked. haha
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DANGIT!!! I missed the mark!

Happy belated, mang!

Niiiice rainforest nuglerator you tore off there!



ywouldn'tI: what up G. haha superman's hideout, i love it. :headbange

guineapig: thanks for the kind words and birthday blessing, my friend! :muahaha: i have been surprised every time at what a set of T5s running around only 200 watts can do. great for small closet growers like myself. (maybe someday i'll come out of the closet and get an HPS lol)

eatshitake: no worries bro, i'll take the birthday wishes whenever i can get them ha :wave: thanks

let's see, i was trying to figure out what has been going on with my harvest weight. i had some nutrient problems a month back, overfeeding and ph adjustment stuff, but now everything is back up and running and i wasn't sure why the buds weren't fattening up like they used to. then i remembered something:

lol i totally forgot about grandma. i ran out a while back and just forgot about it altogether with everything else going on. so we'll see if it really does the job or not, i think it will make a big difference. should be enough time on the GF to see what happens over the final couple weeks of bloom.

oscar was helping with the water filtration/oxygenation, so he says what's up

some pics of the veg room...

Grapefruit x Trainwreck

Willijuana x Trainwreck

that's four plants in a 2 gallon pot. lol don't think the buds will be very big with that small of roots for that much foilage, but i had some extra cuttings so what the hell, we'll see what happens.

and finally, a chrystal that just had to come down this morning. she's only at 6.5 weeks, but i needed the room more than the plant (was the last one left of those that had damage from overfeeding) and i'm out of weed! luckily this stuff matures pretty quick, the trichs were almost all cloudy. just smoked a bowl in the oven and i can feel it.

ok that its for now! hope all is well, thanks for keeping the thread alive guys you rock



looking lush Pimp Daddy 'leel!
Oscar is cute! i like cats :D
edit: i too will be using Molasses in round 2 in the bunkbed...

flowering stage only though, not whole life like some say you can... looking forward to seeing if i can get even sweeter Urkle.. (already a sweet tasting girl)
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lookin good khaleel she looks frosty already,how long was she suppose to go?
peace bro-Y-


nzjay: supposed to be finishing that application right now, but here i am checking icmag on my way to the oven haha thanks for the post man, oscar is a squirrely lil pimp for sure. :kitty:

ywouldn't: the chrystal usually starts turning amber at 8-9 weeks, thats when i harvest for myself... little longer if its going to other patients. (i prefer a lighter buzz - i have to smoke during the day lol)

Smoking Gun

Active member
Hey K, lookin' good.

I don't see why even if you moved out of the closet why you would change over from the T-5's. They seem to be working great, I certainly enjoy them, and have known other growers to have great success with them.

Have any of you guys tried Botanicare's Sweet product. It is designed to do exactly what molasses does for the plant. I have had some pretty good results with it. Nice plump bud formation and it also enhances the aroma (I haven't got to taste any yet). I would definitely give this one a thumbs up, plus it is organic.

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