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Khaleel with a side of T5's, smothered in a sea of green



m1: lol those rat-bastards. well, she's a beauty of a plant (can't believe how long those leaves are - you sure its a sativa? haha), and i wish you luck with things once they get started. in the meantime, hell yeah live vicariously as much as you like! :wave:


cool bookmarked man, I'll have to check in more often. That super ice and the crystal both look great! How was all the smoke you just harvested??? PEACE


I'm so fickle :), popped them all in water today, busy cleaning the house and getting some under counter space ready for some CFL veg... If I stumble across some cash will go all out and make a big system, if not, no problems, I go cfl :). Anyways, not to hijack your thread with my indecision :).

I'll be checking often :)



caligreen: howdy friend! glad you found the new thread. :rasta: ahh, the super ice. fantastic. here's a couple shots, dried and cured:

mallyone: lol no worries mate. half the fun of a thread, if not more, is other people's posts. mi casa su casa. i'd say keep it cfl, if money is a problem go cheap the first round then upgrading is a bit less of a problem. doesn't take much bud to purchase a new light.

nzjay: damn good to see you! hope you still pop in and say hi once in while, i might need some advice. :muahaha:

alright guys, i had experienced a little yellowing with one of my plants around week three, but after coming back from a three day absence, this is what the bloom room looks like:

the worst of the problem is with my jack herrer (of course). i think it might be a little calcium deficiency, but at the same time the lack of watering and curled tips make me think it just got too hot and close to the light without water to keep cool. let me know what you guys think, all opinions are welcome (and no flaming on this thread, i don't give a shit if you have fifteen green dots and some punk with none disagrees with you, we can keep it civil. win the argument with knowledge, not name-calling.) :dueling:

anyway, here's the jack:

i am having a problem getting precise ppm on my nutes. hydro store was closed today, and now that i'm running the two part liquid system i need to get a ppm meter (was using a digi to measure the powder nutes). so i'm sure that's a contributing factor. i upped the feeding today, and put a good dose of grow fert in too. i'll get the def's adjusted asap, but if someone knows exactly what is needed let me know.

to end on a good note, here's a shot of a chrystal, about week three a little over:

good to see something is going right. lol

thanks guys, hope all is well!


sup khaleel? what are the flavors/smells from chrystal and superice? potency? also, do you know where i can find a 2' 4 bulb T5 or something like it? i need to keep it more stealth and get a shorter kit. k+


What's up bro, every time i check out your thread you keep stepping it up.
Seeing your grows got me messing around with the fluo lights, i'm about to harvest a couple of pollinated moms flowered 100% under fluorescent light.
the jack looks like it has a slight mg def, do u use worm castings or lime cause a little of either should fix that right up plus they are the ultimate organic ****up proofing for a soiless grow.
real impressive ive been considering setting up a little area with a couple T5s and some shelves for some extra headstash and fun breeding projects now youve given me some extra motavation thank you for your effort and keep up the hard work


Pirate138 said:
Wow khaleel, your plants look great and very healthy. Gives me something to aspire to.

thanks pirate. i hope you are not being facetious, i know i tried to give you all kinds of advice on your girls, then i turn around and wham!, similar problems in my own garden. lol ain't that the way it goes. we'll see if i can practice what i preach and bring 'em back to green and lush before serious flowering kicks in.

at any rate, always good to see a familiar face, thanks for stopping by and the compliments.

cannabishound: glad to have you stop by. get creative with the floro's, they're cheap!

mtlgrwr: hey brother! :wave: i'm sure i just went a little too easy on the nutes a feeding or two, not knowing precise ppm and not wanting to burn. i have to stop by the hydro store anyway, so i'll pick something up to take care of the defs. hopefully have it taken care of in a week or so. i'm excited to see if this jack herrer bagseed is really anything close to jack herrer.

icoop4: shit, i gotta run. i'll do my best to describe the flavor and potency or the chrystal and SI next time i get back on. for now let me just say its great and strong. lol

thanks everyone! :muahaha:


i took another look at the new growth from yesterday and today, and it looks much better. the strip light i have mounted on the side is putting out more heat than i thought (still not much, but more than i thought). the jack herrer was the plant right next to the strip light. yesterday the first thing i did was scoot everything back, so that must have helped. still believe i have a nute def (calcium, nit, mag - just too low a dose of ppm in general with the new nute system i'm using), but the heat was a catalyst for the damage. hopefully everything is under control now.

i'll check back in a few days and we'll see how the new growth is doing. take care! :wave:


Yo Khaleel! So your plants are looking pretty bomb dude.... haha That 3 week in chrystal is looking sweeet! Nice and green, hows the stretch on everything you have?

You mentioned having a calcium problem? Also heat problems? I got two things you could give a try...I love them, botanicare products. They work great and I've used them for a while now. The first would be cal mag +, It's a calcium and iron supplement, usually I only use it when I have high phosphorous in like 3rd or 4th wk flowering becuase my leaves usually start to twist and turn at the ends....BUT, it also has a good amount of nitrogen that can bring back green growth, so it works well both ways.

Second product that I love and I always hear highly about is silica blast. It works well for strengthening tissue, either the stalks and stem so you hold weight in later flower, or the tissue of calyx so you get denser nugs....That's one part of it, I usually help my plants that way with the silica now because my heats under control. Before I was using the silica blast for heat and cold issues, I think straight on the bottle it says it deals with wild temperature problems like drought and heat, and coldness. So those two products could help you out. Although I think your doing an awesome job as it is. Ever tried coco, you should throw one plant in next run and go all coco it's great and since you run flouros I bet you wouldn't have to water everyday like most of us coco heads too and you'd still get nice results. Roots shoot through the shit. When you moving up to a 400 hps???!!! haha just kiddin, take it easy man PEACE


hey caligreen! good to see you. :muahaha: thanks for the killer info, i think i'm going to get a bit of the cal/mag as soon as the shop is open after the holidays. i would love to try out the coco mix and throw in a 600hps, but for right now i'm still in the keep is simple phase lol. hopefully in the next year i'll be in my own house, then things can get fun. i just don't have the space right now. silica blast, huh? i'll check it out fo sho, i'd love to get these buds a little denser.

for right now, though, i think everything is back on track. i have one super ice, in the middle back, obviously, that is crazy yellow and will take a minute to pull out, but i removed the worst hit foilage and things look much better..

she got a nice dose of veg nutes and blm nutes this morning, and i'm going to keep a close eye on things this next week. the buds are still looking good. check out this little rope i started next to the floro strip.

the jack has pulled out. i might not even need the cal/mag, though i'll probably pick it up just to keep around anyway.

and finally, another bud shot of the chrystal. :canabis:

First let me begin by saying BRAVO. Great F***ING JOB. Green thumb for Shizzle

Hey I noticed on your original thread that you pulled about 60 grms off of your last plant!!! Thats awesome, just wondering though............... 1. It seems by the timing of your posts that you didn't dry your last plant very long. I was wondering how long of a drying time/technique you use. 2. It seems that from your first harvest to your last you increased your yeild more than 10x. Thats great, and to what do you attribute this crazy increase?? LST, Nutes, Crazy luck, Fast Drying Method, or God Given Gift?????

Just wondering............ Anyways I have been using a method close to yours and getting great results, but never any 10x increase in yield. So any help you could give


hehateme19 said:
First let me begin by saying BRAVO. Great F***ING JOB. Green thumb for Shizzle

Hey I noticed on your original thread that you pulled about 60 grms off of your last plant!!! Thats awesome, just wondering though............... 1. It seems by the timing of your posts that you didn't dry your last plant very long. I was wondering how long of a drying time/technique you use. 2. It seems that from your first harvest to your last you increased your yeild more than 10x. Thats great, and to what do you attribute this crazy increase?? LST, Nutes, Crazy luck, Fast Drying Method, or God Given Gift?????

Just wondering............ Anyways I have been using a method close to yours and getting great results, but never any 10x increase in yield. So any help you could give

thanks my friend. not sure where you got 10x, that's incredible. my harvests have been different numbers of plants, maybe that's where the confusion came from. in the beginning i just grew them straight up, plus had some water damage, and averaged about 15 grams per plants. after i got up and going and figured things out a bit better, i did LST. the increase in yield was definitely LST. plus, the last two plants i harvested were veg'd for four weeks and six weeks respectively, as there wasn't room in the bloom room to switch them over. i won't be getting 60 grams (and your right, they didn't dry that long. by the time i had it all cured i'm sure it was less) off one plant anymore. going with the sea of green method, so they won't be veg'd long enough to produce that much. but my overall yield i'm hoping will be higher.

onepunchko: thanks for stopping by!
Dude all I have to say is whatever you are doing it has been great. I have been following along for about a month or so now, and the only reason I joined up was to ask you those questions. Keep up the good work!! If you say maybe you didnt dry them long enough how much longer do you think you should have gone???? Are you using some different method of drying???? Anyways sorry about your nute problems, it is always tough trying to get the new mix just right. From your past posts I would assume you will have it figured out soon enough. From my expierence when you have problems its always best to flush and start back with lower ppm/mix levels, but Im sure you already know that. By the way how many times have you had to replace that C02 bucket (refill) and by your experience how many sq/ft do you think that will be effective for????
[/QUOTE]i won't be getting 60 grams (and your right, they didn't dry that long. by the time i had it all cured i'm sure it was less) off one plant anymore. going with the sea of green method, so they won't be veg'd long enough to produce that much. but my overall yield i'm hoping will be higher
Im sure you smoked it all pretty quick so who cares about the final weight huh!!!???
Keep up the FFFFFFnnnnnnn great work.


man it's looking sweet khaleel, I was gonna go for a sog on my latest attempt but decided perpetual and small trained plants was the way I needed to go. Training is the shit! You got nice little girls there man, and I only veg with my T5's but wow your doing wonders with them! Keep it up dude! PEACE

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