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KG's master plan.


A Quick dry tip I use: fill a food storage container about 3/4 full of rice, a thin paper towel, then ur bud. Close tight (Sealed...), and put on your router, cable box, etc (Warm surface...). The little heat will sweat the buds, while the rice absorbs any moisture. I think I may try with some salt in the rice too next time. I usually do this once the bud has lost a good amount of size, but still is moist n bendy... Least degrading of all the quick-dry method's I have tried... Enjoy the early present KG ;P !


Neekz, Thanks man. Appreciate the tip!

Am enjoying the early present right now!:)

BTW all 3 of those buds added up to 2.6 grams dried.


Update : Girls are doing great, thinking of harvesting the power kush and black widow in 4 days time. Gonna let the P.E go 8 weeks.

One other plant in my garden that i have yet to show you guys is my Venus Fly Trap, I've had this thing for almost a year now and she's just started flowering. You'll see in the pictures two flower heads poppin up.
She never catches a single bug/insect but she still looks cool in the garden:laughing:. And very low maintenance.

Sorry bout the shitty pictures
The Venus Fly Trap is cool! I didn't even know that they flower! :D

Aren't you just a couple days ahead of me? Are they like 6 week strains, because I am at 5.5 weeks right now. I am impatient, and wish I had speedier strains! LOL!



My girls are 6 weeks today. They have a little bit left to go, even though they look ready from a distance they don't look ready under a scope. 70% of the pistols have browned, they're starting to retract into the calyx and fatten up just like they should:D

I know what you mean about the wait, sorta another reason why i clipped those lower buds that you see in the pics a few posts back. That was just 3 tiny nugs from 1 plant and it weighed 2.6 dry, i was fairly impressed. The bud smokes very nicely too and smells great!.

Can't wait to see your harvest pics latetothegame, those strains you have are looking very tasty.
Yeah, my LP's pistils are about 50% brown now at 5.5 weeks, but I FINALLY heard from my friend that HIS friend said it was a 9 week strain. I don't really see how that's possible, but eh. It started flowering BEFORE I flipped to 12/12, though (I stepped the light down gradually, and it started tiny buds (more than pre-flowers) between 18/6 and 12/12) so I dunno really how to time it because of that. I will just keep checking trichomes with my loupe :)

2.5g from three tiny nugs, huh? Awesome! I don't smoke much (every night, but it ends up being maybe a gram every 2-3 weeks?) so I am hoping to at least net an ounce from my two. That'd last me until the next grow was completed. Heh.


Try being all the way back in 3 week's flower :tumbleweed: ... At least their doing their pistilsplosion to keep me sane... Also, atleast y'all have a time-frame for them, my ladies are all unknown lineages :biggrin:... I need to look into some LEP (HPS too hot for me here, but LOVING what your 400Wer does for you!)...


Yeah, my LP's pistils are about 50% brown now at 5.5 weeks, but I FINALLY heard from my friend that HIS friend said it was a 9 week strain. I don't really see how that's possible, but eh. It started flowering BEFORE I flipped to 12/12, though (I stepped the light down gradually, and it started tiny buds (more than pre-flowers) between 18/6 and 12/12) so I dunno really how to time it because of that. I will just keep checking trichomes with my loupe :)

2.5g from three tiny nugs, huh? Awesome! I don't smoke much (every night, but it ends up being maybe a gram every 2-3 weeks?) so I am hoping to at least net an ounce from my two. That'd last me until the next grow was completed. Heh.

It is a bit misleading how the pistols change before the trichomes hey? I bet a lot of newbies would harvest way too early because of this and it's great to know your on-to it and have got your loupe already LTTG!

2.5g from those 3 is good enough for me, i shared a fat joint of the biggest bud i picked between 4 of my very close friends and they LOVED it. They were all really stoned and it burnt nice and evenly without any complaints of harshness even though its been a under a week since that was clipped. I really dont like quick drying buds, but i did because i can. 90% of this bud will be slow dried over 2 weeks and cured for a month before anything is done with it.

I am in a very similar position to you LTTG in that i am hoping at least to get an oz or 2, and only smoke small amounts at night to take the edge off and escape from the real world for a bit of the day. It really relaxes me after a hard days work, and if i can get an ounce or 2 that will easily see me through to next harvest as will your lot if you get what your hoping for!

I will hopefully have some pics up either tonight or tomorrow night of what i have planned for my next setup, its gonna be a bit bigger that current setup so i will have to move away from the Micro forums:( But you can all watch my progress over at the grow diary's section when i start a new thread there. To give you guys an idea it is about 3 meters long, 1 and a half meters wide and 1 and a half meters tall. I am most likely going to use 2 400 watt HPS lights and some white LED as supplemental lights around the sides. Still yet to decide on whether to go vert or not.....

And Neekz, I feel ya pain brother. The wait at 3 weeks is almost as bad as the wait when they first sprout. Seeing the buds on the plant but being unable to smoke them can be very frustrating to me at times lol. Especially when I've ran out. Good things take time, and early cut, quick dried buds taste like ass and only get you stoned for 10 minutes so really not worth it.


P.E in coco.

Tried to take a "pro shot" of one of her buds but it is obvious i am amatuer at photography and always will be:biggrin:


Here's my Pride and joy.
Black Widow week 6...

Here's a couple pics of my Power Kush, she stinks 10 times more than B.W and P.E. The smell is really skunky and almost makes you wanna pull your nose away from it but at the same time makes your mouth water hard. (She's pictured on the left in the pic above this paragraph)

I am glad I am looking at this on a laptop, and I can tilt it to see them in their normal orientation :D They look great! I still can't get over the weird leaves on the PE! The BW is something I wish I could come over and pass around with you after she's cured... I am a bit far, though hehehehe!


Well if you ever come to n.z you're always welcome to stop in for a blaze LTTG. Was actually hoping people would tilt there screen for the pics coz that's what i do too.

I never really went into detail about the LED light i a using. Basically it is just an experinment i have going, i have a 4.5 watt total LED lamp that i bought from china*sigh*, it really is a piece of shit i was under the impression each LED was 4.5watt...Shoulda known it was too good to be true.

Anyways i've positioned the LED light over one of the side buds on the P.E in soil, hopefully it boosts the resin production for this last week of flowering.
Here's some pics, Thanks for the comments OKD and LTTG:wave:


After reading back over my thread it seems i have miscounted the days since the begining of flower, i think these girls are actually at week 7 not week 6. Upon further inspection of the trichomes the Black Widow appeared ready to me, not too many ambers but quite a lot of cloudys.
She weighed in around 53.83 grams wet. So hopefully she'll be just over 10 grams dry, HOPEFULLY. She looks like she could be half an ounce dry but i won't keep my hopes up, keep in mind i've already harvest 2.5 grams dry from this plant.

Here she is before the trim

And after the trim


And here she is wet, on the scales. Excepting just under 1/4 of that weight when dry.

And here she is hanging up to dry.


Here's a clone of P.E that i've been vegging for a while. She's got a real nice root system and plenty of foliage so i've moved her out of the P.C case and into the flowering cab.