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My Pineapple Express girl doesn't appear too affected by those pesky bugs Here,s some pics. The branching is incredible but i cant manage to get a picture that shows it as well as i see it.


Here's what i think is the Black Widow. I may have got the Black widow and Power Kush mixed up when i labeled them, not sure. But what ever clone this is, she's one of my favorites. All my plants are at 2 weeks flower as of yesterday.

Managed to burn a few leaves on that fluorescent tube i put in there, it doesn't really need to be there, it's overkill enough having 400watt hps running so ill take it out and avoid the burn.


I mounted a couple PC fans to a piece of wood, One of the fans is blowing on the canopy and the other is blowing through the middle of the plants. I also threw in a remote ballasted 23watt CFL in the back there, just for the heck of it. Helps when im taking pictures too. Here's some pics.

This picture below show slight Nutrient burn for anyone that wants to know what that looks likes. It's not real bad Nutrient burn, but it is a huge advantage being to pick up the early signs. If you look carefully you'll notice the tips of the leaves on the 2 tallest plants have a light green color to them. I'll ease back slightly on the nutrients i give to prevent that from happening. The other plants haven't shown the same signs so i will continue to up their feed by 1ml/L each watering until i notice some burn then ease back slightly with them also. I usually go back about 50-100ppm once i see this typical kind of burn on the tips of the leaves.


follow the pink rabbit!
nice job with the fans!
glad to hear my fav PE are not affected by the critters! :)


Thanks NKOTS! I wouldn't go as far to say that the PE isn't affected by the critters, she is definitely gonna yield less than her twin that is in soil...I don't think i'll ever get rid of the critters, the best i'll do is control them. It's all about damage control at this point. No way am i gonna be able to fix this problem 100%, read about root aphids and you'll see what i mean. Most growers throw the crop and start over as soon as they see root aphids.


Here's a picture of the Power Kush, she is 2 weeks and 4 days into 12/12. She definitly is the fastest flowering of the lot.:woohoo: Already her and the Black Widow that is in a similar sized container(3Litres) are packing on heaps of resin glands.:biggrin:

More pics to come, just waitin for camera to charge.


I know!! I'll try get some macro shots for ya OKD. It's unbelievable. The PK is really impressive! I will definitely be running the Power Kush again:yay:


Here is the Black Domina as of 2 weeks and 5 days flower, she is the worst affected of the lot from the winged root aphids. As you can see she is tiny compared to the rest. She has put on a lot more bud for her size than i predicted.


Power Kush 2 weeks & 5 days bloom.

Black Widow 2 weeks & 5 days bloom.

Pineapple Express in COCO 2 weeks & 5 days bloom.

Keep in mind that all these plants are clones that were taken at the same time and rooted roughly at the same time, only variation between all the girls is the size of the containers, the use of either coco or soil and the nutrients.


Pineapple Express Coco 2 weeks and 6 days bloom

Pineapple Express Coco 2 weeks and 6 days bloom

Here is my 2nd favourite girl out of the lot, the Pineapple Express in Coco. She isn't flowering as quickly as the Power Kush but she is really packing on some nice bud sites. She has 10 tops, you might not be able to count that many in the picture but thats because some of the fan leaves are hiding the bud sites. She has an awesome root system, whiter than white and has filled out the coco very very nicely:) She is getting some nice resin glands forming which is great to see this early into flowering:woohoo: I'm not going to defoliate, as i don't see any point in ripping off the plants source of energy. I will just let her grow naturally, and hope for the best. So far so good.

ps. I have my first LED grow light on the way. I hope it arrives in time to put over these girls at the end of flowering.. All good if it doesn't, i have a couple more Pineapple Express clones rooting as we speak. They will be going into the cab next week, i cannot wait to see how my LED light performs alongside the HPS! I may just use the led to try hit some of the lower buds, what do ya'll think?



Deeeyyyuumm, hella nice grows man. That suitcase is boss. And how the hell did you make the beer bong!? Shizz is dope. High concoctions ?? lol.. What are you giving them other than coco nutes? And how are you giving it to them? Do you mix them all or go step by step?


Heya Soulsurfer,:wave:

Thanks for stopping by man. The only other thing i give them apart from coco nutes is cal/mag and i only give that to them 1 a fortnight. I give it separately in R/O water. I did the occasional foliage feed during veg, but not while they're flowering.

The mothers of all these girls are foliar fed almost daily and given lots and lots of Nitrogen. I aim to get them as bushy as possible as fast as possible.

@ OKD, thanks man, i sure hope that's the case:)


Week 3 Black Widow

Week 3 Black Widow

Hey everybody!

Have some pics of my Black Widow @ week 3 of bloom. As you can see I've had to tie her to a length of bamboo because she couldn't support the weight of her main cola:woohoo:.

Here she is.


Power Kush week 3 bloom

Power Kush week 3 bloom

Here is the Power Kush at week 3 of flower. This girl is a lot more indica than the Black Widow, as you can see she's a bit more stout and chunky, whereas the B.W is taller and not as fat. The Power Kush smells very pungent. Really like the look if this girl..

Here's the pics.

Next time round i will definitely be running all the girls in these 3 Litre juice bottle containers that I've used for the Power Kush and Black widow, I could easily fit 12 of those in there. Could fit 20 but it would be tight. I'd rather go with 12 so i'm left with room for air movement ect. 12 of these girls each 2 months would be a dream come true:)


Pineapple Express week 3 bloom

Pineapple Express week 3 bloom

Thanks S.S, i appreciate your input as always.

Here is the pineapple express in coco @ 3 weeks flower. I can see why there is so much hype about this strain, the calyxes are HUGE. And the smell is just divine! I highly recommend anyone that is trying a new strain to try Pineapple express by G13 labs. The calyx are at least 3 times the size of the calyx on all the other girls. Very minimal stretch once flipped to 12/12, I wish i had vegged for a bit longer with the P.E oh well, i was warned....

Here's the pictures.

Here is a pic up her skirt;)

Sorry bout the shitty pictures, i am no photographer hah! Far from it.


follow the pink rabbit!
indeed the PE looks killer! your pics and comments actually make me consider getting this strain into tiny pink paws and throwing into the burrow :biggrin:

your topview pics are ok, just need more focus with the side shots. you could try shooting at larger distance to the plant, then cropping out the surrounding empty area around the plant?