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Kevin Booth and Craig "X" Rubin On Alex Jones Radio


St. Elsewhere
It was an interesting listen.I dont know about the stupid weed vs smart weed argument they presented.

I think it has merit. DJ Short has written about the two major types of weed, outside of Sativa and Indica, and that's weed that works as a vasodilator, and weed that works as a vasoconstrictor.

I think this is the difference between "mind opening" weed, and weed that makes you feel stupid.

Edit: Upon further investigation, dilated pupils are a sign of vasoconstriction, while "red eyes" are a sign of vasodilation.
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Blue Dot

I think it has merit. DJ Short has written about the two major types of weed, outside of Sativa and Indica, and that's weed that works as a vasodilator, and weed that works as a vasoconstrictor.

I think this is the difference between "mind opening" weed, and weed that makes you feel stupid.

Don't get me wrong, there are DEFINATELY at least two types of pot.

it's just the arguement that LEO has been the one's doing the breeding that is riduculous.

I know well known breeders that select for weed that makes you "stupid" because there is a market for that.

In the MMJ field, if you are debilitated by pain you don't want a weed that makes you contemplate even more the condition you're in, you want a weed that has the potential to mind-erase any thought so you don't have to think about the pain.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
You really think LEO is that smart that the could operate both sides?

They can barely do the job they are paid to do let alone "think outside the box" and successfully run the other side.

Your right your "average" leo isnt that smart. Im not talking about those im talking about the ones thats strategically placed there,like a retired well connected officer.Remember the CIA plays both sides of the field, and they need foot soldiers.Since the "war on drugs" pays so very very well its not hard to match someones price.

I think it has merit. DJ Short has written about the two major types of weed, outside of Sativa and Indica, and that's weed that works as a vasodilator, and weed that works as a vasoconstrictor.

I think this is the difference between "mind opening" weed, and weed that makes you feel stupid.

Edit: Upon further investigation, dilated pupils are a sign of vasoconstriction, while "red eyes" are a sign of vasodilation.

Interesting thanks for the info


it's just the arguement that LEO has been the one's doing the breeding that is riduculous.
I used the wrong word when I said it's the police doing it police~leo~gov. agents
By police I meant the people that make the laws, not the actually officers.

I know well known breeders that select for weed that makes you "stupid" because there is a market for that.
There's a market for american idol, and superbowl commercials... and happy pill ads in every big magazine followed by a foldout poster full of warnings in tiny print about how you could drive your car and do all kinds of things in your sleep... or how they could just kill you.

Do you think the people in control of the media don't see what's happening? Once you look into it you see it's all the result of decades of trials and tests and experiments to get the exact results they've gotten...




Why wouldn't they look into doing the same with cannabis, the plant they've had a "war" on for the past few decades?

... if you... don't want ... contemplate even more the condition you're in, you want a ... that has the potential to mind-erase any thought so you don't have to think about the pain.

Sounds a lot like a lot of things...


Dudes you are getting way to worked up and if you are to the point of insult maybe question why you are so upset and reflect. Is this how you react to people with a different opinion then thats sad.

So my response would be to make a comparison. My buddy emails me a link to this site, its the obamacrimes.com. The guy who runs it is Phil Berg he just did a radio show with Alex Jones yesterday. Phil has been famous for a long time. Producing documents against multiple presidents and most recently for challenging Barack Obama's citizenship.

He waives documents in the air, has the proof but its not real. Time and time again like Alex Jones, those documents have proven to be fake and so is his video footage. What about a few years back during the bush presidency when the Patriot Act II/Domestic Enhancement Security Act was passed and Alex had video and documents showing the Bush admin was going to put us in concentration camps? The guy is out to make money, its just that simple.

Just google "Alex Jones Fake" or "Alex Jones false documents" and im sure you will find another branch of paranoid individuals who will believe anything they see.


There's a pretty big difference between something being "made up" or not real, and you not understanding that the things he says are his interpretations of the subjects he's talking about.

"What about a few years back during the bush presidency when the Patriot Act II/Domestic Enhancement Security Act was passed and Alex had video and documents showing the Bush admin was going to put us in concentration camps?"
You're saying the legislation that makes it legal for them to put us in huge detainment facilities doesn't exist?

You and others that claim alex is a fraud only ever twist his words and make it out like he's trying to be some kind of prophet.


ICMag Donor
The proof is in the puddin.... Research what Alex brings up yourself...

Its terrible that these guys are facing criminal prosecutions, Obama promised to stop arresting medical cannabis patients and providers...


Active member
And you've never encountered some that's made you stupid while your high? Or some that makes you see things more clearly?

Or are you saying it's ridiculous that they would put effort into manipulating such a thing?
Dunno what BlueTroll(tm) has been saying, but.......

I wouldn't chalk the Dumbing down of Americans to any organized effort. At least, not any effort organized with the end-user in mind. The dumbing down of American cannabis is a direct result of prohibition. I'll repeat that one more time.... so you don't forget.

The dumbing down of American cannabis is a direct result of prohibition.

What strains open your mind, energize your body and give you that super-clear high... ? The Sativa strains that take 14 weeks or longer.

If you're cropping cannabis in a non-medical state.... what strains are you looking for? The indica strains that finish the fastest. These strains are fully or predominantly indica, which is exactly the opposite of sativas.

I would hazard a wild guess and say that approximately 70%, or more, of the American population should have a baseline of sativa cannabinoids in their system.... at all times.

Indicas? I belive they should really only be used by people that have pain beyond tolerance and in other situations where full mental capacity is not a priority over pain/spasm relief. Indicas are extremely effective as creams and rubs for muscle/joint pain, skin issues and all around healing balm. Lots of external uses for indicas. :D

All this conspiracy stuff? Doubtful, really. Possible, yes... but definitely doubtful at best.

Stay Safe! :tree:

Don't feed the BlueTroll(tm)