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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
What the fuck is wrong with people? There is a reason why all public parks in this area have an immediate control leash law. It doesn't matter if your dog can fit in your purse, or can barely fit in your SUV. Leash laws are in effect for a reason. So if your one of these people who are fucking brainless morons and cant abide by the simplest laws, don't complain to me when your dog runs at my dog and my dog responds aggresively.....

Took me almost 15 minuts to tear them apart, because the owners was too moronic and horrified to grab their dog and walk away. So now my hands and wrists are all cut up and my elbows missing a nice chunk of flesh....


after thinking it over ive come to the conclusion that most owners cannot fathom the consequences of their own incompetance. so i will let this picture speak for itself.


this is the dog of another irresponsible owner who let him run around leashless and wound up in a fight. the owner is lucky his dog is still alive. maybe next time he will think twice before leaving the leash at home....


Active member
i agree, and it's always been a pet peeve (no pun intended) of mine.

my dog is always on a leash, but he's a "guard dog".....i ALWAYS tell people to "put your dog on a leash" when they aren't.

...their response is ALWAYS "it's ok...he's nice"

my response is ALWAYS "well my dog isn't"

...they usually then leash their dog ....we don't come across many dogs that are even half as big as my dog.

just another case of people only thinking of themselves, and being irresponsible pet owners

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i agree, and it's always been a pet peeve (no pun intended) of mine.

my dog is always on a leash, but he's a "guard dog".....i ALWAYS tell people to "put your dog on a leash" when they aren't.

...their response is ALWAYS "it's ok...he's nice"

my response is ALWAYS "well my dog isn't"

...they usually then leash their dog ....we don't come across many dogs that are even half as big as my dog.

just another case of people only thinking of themselves, and being irresponsible pet owners

NO DOUBT. this lady was maybe 105 and shes walking 2 boxers unleashed that definatly weigh more then her with a combined weight. as soon as they see my dog them start running right for him,,,hes already been attacked by other dogs,,,so his first response was to attack. i jump right in middle between my dog and the boxers trying to hold my dog to the ground ((174lb mastiff)) while him trying to bite up the boxers and them boxers sitting there snapping back....and fucking **** is screaming and hollaring telling me my dog needs to be put down...dumb twat is lucky im not more of an asshole otherwise id have just let my dog go and let him handle business as usual.....


Active member
its only irresponsible if you have a dog that is out of control off the leash.
i never keep my dogs on a leash and honestly they walk better off it.
my dogs don't care about your dogs, they've been around and seen so many other dogs that mine just keep walking. mine know better than that.
my dogs follow me around like two little ducks sticking there snouts up my ass 99% of the time.
hell i could take my dog outside, tell him to sit on the porch, comeback 3 hours later and he will still be there no leash or nothin'.

only time i keep them on a leash is when there are cars around. i trust my dogs i just don't trust bad drivers.


its only irresponsible if you have a dog that is out of control off the leash.
i never keep my dogs on a leash and honestly they walk better off it.
my dogs don't care about your dogs, they've been around and seen so many other dogs that mine just keep walking. mine know better than that.
my dogs follow me around like two little ducks sticking there snouts up my ass 99% of the time.
hell i could take my dog outside, tell him to sit on the porch, comeback 3 hours later and he will still be there no leash or nothin'.

only time i keep them on a leash is when there are cars around. i trust my dogs i just don't trust bad drivers.

I am sure that is exactly what the lady was thinking.... better safe than sorry.

ever heard the phrase "why leave the grow room door open?"


Active member
Maybe the lady did but just because she can't train her dogs doesn't mean mine aren't.
I know plenty of people who have well trained dogs off the leash, and I have met people who thought they did and didn't, and I know people who know never to take there dog off the leash EVER! It just depends but I know my dogs and I know when I am putting them in danger. I spend more time with my dogs than most people spend with there family.
My dogs are older, and have been walked off the leash for years with no problems.
like i said my dogs don't give a shit about you or your dog, they are fixated on what I am going to do.


rudolf i am happy for you.
i hope you don't ever find out the opposite.
and if you do i hope all dogs involved are okay

in my expereince leashed dogs don't like being confronted by "free" dogs....


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I am sure that is exactly what the lady was thinking.... better safe than sorry.

ever heard the phrase "why leave the grow room door open?"

Some dogs are well trained / obedient enough to listen to verbal commands.
I rescue canines, most of which are medium to extra large dogs. Most of them have been fighting dogs or used as bait. One such dog I've had formally trained to be my mom's service and medical alert animal, she's a bully breed mix and listens better than someone's small child to verbal commands. She's very protective, in a defensive way. Meaning she's never attacked dogs that wander into the yard or people. She waits to be provoked, so to speak.

Being bum rushed by two boxers when you have an extra large dog such as a mastiff is a rough spot to be in. I personally wouldn't put my dog on the ground while I have two large dogs advancing as the aggressors. I would defend myself and my dog(s) at all costs, and call 911. Period. Also allowing your animal to equally defend itself. It will defend you over itself any day.

Emergency Room Vet bills are not cheap. An attorney might be cheaper.

I was in a similar situation once with my mom's service animal, a boxer mix came charging up, I picked up my mom's bully breed mix and kneed the boxer mix when it tried to jump up and bite my mom's dog. The owner was some 50ft away and came flying up to secure his dog. No injuries, no dead dogs, so it was all good.

My mom's bully breed mix is about 50lbs. Easier to pick up to shoulder height than a >150lbs dog.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
What the fuck is wrong with people? There is a reason why all public parks in this area have an immediate control leash law. It doesn't matter if your dog can fit in your purse, or can barely fit in your SUV. Leash laws are in effect for a reason. So if your one of these people who are fucking brainless morons and cant abide by the simplest laws, don't complain to me when your dog runs at my dog and my dog responds aggresively.....

Took me almost 15 minuts to tear them apart, because the owners was too moronic and horrified to grab their dog and walk away. So now my hands and wrists are all cut up and my elbows missing a nice chunk of flesh....

If you haven't had a tetanus shot in the past 5years, go to the ER and get one ASAP.
You should of contacted the police and animal control, to at least make a report and make sure those boxers' shot records were up to date. You also might want to be monitored for rabies.

Edit- What kind of Mastiff do you have?


it gets so complicated when dogs beef....
I thought I was going to be sued when my rott was attacked by 2 snauzers
he bit one back and the snauzer owner threaten to sue me to pay for his vet bill....

glad my friend the attorney was there....


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
it gets so complicated when dogs beef....
I thought I was going to be sued when my rott was attacked by 2 snauzers
he bit one back and the snauzer owner threaten to sue me to pay for his vet bill....

glad my friend the attorney was there....

I've been tempted to shoot my neighbor's dogs who run after my dogs in my yard, and attack my dogs. i've told the neighbors several times to keep their dogs out of my yard. So one day when it happened again I chunked a rock in the same general direction as their dogs and they started spazin, they got their dogs off my property.

Its either their dogs stay off my property or I let my bully breeds loose. I've paid in excess of 400 dollars for 2 vet bills because of their dogs. I've dealt with a lot of dog related injuries and have worked as a vet assistant / tech. I doctor them up and take them to the vet for antibiotics / pain meds.

I'd really hate to shoot their dogs but its coming to that point that either I trap them(in a humane way) or I shoot them. If I catch them in a trap they're going straight to animal control... Hopefully then, someone who gives a fuck for animals will adopt out these dogs.



"don't throw rocks at my dogs" ?

good luck with your neighbor.

I do not condone dog fighting (Vick is scum) but fuck when you see a rott pick up a dog by the back of it neck and shake it like a poloroid that shit is fucking scarry man....


Active member
shooting your neighbors dog is a bad idea. you will get in a lot of trouble if you do it. what i would recommend is don't wait for those dogs to come around again, go ahead and call animal control NOW! its not the dogs fault it doesn't know better and has shitty owners who can't train it. as a dog trainer i am sure you know that and see bad dogs turn into perfectly obedient ones all the time with the right kind of training.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

Being bum rushed by two boxers when you have an extra large dog such as a mastiff is a rough spot to be in. I personally wouldn't put my dog on the ground while I have two large dogs advancing as the aggressors. I would defend myself and my dog(s) at all costs, and call 911. Period. Also allowing your animal to equally defend itself. It will defend you over itself any day.

... and I know people who know never to take there dog off the leash EVER!

I walk my dog all the time,,always on a chain and choke collar ,, hell sniff other dogs and what not,, completly friendly and if she would have had the dogs on leashes nothing would have happend; my mastiff has already been attacked by 3 rotts who were not on leash,,,even though him get attacked him put two of the rotts in the vet with intensive wounds...if i would have let him fight the boxers i know he would have probably killed one of them if not both,,so even twe all left bleeding ,,, she lucky that im not make more of a deal than what it was...because my dog only bit her dogs,,,her dogs was getting shots at me.....and after all this happends SHE has fucking audacity to tell me that my dogs need to be put down??? still cant get over that....

too bad we cant "put down" stupid people as easily as they do to canines....you call it genocide? I call it darwinism 2k9


too bad we cant "put down" stupid people as easily as they do to canines....you call it genocide? I call it darwinism 2k9

dude that would be awesome but I don't think some of the more sensitive members will appreciate that...

natural selection is a bitch were only the strong survive....


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
shooting your neighbors dog is a bad idea. you will get in a lot of trouble if you do it. what i would recommend is don't wait for those dogs to come around again, go ahead and call animal control NOW! its not the dogs fault it doesn't know better and has shitty owners who can't train it. as a dog trainer i am sure you know that and see bad dogs turn into perfectly obedient ones all the time with the right kind of training.

I don't know where you're from but around here, on my property and at my home. I can legally shoot to kill anything anyone threatening the life of myself or my family, including my pets and livestock.

Many states are enacting laws where if you're threatened with deadly force and reasonably believe your life is endangered, you have the right to defend yourself, family, pets and so on with deadly force.

Search the interwebs for "stand your ground laws".

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
i am pissed cats are not kept on leashes and are allowed to room around with no legal issues

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Oregon has any number of meth dealers and cookers. That's why I carry a pistol whenever I walk my dogs (Labs).

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Active member
I don't know where you're from but around here, on my property and at my home. I can legally shoot to kill anything anyone threatening the life of myself or my family, including my pets and livestock.

Many states are enacting laws where if you're threatened with deadly force and reasonably believe your life is endangered, you have the right to defend yourself, family, pets and so on with deadly force.

Search the interwebs for "stand your ground laws".
correct, no one said you didn't have that right but call animal control and have the dogs taken.
like i said why should the dogs be shot when they can be rescued, its not there fault there owners are shit.

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