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Active member
AGAIN, call animal control and they aren't an immediate threat anymore. Why wait for it to happen? Solve the problem now and have the dogs hauled off. I am not sure I can be anymore clear about it.
They should be getting the care and training they need. They have bad owners now thats not there fault.


Domesticator of Cannabis
We have dog parks here where you may unleash your pet. Anywhere else it's on the hook. If you love your cat leash it.

We've had a problem in the city with dogs & some people being shocked. The manhole covers & or smaller 16 -18" diameter metal sidewalk caps. They cover street post lights wiring which is deteriorating thus charging the covers. With the snow all over them dogs are doing a little dance as they cross some of these, some have had fits. This wasn't brought to anyones attention until the death of a dog hit the news & that opened the can of worms. They had 600 hydro workers fixing these covers lately. It's costing the city 6-8 million to have them recapped with new fibreglass covers sometime in the future.


Active member
my collie is not on a leash ever. She has been with me since she was a pup, she walks beside me step for step, if I run she runs, if I stop she stops. We have been attacked once before, she tried to run away but would not leave my side. In the end I wound up kicking a pit bull in the ribs and head multiple time as its owner stood in disbelief. I now carry pepper spray with me and have seen it work wonders. Last time it was used the owner of the dog also got a shot.
A: (Walking dog early in the afternoon with the sun out and cool weather, it's a good day as you see two aggressive GSDs(German Shepherd Dog) running towards your dog. Your dog is a rescue who has been abused and is DA and wary of people that will bite to protect.) GET YOUR DOGS!(As your trying to avoid the situation.)
B: O Don't worry He's friendly(As they're smiling they're doing a good job by watching there dogs be 'wild' and 'socializing' with other dogs).
A: YEAH WELL MINES NOT! GET YOUR FUCKING DOGS!!! (Trying to avoid the situation by power walking)
B: (Taking there sweet ass time walking down the street with the leash STILL SMILING!!!)

(GSDs go right up to your dogs face in a dominant way and your bully breed bites and shakes. The other GSD starts attacking your bully as you're trying to defend your dog as much as possible while trying to get your dog off the other dog SCREAMING AT THE OWNERS OF THE DOGS.)

A: OMG! I TOLD YOU, WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM! (Still trying to break up the dogs)
B: WTF! (He gains control of his 2 dogs as "A" is still trying to get his/her dog off the GSD so "B" starts kicking your dog in the face to get it off your dog.)
A: WTF! (You start taking off on "B" for kicking your dog punching him over and over while still trying to get your dog off of his dog.)
A: (You're overtaken by the situation in rage/anger/disbelief)
B: YOU SHOULDN'T BE OWNING A DANGEROUS BREED PIECE OF SHIT! (Dragging his dogs off, 1 is wounded.)

B should get kicked in the nuts over and over for the next 24 days. Every time he awakes he gets a kick in the nuts.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
AGAIN, call animal control and they aren't an immediate threat anymore. Why wait for it to happen? Solve the problem now and have the dogs hauled off. I am not sure I can be anymore clear about it.
They should be getting the care and training they need. They have bad owners now thats not there fault.

i was thinking about hauling that ladies dogs back to my house. two beautiful boxers, without any sense or training. probably stuffed in a back yard all day while the owners are at work and have zero interaction except their nightly walk ((only to make sure they dont shit in their yard))..i hate loser owners like that. if you dont have the time for the animal,,,DONT FUCKING OWN ONE...

my collie is not on a leash ever. She has been with me since she was a pup, she walks beside me step for step, if I run she runs, if I stop she stops. We have been attacked once before, she tried to run away but would not leave my side. In the end I wound up kicking a pit bull in the ribs and head multiple time as its owner stood in disbelief. I now carry pepper spray with me and have seen it work wonders. Last time it was used the owner of the dog also got a shot.

if you love your dog then maybe you will put it on a leash. because my dogs feel an immediate threat when confronted by a non-leashed dog. and like NOKUY said,,and what most big breed owners will tell you,, just because your dog wont hurt another dog,,doesnt mean my dog wont hurt your dog if confronted in that situation. there are too many dog owners in the world, and it would be great if we could all let our dogs roam as free as the wind. but unfortunatly we dont live in the land of "what ifs" or "supposed to bes". so please for the ease of myself,,and all other dog owners and more importantly for the safety of your pet.... LEASH UP YOUR DOG ANYTIME THEY ARE ASSOCIATING IN PUBLIC
I use to have an Aussie Cattle Dog, and was the most obedient and very well trained k-9. When we lived in the country, he was never leashed and never ever left my side. After moving to St Louis, I started walking him on a leash, as it was a much bigger city.

All dogs will usually get along, when introduced in the proper ways.

With today's dogs, and animals in general, it's behavioral issues are usally a reflection of the owners ignorance of the needs of pack animals. Many people spoil their animals far too much. Overpapmering, coddling and spoling them tends to lead to behavioral issues. They are much like the moldable minds of young kids, and properly educated and treated, will give you years and years of faithful, loyal, and loving companionship.

I've seen many people that need training, long before they should be allowed to own an animal.

Far too often, people don't understand the social order of pack animals, and therefore result in many pets not having the social skills to mingle with other pets without conflict. Without establishing ourselves as the pack leader, it's instinctive for animals to compete for lead control. Most humans tend to give in to this. Hence the reason so many people have dysfunctional animals.

Sad thing is, most dogs have more personality and character than many people.

Go figure...

Hope your dog is ok BHT, and you too as well.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
SPM, much like humans,, no canine is the same. To sit and generalize all of their mindsets, instincts and experiences is impossible. That is why their is immediate control leash laws. Three of my other dogs can walk through herds of dogs without leashes no problem. But my mastiff has already been attacked by multiple unleahsed animals. I know what hes capable of, and I know how he thinks and acts. That is why I walk him alone on a chain and choke. Not because im afraid he well try to attack other dogs, but im afraid he will be attacked, and if i left him unleashed, and he got into a fight. I most likely wouldnt be able to stop it without the choker...I really have a hard time understanding alot of peoples expected deserviness to be able to walk all their dogs unleashed....it is completly selfish and irresponsible.


Active member
to "rudolph" and "Sr. P.M." and others that can have a good dog off leash like that... i do think it's great, but it's not the norm.

i have a cpl friends who literally refuse to leash their dogs.....1 has a great dog (border collie) who is very obediant.

the other dog (lab) is all over the place constantly annoying everyone.....i dont let the dog annoy me (he's actually a nice dog) ...i let it be known to my friend that i aint happy with HIS behavior. when he walks his dog the dog is NEVER w/in 100yards of him, and has gotten into fights, and hit by a car when he was 6 months old too.


stone fool
No way would I get between my bitch and incoming dogs. Nor would I keep her from defending herself and me, that is her job. Alpha bitch wants to fight them all.
Yeah, she stays on the leash, bitch bites me hehe.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
after thinking it over ive come to the conclusion that most owners cannot fathom the consequences of their own incompetance. so i will let this picture speak for itself.


this is the dog of another irresponsible owner who let him run around leashless and wound up in a fight. the owner is lucky his dog is still alive. maybe next time he will think twice before leaving the leash at home....


My dogs are only ever off leash on my property, in the obedience or agility ring, or out hunting. Despite extensive training, in every other situation they are on leash. I've had mine out tracking or just for walks and had run-ins with loose dogs with mine on a leash on numerous occasions. Same thing: "It's ok, my dog(s) is/are friendly" And my reply "well mine isn't!" half the time doesn't seem to sink in. I do not understand people who cannot seem to comprehend that all dogs do not necessarily love all other dogs, especially when being approached in a situation that any dog may well perceive as aggressive or threatening. I think too much of my dogs to leave them off lead. It's kinda like defensive driving - I'm a good driver, but I worry about those who aren't.


Active member
i think this is getting ridiculous. i am sorry that some old bitch let her dogs attack yours. i am sorry there are bad owners out there that let there dogs run wild. i am not one of those owners. if i thought that would happen to my dog or someone else's because of mine he would always be on a leash. i would really hate for that to happen since i love my dog and animals in general.
you can't blame me and my dog for what other people do. i have literally walked my dog hundreds of hours off the leash and i have had him for years. we have traveled north america and back home again many times and literally spending 24/7 around each other. i am well aware of what his boundaries and capabilities are. on the road my dogs had tons of encounters with people, other dogs, other animals, etc. and never once threatened anyone.

now let me post some pics of friendly dogs walking off leash... you see how ridiculous that is? all your doing is getting a reaction. big deal. republicans do the same thing to make smokers look bad. i said my peace now i am done.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
More to shove this thread more so off topic, I love bully breeds and have been able to work with them to the point where they can roam loose in a fenced yard with other dogs of all breeds and sexes.

Bully breeds, have the physical strength that makes them more "powerful"(some would say dangerous) than your average k9. Not all pit bulls are "loose cannons", even if they are, its how they were brought up / trained. It takes awhile to break them of that. If you treat your dogs right and love them, they will do anything for you. Including getting along with other dogs. Police dogs and other attack / security dogs are not allowed to socialize with people or other animals to maintain their defensive / offensive behavior.

Dogs are truly man's best friend, loyal to their death. That is if their owner / master shows the same kind of devotion. So many imbeciles train and breed every sort of hostile behavior into dogs. Those people ought to be hog tied in a ring and let dogs kill them. Islamic rule / law, eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

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