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Keep getting hermies... hmm?


Well, I have some beautiful looking girls, but keep getting pollen sacs. Usually either 1 pollen sac on the inside of a female bud at the bottom of the node, or 1 pollen sac on the outside of the bottom of a node.

They have showed up on several strains. I have no light leaks. I keep ph at 6.5.

My light cycle is now dialed in, but could half an hour of extra lights if one timer is 15mins off (totaling 30mins extra light) dunno if they have ever been this far off, thinking maybe 10mins at most.

The pollen sacs don't usually show up until 21ish days in flower. Don't ever get grouping of sacs, just usually 1 per node at the most.

I had one plant go really bad, seeded a bit of my crop, this was about a month ago. I sense put in 3 more plants and now they are around 21 days, they all show some sacs here and there.

I'm at my whits end! The buds on all of these plants look so great, its just the sac here and there could lead to heavily seeded crops. I just don't know!

Anyone experience something similar? I've got 6 new plants 1 week into flower, now the timer being dialed... we will see if that was the cause or not.



have you ever sat down in your flower room with it closed, lights off for 20 minutes to make sure of no leaks? that sounds crazy, but if after 20 minutes, you can see your hand in front of your face at 6 inches away, then you have a problem! if not, then possibly you r nutes are the problem. if you have too much P in there too early, it ca stress them as well, what nute regime do you use, and is it soil, hydro, what.... the more info, the more informed "guessing"


also, i always run at 12 1/2 hours darkness just to make sure.... if your running sat dominant plants, this is adviseable, since tropic flowering is about 10 hours of light


thanks for the input. I plan on checking light leaks again tomorrow. I prolly didn't stay in the room long enough, you say 6 inches in front of the face?

Also nutes are general organics. In flower I switch mostly to the flowering nuts except I keep the grow for the first week, for sativas 2-3 weeks lowering each week.

The grow is 4-3-3 And I give at rate of 10ml/g (low dose)
The bloom is 2-4-4 and I start off at 5ml/g then when lowering the grow id go 5ml grow/10ml bloom then down to 0ml grow 10ml bloom.

also camg+ 0-0-1 with every feeding. Sometimes during a plain watering because some seem to be cal/mag hogs.

I use the bio bud at 2.5ml gal which is .5/.1/1

I also use the diamond black 0-0-1

Here's a link to the products. http://www.greners.com/nutrients-additives/brand/general-organics.html?gclid=CKaKktXovqsCFY4KKgodPCzTrw

Using smart pots and FFOF.

Anymore info needed just ask. Thanks for the reply.



not an expert ... but why isn't anyone questioning the genetics of the seed which is where I 'd expect such trouble to lie?


my personal opinions, drop the calmag out completely 2 weeks into flower..... not needed. use mainly in veg, but uses very little in flower. probably enough in ferts. 2 when phasing over, dont go over 10ml per at any time.... possible overfert issues running 5 and 10.

if they seem to be mag hogs, you might want to recheck your ph.... too high locks it out and if your water is hard, that could be part of your issue.

keep hearing about smart pots, what are they? been out of growing a couple of years and havent heard of them other than mentions of them!


wilbur... generally i would if tit was just one or two varieties, but several usually indicate environmental issues instead of genetics


have you ever sat down in your flower room with it closed, lights off for 20 minutes to make sure of no leaks? that sounds crazy, but if after 20 minutes, you can see your hand in front of your face at 6 inches away, then you have a problem! if not, then possibly you r nutes are the problem. if you have too much P in there too early, it ca stress them as well, what nute regime do you use, and is it soil, hydro, what.... the more info, the more informed "guessing"

I can see my hand outdoors under the moonlight.


I would say if it's not a very apparent leak then it's not a light leak issue and more likely a genetic issue.


I thought over ferting is hard to do with organics, especially at the low levels I'm running. I have well water but it only has about 20-30ppm hardness. PH is around 7.3 coming out. I've done runoff ph checks also and they come out at about 6.0-6.3.

It's not full blown herms just single sacks here and there. Also I would first suspect genetics, but with it being on several different pheno's/strains from different breeders... I'm leaning (no I'm almost positive) it's on me.

I think I need to recheck my light leaks... do the hand check after 20mins. I figured pitch black was pitch black, but I'm assuming I'm wrong.

This is part of dialing in, I just am surprised. All of these plants are healthy looking, great looking buds, just the sacs here and there.

EDIT: Smart pots Here's a good thread on the smart pots, first several pages talk about different brands, then mostly about smart pots. They air prune the roots for ya



also if you are on an outside wall...... be sure to check in the daytime.


Yea I run lights at night. Last time I checked for leaks I turned lights on on the outside of the room to make sure for no noticeable leaks.

I have 6'' insulation in the studs, then 3/4'' plywood then 2'' Styrofoam every crack has been caulked. I'm guessing maybe it's timer issues.

Can't check for leaks till tomorrow at lights off though.



I'm thinking hermie was the wrong term to use. Most likely nanners fit better. I'm going to pick as many off as I can, and hope to get this figured out before the next cycle. Got about 6-7 weeks before everything in the room will be done flowering. Tomorrow is light leak check + some more looking into my timers.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are a few of rez strains that have the Hermie trait SD and CD are on that list. My CD through some naners late in flower. Nothing else in the room did this. I ended up with a dozen seeds from the CD.


Yea 2 of my rez pheno's had nanners down low, but I should have trimmed them better. They didn't have a lot thought.

I put 8 plants into flower 7 weeks ago, took one out that threw tons of nanners, pollinated a lot of stuff. (not a SD) 3 weeks ago I added 3 more plants, all 3 have some nanners. 2 different strains from different breeders.

I had a problem with my power a little while back, this coulda been the problem. Had full darkness for almost 36hrs. Since then I have gotten my timers dialed back within 1min of each other. Also have put 6 more plants into flower sense. They are about 7-9days in... I'm going to keep a close eye on all of them and see if they throw some as well. If not and if I don't have any light leaks I'm going to blame it on some timer issues.

One way or another I'll get her figured out.



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
you sure you dont have a dehumidifier or a extension cord with a light on it thats keeps on getting ya?


Nah there's nothing inside the room of that nature.

Do you guys agree with the light leak thing. 20mins sitting in there in the dark, shouldn't be able to see your hand close to your face? I prolly only stood inside the room for 5 mins, looking for visible light leaks and saw nothing.



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i believe light leaks are not as deep as poelpe make them out to be... i use tarp zippers that allow alittle light in... the moon and stars can be pretty bright some nights.... to me its always the direct light of a intense source...like a hole in plastic room or someshit.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The longer you stay in the dark yuor eyes will become adjusted to it. It's obvious if its the only light source in the room. If you dont notice it in 5 min there prob is no leak


Yea those were both my thoughts.

What about the timer issue. Lights out for 24hrs then on, then off 30mins then on 30 mins off another 30 then finally back on to finish the phase and timers perhaps being up to 15mins off each other. (so 30 more mins of light) light problem happened because of a bad connection so I put in a junction box and no problem sense. But it was hard getting the timers dialed into 1min of each other.

I can't think of much else right now that could cause it.


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