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new pics

yo ericcalif got any pics? well here r some new photos of da PD without the hps i feel they should be a lil bigger as far as cola size but i still got 4 more weeks of flowering ? well hope u enjoy! sorry bout the pics it was from da iphone stay safe amigos peace green rasta


plant pimp
Very nice pics GR! They are filling in nicely. How far in flowering are ya? Looks like they are also getting some purple in them. Your thread is inspiring. I cannot wait to pop mine


yo ericcalif got any pics? well here r some new photos of da PD without the hps i feel they should be a lil bigger as far as cola size but i still got 4 more weeks of flowering ? well hope u enjoy! sorry bout the pics it was from da iphone stay safe amigos peace green rasta

I think I dumped them, cause I have too many pics (besides mj) as it is...

But on the subject of purple, this was my recent harvest. I posted on another thread that I wasn't sure about her origin, she came from seed from some dispensary stuff, but the person that gifted them to me couldn't remember when where or what. Came out excellent though. The two ladies stayed nice and green until about a week before harvest time, (90% cloudy trichs) then the tops went all crazy purple. Not temp related.

I'll look in the recycle bin on the other puter and see if I have any of the daddy diesel pics, but I don't think so. I have 2 more of them going into flower soon, we'll see what they do.

edit: nope, they're gone. I'll try to remember to post some of the current run when they're done. sorry...
Good vibes!

Good vibes!

HEMPLUVR-they are 4 weeks into flowering, I usually go off the pistils but I'm deffinatly letn em go 8 weeks so they can get there full potential (cola size)!! Thanx for the kind words , much respect amigo!! Can't wait to see urs pop , hope u will post pics on this thread ? Peace green rasta

RIDEDOGS- I don't mind others pictures at all ! The more the merry'er ur ladies r lookn steller. Awsome grow keep up the good work !!
Peace green rasta
FLYER- I know the bay usta have them , but I don't know if they still do?? Sorry if u live in Cali u might wanna check some medical dispencaries ,also google search hope it was helpfull. Highgrade seeds has some stuff called purpledeseil but I don't know if it's the same stuff ?? Good luck on ur quest peace green rasta

BAITCHZXZ- thanx for da good vibes amigo Stay safe amigo peace green rasta

ERICCALIF- ur pictures look yummy !! No worries on the deleted pics but try topost some of the current PD grow if posible?? Gotta love the golden state right? Rright!! Lol peace green rasta
:wave: icmaggers rock!!


ok here is a shot of my amigos purpdesiel ! the finished product, it is the same clone of mine ! the only differance is he grew his in a cabinet under a 150 hps . we are outdoor partners, hope u like stay safe out there !!! peace green rasta

Biatchzxz- thanx much for the kind words!! Mine is looking really similar , so I'm excited. Stay up playa peace green rasta
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lookin good man theyre comin along great! you should really clean the lens on that iphone tho haha. stay safe :wave:

Thanx Chronjohn ! Believe me I've tried , but I'm pretty sure it's on the inner lens ? I'm gonna get the new 4g when it' comes out so there's no point to taking it too apple . Be safe & keep it green !! Peace green rasta:tiphat:


ERICCALIF- ur pictures look yummy !! No worries on the deleted pics but try topost some of the current PD grow if posible?? Gotta love the golden state right? Rright!! Lol peace green rasta
:wave: icmaggers rock!!

Here's some more that just went into flower yesterday. They are clones of the one's posted before. Not diesel, I'm not sure of their genetics. That last run produced some very couch lock type stuff I'm told, so with this run I'm going to try to do a staggered harvest and try to learn more about this particular strain.

And here's one I forgot I had of the last harvest

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