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kEEEEEERAP! Cops woke me up this morninjg!



thats quite a nice collection you have, that would suck if they got confiscated I hope you hide them good !
Thank you long ear! You betcha the seeds are hidden very very very very very..../....

You get the point.

Not a grow here...yet.

Just f'n trouble from leftovers, ie kids and friends.

SOOOOOOOOOOO happy finally living totally alone.

just need a few more months of patience and will be able to grow my beautiful collection!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Since you let them in voluntarily, I would think that they would have busted you on the spot. I could be wrong though, maybe they don't care, maybe they will go get a warrant, or maybe they will turn the info into another division of their department for further investigation.
If I was you I'd wrap shit up tight, maybe just a couple joints around max that way they if they do come back you'll have very little on you only a possession charge no paraphernalia no scales no extra baggies or large amounts and keep a close watch on who comes and goes at your place for awhile, they could be snitches trying to buy or sell large amounts or other prohibited substances. These are precautions I would take, depending on the severity of the charges in your area. Good luck brotha

I let them in cuz this a VERY small town they left me alone because i let th3m in.

Fuck em! You're cool, don't even sweat it man. They CAN'T do shit.

If they had a warrant, all they can legally acknowledge is what is written on that warrant that the judge signed. They can't and a warrant to search for a person and then search for possession, or anything not listed on the warrant.
And they can't go back and get a new warrant because it would be the same as admitting to illegal search in the first place. It would be "fruit of a poisoned tree" as they call it in court.

Fuck em! Smoke a bowl and relax man. You just got a free ticket from them when they entered your pad with a warrant for your previous guest.
Sstress Test yeah u the man!

I just woke up dumb sleepy and let them in

So the fuck waht!

the major prob I was SLEEPY dumb.

Let them in thinking I didn't have shit to hide (goes over well with local popo if you dont give them a hard time)

As soon as I let them in I... oh crap I fucked up tried to be casual (hahahahahahaha) grab blanket to cover pot mess, they are right behind me.

popos been here befoer

pretty by now (after five six times at my house) they know a little old hippie lady smoke3s here.

So actually, to a certain extent it makes me safer.

I have been told on(yeah bitch smokes sells grow pot in this house) and they came and I told them

so ista kinda like the boy who cried "wolf"

I have been pointed at (by assholes) so many times that the cops in my tiny town are almost apologetic when they ask to search my house/

that is why I said yes.
I am in middle earthh usa oh geez cops helping peeps?

too much for me nite nite gypsy and crew.

Too confusing for me! Plus I think they are liars


Famous first words 'We're here to help'

I hope you're fucking around and this is all bullshit.If it's not I'd hold off on the growing for a bit.

Like never at that location :ying:

OMFG! they came back! They offer to help me do yard work! Serouisly? wtf!


I hold El Roacho's
cannagrower - I let them in AND at the same time (go figure how I sloppily - is that even a word? - got out of it) dragged my blanket over the coffee table full of a qp and dregs from last night smoke) WHILE THE COPS ARE RIGHT BEHIND ME to cover up my cannabis.

The fuckwad pig who was standing inches away in the middle of your house were you had a qp hiding under a blanket and you smoked the night before never once picked up on an odor of weed even the lowest grade possible of that amount should have been detected, sorry to be the hater in this thread but pigs are trained to detect the smell of mj and at that close wether 5 blankets were on top of the qp and yet the odor from smoking the night before should have been reaking that room & house the po po just walked out...

brotha your just living with luck running through your veins or the pig didn't give a fuck about busting your ass or even reporting anything to secure a search warrant and have it signed by a judge for probable cause to do a search, glad you walked but next time step outside close your house door and if they ask to speak to you inside your house you tell them no here is fine and when you show me a SW then we can step Inside..


SW - search warrant ^

maybe their coming over to help you so they can snoop around in your backyard, see if you have some plants growing...
For the second time today, I CALL BULLSHIT.

No1. Pigs in a prison state WILL arrest ya for a qp.
No2. As stated above? QP will stink, even if its mexi****weed.
No3. NEVER answer the door to em, especially in the morning when you're still waking up.
No4. Pigs coming to help you with yard work? IF IT'S TRUE Sounds like they've been through your house enough times that they know there's no hydro, so now they want to find them some outdoor.
No5. and I quote:
I have been pointed at (by assholes) so many times that the cops in my tiny town are almost apologetic when they ask to search my house/
that is why I said yes.

Just went through again and I see no mention of a warrant anywhere in your post.
Again - I call bullshit.
DID they ask, or did they serve a warrant? NO WARRANT - NO ENTRY oh, and if you're too stupid to move when you're constantly being searched, you deserve to get busted. Now, usually I wouldn't say anything like that to another head, but COME ON...
No. 6 People who are used to the pigs coming knocking WILL NOT have a QP sitting on the front table, let alone ANYWHERE in the house - TOO RISKY.

Sorry if I'm taking shots unwarranted, but fuck... Noone is that dumb.
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Active member
Cannagrower - FWIW, I am also a quiet middle aged woman who smokes a Lot in a non-med state. Just wanted you to know. As my avvy says, "Under The Radar". I'm glad to hear that you are not currently growing.

I appreciate that you are telling this story on yourself because you want to remind people to be safe. Still, I feel compelled to take exception to one thing you said. You said you were caught off guard. But the reality is, that you had a few moments to answer the door...THAT is the time to make sure that nothing is visible, not AS you are opening your door.

You are placing a tremendous amount of faith in your local popo to let you slide. Unless you are a popo yourself, you have been mostly just lucky. Please take this seriously. Luck like that does not continue indefinitely.


Dud absolutely!

I was totally taken off guard.

Which is why I am posting here. With our crazy wrong laws this is just another example if how things can go wrong and get you busted.

***QP? srsly? how old are yoU? I do not want to be scrounging every
week for pot.

Main reason I am on this forum to learn how to grow
\***Not a comment for everyone just those that dont understrand why I buy a pound or two when I can. I am not a dealer just someone who smokes a lot

Even here in cali having over an ounce and no medical rec is a felony. I'm trying to let you know the can happens and what you can do to prevent it once your on their radar.
You say they came back to ask if you needed yard work done? How many came back? Maybe they were liking you?
I hope the best for you as I do for everyone, good luck. :tiphat:


2- qps dont always smell, typical commercial\beasters doesnt smell that much
and maybe their nose was far away
ive had a lot of outdoor that didnt smell very much
and indoor that smelled like humidity, like a basement\old house

1-as for the police always busting you for a qp in a prison state, id have to say... there are always exceptions....

bottom line she got lucky, and I hope she learned a lesson and knows how bad it could have gotten

as for the calling someone bs
lol, I thought that was pretty harsh, I give her benefit of a doubt

why would she come here and tell us stories, I would feel bad for a person who needs to make up stories